Post Archive

: Got a futon today. This upgrades my bed from a seven month old foam camping mat to a futon. 🛌
: Attack Of The Rabinutcions I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: How am I doing? Well today I’m slamming assorted rice crackers 🍘
: I configured my Neovim LSP error symbol to a skull and cross bones, so now whenever I write bad code …
: I wrote my second essay on not having a home last year, following my divorce. I think it turned out …
: Come back, Astoria This is part of a series on my nomadic life following my divorce. Aside from the introduction, they …
: TIL redirects to I’m sad it isn’t a recipe site.
: I’m looking at a prominent scar on the side of my hand. Looks like me a deep cut. I have no memory …
: I don’t like a lot of Red Hot Chili Peppers music, (although I’ve listened to most of …
: Here’s how my hemmed cut offs looked as pants. Off of post.
: A Masculine Aside I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: I found these pants for ten bucks thrifting and cut them into shorts. I just finished doing a very …
: I’m on the subway and there’s a group of young teenage girls singing “I want it that way” by The …
: It’s been so hot, the other day the metal clasp on my hat started burning my skin. #climate 🧢🔥
: This past weekend I saw the Paul McCartney photography exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum and an evening …
: How Cool is Scientology? I wrote an essay about Scientology after visiting New York City while attending Hofstra University. …
: Sleep Writing I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: I do not say this lightly: the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity paves the way …
: Just got my zines from Julia Evans. Very excited to dig in.
: For years, my parents had a note on the fridge on paper from the law offices of “Grote, …
: Started reading (again): Be Here Now by Ram Dass 📚
: Curried salmon for dunch.
: Media Diet: May–June 2024 I went another two months without writing a media diet! These posts are way too important to ignore …
: I’ve been watching The Tour De France with my roommates in the morning. No other update, just …
: What if, there’s more you can learn and ways you can grow, and there’s nothing wrong with you.
: You are not creative and then create something, you become creative by working on something, …
: I feel like my previous post didn’t properly capture the grandeur of my Lock Screen.
: I gave a short presentation on CSS Subgrid last night at the Astoria Tech Meetup. Lots of good …
: Grass Ass I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: Don’t you love it when The Onion’s headlines are perennially appropriate? Supreme Court …
: There’s always dudes air boxing at my local auto body shop.
: NYC Pride Photos 2024 I watched the New York City pride parade yesterday, and got a few nice shots of celebration and joy. …
: I’m using a new photo for phone wallpaper. I took this photo, and I like the filter Apple …
: TIL MLP. Instead of MVP, the Minimum Viable Product, it’s the Minimum Lovable Product. I like …
: I’ve beaten higher in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (around 10% complete). I forgot to …
: Butthole Sun by Fartgarden. Is that anything? 🎵
: As I was walking home, a giant rat ran under my foot. I fully stepped on a rat, I heard it squeak, …
: Conan O’Brien Must Go is so good.
: I bought my first ever pair of chucks. I’m digging them a lot. 👟
: Getting my ass whipped at Magic: The Gathering at friendly local draft. The game has changed a lot …
: THIS. Sitting on a New Jersey beach, which means it’s time once again for everyone’s favorite …
: From Hey hey hey CSS Tricks is actually back!! @geoff is going through …
: Our apartment is in the sauce. 🌶️
: As we all know, The Breeders kick ass. 🎵
: The copyright takedown problem has large negative impacts on your favorite artists, and hence you, …
: First time really listening to the lyrics to Jack & Diane. Suckin’ on a chili dog outside …
: The phrase “Cranberry Wizard” popped into my head. Fun band name, or urethra magician?
: LIR-Arg! I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: Today is my second anniversary working for Lullabot. Joining the team is still one of the best …
: Too much light makes the baby go blind, but too many blinds makes the window go dark. Think about …
: How different would rock n’ roll history be if The Ramones last name was “wiener”.
: Targeting the ven diagram of magic the gathering players and people who want to know about local …
: Maybe the most beige thing I’ve ever cooked. Stir fry a la Utz.
: It’s roof movie season.
: It always tickles me whenever I see someone smoking while riding a bike.
: In addition to my blog turning 15 years old this month, I noticed that I’ve had my …
: Silence-d no More I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: There’s something about seeing a loose VHS on the ground that makes me want to take a shower.
: I started playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night again, and I’m getting my ass kicked. I …
: Today is my 38th birthday. Feeling a lot of gratitude.
: TIL about the CSS cap unit, which is equal to the current font’s capital letter height.
: I celebrated my birthday at the beach this year. My friends surprised me with matching temporary …
: Bagheera is a sleepy psychedelic kitty 🐈‍⬛
: It took me a while to figure out why LSP was reporting describe was not a valid method of string. …
: There’s always room for gummy worms.
: I put my homemade aftershave in little potion bottles so I can feel like a shave wizard.
: New keyboard new life. Having Touch ID when docked is a game changer.
: Mythological Creatures Explained by Science Here's an unfinished freelance article I wrote for Cracked many years ago. It was never published, …
: In case you’re feeling like government can’t do good things for regular people like you and me.
: Of Monsters and Scholars I wrote this story in college for a writing class. It's a fantasy piece, set in the world of the …
: The Death Hole I wrote this story in collage for no one. Very apparent I'm a young writer still clinging to my …
: Ocean's Blues Brothers Here's a silly sketch I'm pretty proud of. Mash up of Ocean's Eleven and music. INT. DINER - DAY …
: One liner to open all git modified files in your editor. Substitute nvim with your-editor; …
: Home Grown and Garden Fed Another old story I figured I'd publish. It's pretty weird. There was something heavy in the air. It …
: I ordered 3 of Julia Evans zines. How git works Bite Size Command Line HTTP: Learn your …
: Compelling critique of societies rigid conceptions of how technology interlocks with human life.
: Google has been really kicking their own ass, in existential hit after hit. Tighten it up.
: Ranking the Filthy 15 Back in the 80s, Tipper Gore and other cultural conservatives went on a crusade against sex and …
: This has been making the rounds, and is super fun and interesting. Well worth the ten minute run …
: This blog is 15 years old today 🎂 Fifteen years. Holy crap. I had no grand plans when I started this blog, and it’s bonkers to …
: The historical connection between weaving and writing is so cool.
: I ran across this a while ago, but never linked to it. Correcting that grave mistake now. …
: My friend Lindsey shared this piece on the inspired and terrible Ginger Baker. It focuses on his …
: TIL about margin-trim from Apple’s What’s new in CSS video. Excited for when it’s …
: I got jeans that fit perfectly while thrifting. This never happens. 👖
: Currently reading: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers 📚
: Finished reading: You Deserve a Tech Union by Ethan Marcotte. A++ 📚
: Once again The Onion comes up clutch, this time on OpenAI and ScarJo. Jerky, 7-Fingered Scarlett …
: My roommate Ivy’s band just put out an album, and it sounds really good.
: One of my treasured possessions: a raccoon penis bone given to me while I was in the hospital from …
: Folks really don’t like git rebase. FUD or real? Both? Context: I love it.
: In wrong industry acronym land, when I hear the phrase, “Post MVP”, it makes me think …
: From our Happy Valley improv show. Baby bird improv is the best improv, demonstrably. 🎭🐣
: Monkey Man was brutal action fun. Big ups to the trans community training Dev Patel how to kick the …
: Stopped at Red Rabbit on the way home back. Real good. I’m the one with the crab cakes.
: Our show at Happy Valley improv fest went great last night. Loose, funny scenes and a hot crowd. …
: So that was what happened to the jetpack dream.
: In the green room before our improv set at Happy Valley improv festival. It is this place.
: Went to an arboretum at Penn State after seeing improv all last night. Pictured here: not trees or …
: On my way to the Happy Valley improv festival. My first time attending and performing. Very excited.
: I saw Stamptown at the Bell House last night. It was maybe the wildest, funniest, horniest show …
: Periodic reminder that I love Map().
: I’ve been reading very slowly this year. I’m even slower at writing. I feel bad about …
: Whenever someone would ask her age, my grandmother would say, “Age is just a number, and …
: Did I watch Friday the 13th Part 6 and 7 last night? Yes, yes I did. Do the teenagers behave like …
: Spinning What Now while reading. A+
: The rooftop greens are coming along. 🌱
: Why is it cold again? I just put away my long underwear. And by that I mean underwear I’ve had …
: I am very excited to report we now have plants on our roof 🌱
: Media Diet: February–April 2024 It’s been a while since my last media diet post—three months, I was horrified to learn. …
: Had a really fun Cat’s Cradle show at Players Theater last night. Thank to everyone who came out!
: Overheard in Tompkins square park. I called Jerry and I’m like blah blah blah stay the fuck away …
: Very excited for our Cat’s Cradle Improv Show. It will be epic.
: The view from the hunters point ferry.
: Beautiful day at the hunters point ferry landing. ⛴️
: I cat sit for my friend the past week. This is Leia, she’s real old, real sleepy, and her …
: I biked from Bed Stuy to Astoria yesterday. It took about an hour, over mostly protected bike lanes. …
: Listen, our monthly Cat’s Cradle improv show is going to be sick. Come on out if you can. The …
: I was randomly thinking about 3 Doors Down today, specifically this line from Kryptonite. If I go …
: Fun web toy from McSweeney’s: Millennial CAPCHA.
: Read the word “vituperation” today and was flummoxed. Turns out it means, “bitter and abusive …
: I saw Paul F. Tompkin’s Variatopia last night at the Bell House with friends. Really fun show. …
: God help me, my daily text editor/IDE is Neovim, but I started using Emacs as an orgmode only app. I …
: TIL that the Friday the 13th Part 3 theme is a bop.
: Astoria on a clear sunny day.
: My friend Ania made a website that gives you a pep talk.
: TIL that the tabindex attribute must not be specified on a dialog element. The more you know. 🌈
: From Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon’s piece on rewilding the internet. The clear-felled forests were …
: My friend Ania sent me this photo, reminding me that this happened, and this will never not have …
: Astoria is blooming.
: Let it be known that there is a well cared for cat colony on Roosevelt Island.
: Some inexplicable graffiti on Roosevelt Island. I don’t know what it means and I love it.
: There’s a kid on the bus with no shirt, a giant backpack with a tennis racket sticking out, and a …
: I spent Saturday on Roosevelt Island with friends, peeping the Cherry Blossoms and other sights. We …
: Happy Tax Day, or as I call it, Tax Day.
: Spotted on the subway: a man with a lipstick mark tattooed on his neck.
: I heard Wesley Willis’ Rock n’ Roll McDonalds in an upscale coffee shop today. I …
: Started reading: You Deserve a Tech Union by Ethan Marcotte 📚
: I’ve just been introduced to Municipal Waste. They whip. 🎸🤘
: Finished reading: The Last Colony by John Scalzi 📚
: I was really into Disney’s Sword in the Stone as a kid. I didn’t relate to the child …
: I visited my friends Jon and Brynn over the last weekend, and was given two incredible gifts: a lush …
: Robin Rendle quotes an interesting passage on developing taste.
: These are real. Found in a New England flea market.
: Had a fun time packaging vinyl for my friend Jon Solari’s record label. There’s something meditative …
: I added a page to my blog that lists only long form posts, not short little bloops like this. …
: Spotted outside a coffee shop in New Bedford Massachusetts.
: The Tremble I'm semi-regularly posting my old stories. Here's a serious flash-fiction piece I wrote in 2020. …
: My friend Ania said I was the patron saint of weird websites, and I’ve never been more …
: My wonderful colleague Kat Shaw is featured in The Drop Time’s article on celebrating women in …
: I found my friend’s 16mm student film I was in when I was around 17. Remember being a teenager …
: MJ took incredible photos of our Cat’s Cradle improv show last week. Give them a follow if …
: Getting cozy at Kinship on a rainy day. Related: show me harmful coconut water.
: My Personal Ghost Story A while ago, I was asked if I believed in ghosts. To illustrate, I told a story. Many years ago, I …
: Overheard in Washington square park: “I love Obama.” “Cringe.” “What? Obama can sink a three!” …
: Overheard in the east village: “I’ll tell you one thing, this is a lot more fun than playing with my …
: I haven’t been spending as much time writing as I’d like. Lots I want to craft, and that …
: What percent cacao do people want in their chocolate bars? Real answers only. 🍫
: New Brother’s Grimm character: Rumpled Stiltskin. If you guess his name, he looses the bet and …
: The Cat’s Cradle Ensemble’s monthly residency continues at the Player’s Theatre! …
: I improvised a yogurt curry chicken last night. Came out pretty good!
: I added blog recommendations to the bottom of my site’s sidebar. Reviving the blogroll.
: I grew up in New Jersey, but I was today days old when I saw the town of Sea Girt in print. Only …
: Kindness will make you do things that’s bad for business but great for customers that will …
: I’m cat sitting my old cat Rocco starting today for 10 days in Jersey. Will be fun. The snacks …
: I had an enchanted evening last night. Who knew staring at chips could be so spellbinding.
: I saw the 30th anniversary Kaiju Big Battel show last night. Where else can you see a cross between …
: Fandom levels 0 You don’t care. 1 You’re into some of it, maybe tag along if others are going. 2 You …
: I would drive hours sight unseen to hear a band called, “Floppy Peter and the Mush.”
: I’m pleading with the universe, for the love of of Christ, someone create a game called, …
: They may seem smart, but underneath it all computers are really dumb. You think your dog is dumb? …
: My family has no idea what any of my job titles mean. To them: Computer programmer = smelly wizard …
: A fascinating history of the espionage act through the lens of leaking in general and Julian Assange …
: I’m 5’9” and weigh 120lbs soaking wet. Dry, I’m 5’2”.
: The only thing we have to fear is FDR; his bites give you polio.
: Any Technology Indistinguishable From Magic is Hiding Something is a wonderfully written take on …
: God help me, I’m reading old journals. On May 9th 2020, I wrote: I had a dream where I was in the …
: I watched half of the Red Hot Cheetos movie the other night. It is not good, but I was entertained, …
: Every month or so, I pull a pockets worth of lint from my phones charging plug. Looking at the pile, …
: Been listening to a lot of Rush recently. They are: Great Objectively embarrassing
: Listening to Tribe Called Quest on vinyl while making spaghetti. It’s a good night.
: You know what’s cool? Me neither.
: Added links to social media and various ways to subscribe to my blog.
: “…progress is never straightforward: there’s baby steps and then one day you notice enormous baby …
: If the games you’re playing are too normal, let the Weird Fucking Games help.
: Dan Hon’s DONOTREPLY.CARDS have a permanent home. Use them to get ahead of dicks on social.
: Had a great show. Thanks to everyone who came out. We have a residency: next one is March 29th. Be …
: Shakespeare is opening for us tonight.
: It’s showtime tonight for my improv team The Cat’s Cradle Ensemble. Big times at the players …
: The idea about moving slowly but surely with the people around us and not giving into the technology …
: Nobody is a winner on the bus. Yet we’re all comfortingly together on this heap of disappointment …
: Syncing Dark Side of the Moon to The Wizard of Oz is so old hat. If you’re for real, sync it …
: “The Beatles experimented with LSD, and that’s when they became, you know…” …
: Lifeblood under Sunset Park This is part of a series on my nomadic life following my divorce. Aside from the introduction, they …
: I have negative ass; when I sit down, people around me get more space.
: Sometimes I feel like I spend my life on knobs and dials.
: Backpack Home: Nine Months of Couch Surfing After the fallout from my divorce, I was not able to afford an apartment for almost the entirety of …
: Customer service is a joke. Related: fuck UPS.
: Moved a crap load of boards and pipes for a shelf into the apartment with my roommate. It’s …
: The manhattan Alamo has a VHS collection. The ghost of Kim’s Video poking out.
: Astoria Boulevard from the train station.
: You know when people say, “We can laugh about it now”? I had to learn not to laugh about …
: I wrote an Architecture Decision Record to Use SVGs for icons for Lullabot along with some of my …
: I’m letting my beard grow out for the winter. Currently, it’s at the “curling up …
: Made a delicious lentil curry off my chef friend Kayla’s recipe.
: My psychedelic improv team the Cat’s Cradle is playing the Player’s Theatre again March …
: Apropos of nothing, I’d like a band called “Pesto Acropolis” to exist.
: Things Unexpectedly Named After People wat 😦
: Over the weekend I saw the Black History Month Check In Show, an evening of all black improvisation …
: Artists compete with each other for status so fiercely that they often run out of ways to look more …
: Eat at Haidilao Hot Pot in Flushing yesterday. Meal lasted ~3 hours. So damn good. I only have one …
: I added a search page to my blog. Let me know if you find anything interesting.
: Has there ever been a bigger drop in quality in album art than between the first two Danzig albums? …
: Got to perform in a wonderful, supportive speed-dating improv show last night. These shows are …
: Great piece on privacy and money, and why it matters to society. Privacy suffers from a collective …
: Once, after a ring-bearer dog defecated in the aisle, she scooped up the dog poop with her bare …
: My brilliant co-owner Greg Dunlap has a Kickstarter up for his new book, Designing Content Authoring …
: Yesterday I Learned that the Chinese zodiac has subtypes based on the elements. So, 2024 is the year …
: These Stickers to Manage Replies by Don Hon seem useful. How cool would it be if they were built in …
: I added a faint grain to the background of my site, but I keep thinking it’s too subtle and …
: It’s a snow day in Astoria ❄️
: Welcome to the Webmention-a-verse but she’s a girl…!
: Had amazing Sichuan food at Hupo in Long Island City. So good, I’m jealous of my past self.
: I’m very glad I’m not thirteen anymore, because I did improv practice then played Magic instead of …
: A humble, thoughtful, and in-depth analysis of algorithms and their use and misuse from a former …
: The same words tell different ideas Different ideas tell the same words Words tell the same ideas …
: My colleagues made me aware of lumpers versus splitters, which might be the ultimate meta-taxonomy.
: Taking a short bus ride into a short walk to pick up my city boy coffee on a warm day right here in …
: You ever feel a sense of obligation looking at your podcast backlog? And they’re all comedy …
: I don’t know how it happened, but I need everyone to know that my cousin and I are the coolest …
: When some people say, “there’s nothing new under the sun,” they mean, “pure originality is a myth; …
: Good to be wary of advice that sounds too much like a self pep talk. An especially poignant title …
: I am a creative. I am too busy making the next thing to spend too much time deeply considering that …
: Unexpected Trek I’ve been excavating old writings. This is the oldest one I’m willing to share at this …
: Another dithering experiment, along with my fascination with corners of ignored industrial space.
: Playing with dithering.
: I’m back in New York Ciiiiiiiity
: Actively marketing yourself and your work, and setting up creative camp where the money is: that’s …
: It’s going to be a long day today traveling back to New York. I hope I’m not cursing myself by …
: Dave and I have been cackling at this shot of me. I look like a depressed mouse.
: I’m not above a dog graffiti shot.
: At a random LA warehouse for my cousins bands soundcheck.
: I’ve been walking a lot in L.A., so I have the Missing Persons song pretty lodged in my head.
: There are no public trash cans in the entire city of L.A. No, I haven’t done an extensive search, …
: Media Diet - January 2024 My January has been monopolized by moving into an apartment and traveling to California for work and …
: I setup a local LLM integration in Neovim via ollama.nvim, and it works well. Now the big question: …
: You know what old English had right? The letter “thorn”, which made the “th” …
: One time, in college, I went to senior prom as Zoro.
: Just had a panicked moment thinking water could spoil, then realized I had accidentally drank from …
: It was once critics who helped shape cultural values – spotting a trend here, putting a scene on the …
: Plus for visiting LA: being able to work outside in January.
: I learned the term “kazorcastra” at our company retreat, and I love it. It’s a …
: I’m missing Godzilla Minus One Minus Color, but then again dogs permenantly suffer from the reverse …
: Never let it be said that logs don’t have a sense of humor.
: Topanga is pretty nice.
: I had such a wonderful time at the Lullabot retreat. You can’t beat relaxing with amazing humans …
: So happy to be at the Lullabot retreat. It’s been a hard year, and it’s a joy to relax …
: Spotted two people flying with their cats this morning.
: On my way to California for two weeks. I’m really excited but hoping this is my last trip for a …
: I found this seashell in the grating of the radiator (seen behind). I know the previous tenant must …
: Another entry in the AI Novel covers series. Here’s the generating prompt: Generate an image …
: Currently reading: The Last Colony by John Scalzi 📚 Started last night. Thought I’d take a break …
: I put my desk together yesterday. It’s missing a support beam underneath (I must have …
: Snow is sticking in New York for the first time time this year.
: A great map of the independent web, assigned to categories you can look up by clicking. What you’re …
: Susuru Ramen in Astoria is absolutely incredible. I had the garlic oil Kuro. Great broth, noodles …
: In defense of slowness. Because the job is not to know; it’s to become. A sociopath knows what …
: Finished reading: The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi 📚
: Stale cigarette smoke is a deeply nostalgic smell for me, even though I never was a smoker. I don’t …
: I’ve performed in countless improv shows, but tonight will be the first time I’ll host one. Wish me …
: There’s a dude eating almonds from a plastic carton on the bus, which I don’t have a problem with, …
: Finally, I’m using AI for its intended purpose.
: Where have all the websites gone? From Jason is spot on. Don’t click the footer.
: Anyone remember soap on a rope? I don’t, but Chuck-D rhymes it, so it must be real. Sounds …
: My sister and I maybe thirteen years ago. I really chose all that.
: I’m making friends at my new apartment.
: Some mornings, you just want to listen to Jive Talkin’ 🎵
: I really relate to the calm a careful, iterative, and high standards approach to work Dries lays out …
: After nine months of couch surfing, I’ve been able to move into an apartment. I’m so grateful to …
: My co-worker Pauline shared this poem from Mary Oliver, and it hit me hard. Truly beautiful. You do …
: New year, new underwear. I should make this an annual habit, instead of every decade.
: Seen on the storefront of a local medical center.
: Happy new year, from lasers with love.
: Media diet - December 2023 It’s the last day of December, and this is my last opportunity to ramble about what I’ve …
: 🍿 My year in film stats, via Letterboxd. Do I stand behind all my star ratings? No. Will I revise …
: Year in books for 2023 I figured out how to post my year end book wrap up in, evidence: this.
: Year in books for 2022 Yes that’s right, 2022. Using to track my reading is great. It has a nice feature to …
: Took a hike up in Garrison NY with friends.
: I tested negative this morning 😎😷
: What do you call a thirsty piece of fire fighting infrastructure? A fire dehydrant I’ll see you all …
: Today I learned that “moonbat” is a pejorative inside the US government for leftists.
: Chocolate covered cucumber: gross or genius?
: 🕹️🎨 What Are Paper Computer Games? When I was a kid I came up with something called Paper Computer Games, which are role-playing, …
: Stumbled upon a heartening/concerning story of a man who compulsively digs a tunnel. I wasn’t …
: Don’t Get Pantsed!, my comedic, yet surprisingly human, interactive fiction is back online. …
: Tested positive for COVID this morning 😞 My symptoms are mild (so far). Isolating and resting. Stay …
: Started reading: The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi 📚
: Bought some year end reading material with some of Lullabot’s generous education budget.
: Had a lovely Christmas and Christmas Eve with friends. So much good homemade food, so much laughter. …
: Finished reading: Old Man’s War by John Scalzi 📚
: Toms of main is over their skis.
: Big chores day. Thought you should know.
: Folks wanted to create an AI generated book cover for a Harry Potter fan-fiction. ChatGPT …
: Another AI generated novel cover. The prompt: Generate a fake image of a young adult fantasy novel …
: I just figured something out at work, and exclaimed, out loud, “Zonkers!” I continue to …
: What series of AI generated novel covers would be complete without a 70s pulp fantasy? Generate a …
: Another in the AI generated novel cover series, this time, a romance. The prompt was: Generate an …
: I started generating novel covers for imagined books through ChatGPT4 with my friend Ania. I think …
: I forgot to post this earlier, but I bought the John Scalizi Humble Bundle. I’ve been tearing …
: Look at this fucking shit.
: A friend unearthed an old computer with an even older photo of me on it. I must have been 16 or 17. …
: Started reading: Old Man’s War by John Scalzi 📚
: I’ve been enjoying reading Apple Rankings by The Appleist Brian Frange - Comedian Brian Frange. The …
: Some friends told me about the book Natural Harvest (subtitle omitted), which was a cook book given …
: I was made aware of the Clearly Impossible Puzzle today. Every piece is clear, they’re all …
: Just had Zyara for lunch and as always it is too good.
: Finished reading: Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut 📚
: Remembering the time I eat edible underwear. They tasted like candy. Sorry, candy wrapper. Most …
: There’s Magic: The Gathering players around, and I’m resisting the call. Must. Not. …
: Had a lovely visit to Houston. Sad to leave my buds behind but glad to be back in New York. It’s …
: Passed a shop in Houston with the motto: “smoke, vape, hookah, wellness”
: I went to a Die Hard watch party the other night with mostly folks I didn’t Know in Houston. …
: Storms rolling in out in Houston.
: I spent several hours at Cidercade in Houston yesterday. Lots of fun playing The Simpsons, Time …
: I learned today the best selling “For Dummies” book is Windows for Dummies. I …
: A while back my dad would text me movie reviews, and I would publish them to Tumblr. I’ve …
: I accidentally triggered my friend’s automatic garbage can to open, and I reflexively …
: I’m in Houston, spending time with my friends and their small daughter. It’s really …
: Nothing makes you feel more like a tube then simultaneously being thirsty and having to pee.
: I’m here watching a Steely Dan cover band and thoroughly enjoying myself. I have definitively …
: Started reading: Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut 📚
: Finished reading: Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia 📚
: The guy sitting next to me in the emergency exit row on the plane is reading a book on game theory. …
: Caught a nice view in Harlem.
: Media diet - November 2023 As December rolls in, I’ve been spending some time reflecting. There’s a lot on my mind, …
: Friends showed me Rebecca Black sung by Bob Dylan. It is Friday, after all. 👨‍🍳💋
: Did anyone else play Gorillas back in the day? Still holds up.
: You ever get a random song stuck in your head, apropos of nothing? Today it’s Come Sail Away …
: I’ve been really addicted to Suika. It’s a falling fruit, physics-based puzzler, and I …
: Here’s my contribution to the “what apps am I using?” posts. 📨 Mail Client: Apple Mail 📮 Mail …
: Industrial metal is synth pop with a lip ring.
: I made a black and white version of a shot my cousin took in LA.
: Corey Doctorow on tech antitrust. It’s possible to have a good internet run by flawed people. …
: I saw No Hard Feelings last night. Fun, formulaic, funny moments, and as always Jennifer Lawrence is …
: You know you’re rich when you use the phrase, “coin of the realm” in casual …
: NEDCamp is great, as always.
: The view from Lincoln Park, Jersey City.
: I wrote a blog post for Lullabot on Useful git configurations you may have missed.
: I don’t have a permanent home right now, and sometimes people ask me where I am. So, I setup a …
: Bluetooth? Its development is so arrested, it’s more like Bluthtooth. I’ll show myself …
: This is awesome. This is a fantastically useful (and beautiful) mouse-interactive exploration of CSS …
: Today I learned that I’m old enough to be dumb. Leaded fuel reduced the IQ of everyone born before …
: You know someone’s rich when they use the phrase “coin of the realm” in casual …
: From Sannie Lee, writing about the value of a liberal arts education in tech. Whether it was a …
: Finished reading: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson 📚 No one low boils insanity like …
: The view from Astoria, NYC.
: Cluck Fluckman has entered the consciousness.
: You know what’s cool? Map(). More invaluable technical insights all the time subscribe.
: My friend Jon Solari kept surprising me with bright flash photography. The camera is an old black …
: Heather Buchel’s post on why men ruined web design is spot on. The gendered split between …
: Peter Pan buses now charge to leave.
: Started reading: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson 📚
: As the premier published resource on quirky calendars in macOS, it is my sad duty to inform the …
: Started reading: Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia 📚
: Did not finish: Where it Rains in Color by Denise Crittendon 📚
: What’s up with maps where you have to scroll 16 miles away and zoom in and out like an idiot …
: The Damned were great. Rocking, dramatic, and playful. Lots of fun.
: At The Damned Halloween 🎃 show. Pictured: opener Fucked Up. Great so far. Waiting for the main act.
: What’s that thing where a guitarist will change out their guitar and then the band sounds exactly …
: Saw Kaiju Big Battel last night. Pictured is the climactic match between the heroic Steam Powered …
: Our Cat’s Cradle Ensemble show last night was such a great time. Thanks to everyone for overselling …
: I thought I found a new mole or maybe a tick on my leg. It was a chia seed.
: Coming late to Clare Dederer’s The Art of Monstrous Men, tackling how you and I handle art we love …
: Our Cat’s Cradle show is sold out! Thanks to everyone who bought tickets–we’re …
: iOS 17’s Check In safety feature seems really useful when needed. Concerned that either the …
: My group the Cat’s Cradle Ensemble is performing a fully improvised off Broadway show at the …
: When talking about the joys and pains of making art down here in reality, a friend introduced me to …
: A Fishy Suprise

I’ve decided to publish my old fiction on my blog. Here is one of them.

: Started reading: Where it Rains in Color by Denise Crittendon 📚
: Good cop: Tell us what you know, and we’ll get ice cream. Bad cop: If you don’t talk, you’ll never …
: First rule of over sharers anonymous—tell everyone.
: Found my plant at the Brooklyn botanical garden.
: Finished reading: Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century by Kim Fu 📚 Brilliant razor blade …
: Them: “Oh, you play in an Orchestra! That’s so cool” Me: “Yeah, well, I play kazoo” Them: “That’s …
: Just got my COVID booster and flu shot 💉 💪
: Sunset Park goes hard for Halloween 🎃
: Started reading: Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century by Kim Fu 📚
: New product idea: Glass Paper. It’s sand paper…from the future.
: New website idea: Mustard seed Wikipedia, a Christian condiment reference, by the community.
: New horror novel: Krampus Clamps a Close-pin, wherein the titular Christmas terror smells something …
: Children’s book idea: Pimento Clementi Learns to Loofah, wherein the titular Pimento, a young, …
: Bladder report: if I pee right before I leave, I’ll have to pee again before I arrive.
: Finished reading: Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland by Patrick …
: TIL if the data that a GraphQL query is looking for has multiple types, the entire object will be …
: From Luke Planet’s No One Actually Wants Simplicity I think a good test of whether you truly …
: Just played Cage Match at Caveat with Loose Corn. Thanks to Max, the two out of towners, and the …
: On the way to Utica to perform in the Uptown improv festival. There have been the expected number of …
: Apple Maps is having a day.
: Had a wonderful time visiting my friend Zach and his family in Chicago. I’m the one who looks like …
: Did a little dress up with my friend’s five year old son’s hat and tie. It’s the first time my head …
: I’m thinking about thinking about thought, but I haven’t thought it through. 🧠🧠
: Started reading: Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland by Patrick …
: What do you call an anthropomorphic locomotive that loves Ska? Thomas The Skank Engine 🥁
: The improv team I play in, The Cat’s Cradle Ensemble, will be performing the Utica Uptown …
: Colored pencil doodle looking off the page.
: Went on the Chicago architecture tour yesterday and had a blast. I now know that a key aspect of …
: Finished reading: The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels, and the History of American Comedy by …
: You know what? Chicken butt.
: I converted my self hosted blog to hosting. The URL structure here is different than my …
: An accurate accounting of Elon Musk. Looking forward to his final self defeat overbuy so we can talk …
: How many decades should you keep socks? Asking for a friend. Who will tell me. Because I’m the one …
: Every once in a while, the phrase “too much light makes the baby go blind” pops into my head. It was …
: Corey Doctorow on web scraping and corporate power. Facial recognition companies say, “You …
: Just realized the only correct response to being messaged “ping” is “pong”.
: Model train dioramas are cool. 🚂
: Reminder that while USB-C is a welcome universal plug, the rest of the situation is, and will …
: Unity exec tells Ars he’s on a mission to earn back developer trust | Ars Technica “There was …
: In the LaGuardia airport they make you walk through a gift shop to get to the gates. For sale: a …
: A taste of las Vegas in LaGuardia.
: ✈️ Flying out to Chicago today. It will be my first time there. I’m planning on seeing some …
: With great powder comes great rash-squash-ability. – Uncle Ben “Gold Bond” Parker
: My friend Jon gifted me the classics. 🍿
: New York style trend update: cop mustache’s for men and expensive mullets for women.
: Started reading: The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels, and the History of American Comedy by …
: Did not finish: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho📚 Not for me. I’ve gotten my fill of “embrace your …
: Smoke stacks near industry city.
: What is my “authentic” self? There isn’t one. There are untold multitudes within …
: Tread of Angels by Rebecca Roanhorse taught me new terms. Abraxas, a word of spiritual significance …
: Started reading: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho 📚
: Finished reading: Tread of Angels by Rebecca Roanhorse📚 What a fantastic novella. Beautifully …
: 🎙️ Fun episode of The Pursuit of Perfectness on perfectionism and reading. I’m biased because I edit …
: TIL the term Jamais vu, which is essentially the opposite of déjà vu. Jamais vu involves a sense of …
: 🕹️ I just beat the original Kirby’s Dream Land for the original Gameboy. Took me an hour and a …
: Every time it looks like the damage of the myth of perpetual growth and climate change …
: I haven’t posted anything today. Is that…good?
: Currently reading: Tread of Angels by Rebecca Roanhorse 📚
: Mozilla has a damning car privacy and security report. The worst offender? All of them. I’m …
: Back in New York.
: Finished reading: 50 Years of Text Games by Aaron A. Reed 📚A wonderful book. If you have any …
: I called into last weeks Best Show. I was nervous, not my best representation of myself, and I made …
: Screenshot taken from the web, not my gameplay 🕹️ Last night, I beat Death in Castlevania: Rondo of …
: Kyle E. Mitchell on confusing open source license terms. Why not simply deprecate all these …
: Enjoyed this introspective post on consumption from hidden tiramisu. Taught me about the diderot …
: Went for a bike ride with my dad. The ride left an impression. So did the helmet. In my head. …
: From the Interconnected blog creative works are commentaries on the act of creation. Some examples I …
: Austin Kleon quotes Alan Moore on inspiration for writers. “If you are inspired by a good …
: 🎨 This one speaks for itself.
: 🎨 It’s WALL-E, but twitchy.
: 🕹️ 🍸 My swear-y attempt at playing Castlevania: Rondo of Blood while drinking a Bloody Mary.
: 🎨 A study in bright menece. Or something.
: Reading State of CSS. Some takeaways. Respondants largely white, male, in US Highest incomes in US …
: 🎨 This one is called, “The despondant upper class” and it’s making a statement. …
: When someone goes, “What people always forget, you know, what people don’t understand, is…” Whatever …
: 🎨 A black and white study of some of our nation’s top military imaginations.
: 🎨 Tolkien-inspired doodle-scape.
: Messing around with my friend Jon’s synths. I can’t play but I can make noises.
: Another silly #doodle I draw using an MS Paint-like program. 🎨
: Had a wonderful Cat’s Cradle Ensemble show at The Magnet tonight. Thanks to everyone who came out!
: Excited to perform as part of The Cat’s Cradle Ensemble tonight at The Magnet Theater at 9pm, …
: I ate at One of the Last Chino-Latino Restaurants in NYC last night and it was absolutely …
: Read/played Photopia, by Adam Cadre. Beautiful and heartbreaking, an incredible achievement. Takes …
: 📷 The upper west side, NYC.
: Them: Hey! Good to see you. Me: Clicks pause button. Still 🎵 Them: I was just thinking about you! …
: #doodle 🎨
: 📷 A shot I took a few years ago in New Mexico. Popped up on my phone’s carousel of photos you …
: You know what? Me neither.
: Greetings from New Jersey…
: 🎨 Yes I drew this, but I don’t know what this is, and I won’t know what this is. The …
: 🎨 #drawing #art
: Thought provoking piece on how democracy could look if redesigned from whole cloth today. …
: 🎨 #drawing #art
: Another drawing experimentation sans black lines. This one kind of creeps me out. #drawing #art
: As I’m reading 50 Years of Text Games, I’m naturally getting back into IF. Man it’s good. Just …
: Waiting for the show to start: John Cale playing at the bandshell in Prospect Park. 🎵
: Experimenting with just using color, instead of a colored line drawing. #drawing #art
: I’m just a simple man, but 4 indictments is more than you want in a leader, right?
: 🎵 Just discovered Atlanta punk band Upchuck. Really exciting music.
: This guy looks like mutant Conan O’Brien. #drawing #art
: Messing around with the spray paint tool.
: Today I learned about the Kentucky meat shower - Wikipedia 😳
: Currently reading: 50 Years of Text Games by Aaron A. Reed 📚
: Finished reading The Far Reaches Collection. Short stories by some heavy hitters. Really enjoyed it. …
: #drawing
: Been listening to a lot of Ty Segall’s Taste. All bangers.
: This doodle seems like if a 70s detective was a shape.
: This doodle I made while messing around in Paintbrush, which is a macOS replacement for MS Paint.
: I’ve manually checked every long article I’ve written, fixing all the broken images after importing …
: Via John Scalzi. My personal observation about Democrats and liberals is that many seem to vote to …
: Via Manton Reese. Great article by Christina Warren on the history of the App Store and why we’re …
: I’ve been trying to collect my thoughts several days: I’m so very sad to hear of Bram …
: Late to the party, but this article from music blog Brooklyn Vegan on modern hardcore is introducing …
: I’m in a diner and Ho Hey by The Lumineers is playing. I looked up and saw the 1800 Cars for Kids ad …
: Bush Terminal Park.
: I pushed up the color vibrancy on this photo of a warehouse near sunset park and like the surreal …
: Another doodle. I’m proud of the sense of movement and adventure in this one.
: Publishing some of my old doodles. This one done on the iPad.
: Why is all software “blazing” fast? It’s like they ran out of adjunctives.
: Today at improv practice I was gifted a stage moniker: “Fish DeLuca”. There’s no way to explain it, …
: #photography
: Finished reading: Neuromancer by William Gibson 📚 It’s in some ways a retro future, others …
: Me: terrified of the climate crisis Also me: sometimes finds pollution beautiful.
: I just saw a tourism add for New Brunswick, Canada, but I thought it was for New Brunswick New …
: Downtown sunset park.
: I had the Pollo Asado at this amazing hole in the wall in Sunset Park Brooklyn. So good. I had it …
: Playing around with I don’t know much about #photography, but finding …
: There’s so much incredible new things in #css these days, I just want to take a moment to …
: Had the pleasure of performing improv with my team Loose Corn at Bird and Friends: Cosmic Unity. …
: Does anyone know of an iOS camera app where I can disable AI smoothing? Looking for lense captured …
: Today in Union Square, but imagine The Offspring blasting from a boombox.
: Today on the subway, a guy is feeding his tiny kitten. The kitty is very calm in the carrier and is …
: I’ve successfully migrated my blog to! There’s still work to do, including …
: I honestly love the subway. Where else could you see these two people doing the same thing together …
: My friend Frank unearthed 35mm photos he took in college. This is me at 22. That surprised look was …
: Green space at Industry City Brooklyn.
: I don’t own a house, but I found Marques Brownlee’s solar roof explainer fascinating. Would love to …
: …the main obstacles to meaningful action on the climate crisis in the West are politics and …
: On my way to perform in an improv show with the Cats Cradle Ensemble.
: Listening to a lot of the Moody Blues today. Feels good.
: Hardware instills discipline in people; people must instill discipline into software. – John …
: Currently reading: Neuromancer by William Gibson 📚Time to confirm my nerd card.
: Finished reading: Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky 📚What a ride. Avoided so many sci-fi …
: Stopped reading: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I was enjoying it, but since I’m …
: 📚 Started reading Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovksy.
: Wrapping up at #DrupalCon and I’ve had a blast. Great to meet new friends and reconnect with …
: Divorced nomad

After eight years of marriage and thirteen years together, my wife Laurie and I are getting …

: Got back from my first trip to Atlanta, and got to share it with many friends. In NYC for a few …
: Started reading: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, by Dave Eggers. This one wasn’t on …
: Finished reading: Piranesi, by Susanna Clarke. What a beautiful, riveting, and emotional journey, …
: Yes, who watches the watcher, but more importantly—who washes the watcher? Dude is gross.
: Started reading: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. I read Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norrell years ago …
: Finished reading: Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. Nihilistic, weird, brutal, and well …
: Started reading: Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. One of those books I never read. This is …
: Finished reading: Sourcery: A Discworld Novel. As with any Discworld novel, its total escapist fun, …
: Started reading: Sourcery: A Discworld Novel by Terry Pratchett.
: Finished reading: Bea Wolf, by Zach Weinersmith and illustrated by Boulet. An adaptation of Beowulf …
: Sometimes, all I really want is to flip everyone off and disappear to rock music.
: I have a problem with perfectionism. One effect of that is I don’t post here as much as …
: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of …
: Lita Ford, Question Mark?

In my notes, I found some fairly sparse thoughts on listening to Lita Ford’s solo career for …

: The trick is, how do I bring how I’m naturally funny and myself to an unusual situation, aka …
: I have a note from years ago reminding me that a stylized illustrated collage I saw in an art …
: Finished reading: But now am found, by Patricia Horvath. Beautiful short story collection, each a …
: I got to perform the rare Cat’s Cradle improvisation form in front of a sold-out audience …
: I limited all my blog’s RSS/JSON feeds to 50 items, after realizing Hugo defaults to no limit. …
: I haven’t worn dress shoes in a while. Inside the pair I was about to put on, I found a packet …
: The Years of My Movie Watch List

I did a little analysis of my Letterboxd watch list, to see if there were any interesting patterns.

: Started reading: But Now Am Found by Patricia Horvath 📚.
: Finished reading: The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi. Breezy fun for people who like to …
: Started reading: The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi.
: Finished reading: A Subversive’s Guide to Improvisation by David Razowsky. It took me about a …
: I spent the day alone walking around New York City. I got a burger at a diner, bought a bunch of …
: I just learned that I’ve seen 17 Cate Blanchett movies, which is 18% of the amount of films …
: I saw Cocaine Bear last week in theaters, and it was joyous, grind-house, B-movie fun. I see so many …
: As an exorcise, I’ve been trying to curse less. This morning, out of nowhere, our cat Rocco …
: Started reading: A Subversive’s Guide to Improvisation by David Razowsky 📚.
: Finished reading: Responsible JavaScript by Jeremy Wagner. Good quick read on performance and …
: What a doodle! Is it a gleeful Cardinal Richelieu about to go on an arson spree? The world may never …
: More drawings. Here’s a demon that looks kind of like a Genie. All hail the smoking goat head!
: TIL that dynamic JavaScript imports are widely supported!
: Started reading: Responsible JavaScript by Jeremy Wagner 📚.
: Images in my micro posts aren’t loading properly in The problem is also present in …
: Continuing my doodle posts. Here we see something involved in a seemingly bad situation. Hope it …
: I’ve decided to post my collection of doodles. First up: all this pose!
: Started reading: The Rust Programming Language (Covers Rust 2018).
: What would you write if you weren’t afraid?—Mary Karr
: The opposite of play isn’t work; it’s depression.—Stuart Brown
: I did not finish: Middlemarch by George Eliot. I got a bit over 200 pages in, and while I did really …
: If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.—Albert Einstein
: Each time you write a page, you are a writer. Each time you practice the violin, you are a musician. …
: Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s so hard.—David …
: We love to buy books because we believe we’re buying the time to read them.—Warren Zevon
: TIL the From HTTP request header. Now used for crawlers, it was originally intended for allow human …
: Finished reading: HTTP Pocket Reference by Clinton Wong, in one day 📚. ETags, anyone?
: Checked the logs, and the cert “expired” at 10:06 a.m. (EST), so the site was …
: Site was down for a few minutes (that I know of) due to an expired cert error. I checked the server …
: Started reading: HTTP Pocket Reference by Clinton Wong. Published in 2000, it’s still a good …
: The Alamo 100 Alamo Drafthouse put out a list of 100 movies they’d want on a desert island back in 2020. …
: I watched Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles last night. It’s so …
: Watched David Cronenberg’s The Brood from 1979. I wanted to like it more. Someday.
: Laurie and Rocco. #cat #cats
: Started reading: Middlemarch by George Eliot 📚.
: Finished reading: First Love, by Joyce Carol Oats. What a precisely rendered master crafted gut …
: Started reading: First Love, by Joyce Carol Oats. 📚
: Finished reading: The Mythical Man-Month, by Frederick P. Brooks Jr. I liked the insights into …
: I found Wendy Carlos’ Switched-On Bach thrifting in Providence. First time I’ve heard …
: To celebrate adding images to my blog’s micro posts, here’s a #photo of Wiz on a rug.
: Started Adam Wade’s storytelling class this past weekend and really loving it. He’s a …
: Back in the saddle writing my music comedy about The Traveling Wilburys Solving Crime novella. At …
: “Read” the short story The Simplest Equation by Nicky Drayden, via Levar Burton Reads. …
: Tired: using the 😂 emoji to advertise a #comedy show. Wired: using the 🍆 emoji to advertise a …
: “Read” River’s Giving by Heather Shaw, Tim Pratt, and River Shaw over on LeVar …
: Video game testers approve the first union at Microsoft. I’ve long been out of the video game …
: Finished reading: Classic Tales of Horror (Arcturus Classics) by Edgar Allan Poe. Took me a bit to …
: Went rollerskating for the first time in forever for New Years Eve. Surprised how much came back, …
: I’ve started using’s bookshelves features to track my reading. Right now …
: Exporting Mastodon Posts to My Blog

Twitter’s public implosion has redoubled my interest in blogging, and I’ve been posting …

: It’s that time of year again…where seemingly all the lotion in the world can’t keep me …
: I watched The Curse of Frankenstein (1957). Interesting twist on the Frankenstein legend, but I …
: Finished reading: A Civic Technologist’s Practice Guide by Cyd Harrell. Useful tips for …
: I’ve been listening to a lot of Neal Francis lately. Tight piano-driven pop songs with …
: I finally splurged for a pre-built Ferris split keyboard - I’ve been using a Ferris-inspired …
: The first snow of the year is falling in New York City today. Feeling cozy. 🌨️
: TIL there’s a movement to refer to Neovim/Vim as a PDE, or Personalized Development …
: I’m a long time Neovim user (and Vim before that), but it’s my first time tuning into …
: Listened to the short story I Was A Teenage Space Jockey by Stephen Graham Jones on the Levar Burton …
: Until estimating is on a sounder basis, individual managers will need to stiffen their backbones and …
: Started reading: The Mythical Man-Month, by Frederick P. Brooks Jr. I never read this …
: Still reeling from seeing TJ & Dave live this past Saturday, with surprise guests Tracy Letts …
: Finished reading: The Number Ones by Tom Breihan. I don’t respond to top 40 music in any era, …
: Started reading: A Civic Technologist’s Practice Guide by Cyd Harrell. I only just started, …
: Any #photography recommendations for an #ios app that allows film grain in low light instead of the …
: Anyone have a good roasted broccoli #recipe? I usually just toss them in a bit of olive oil and …
: Anyone else ever get completionism about #books? I am currently in the middle of 5 and it bothers …
: Sunset on the Hudson River. #Photomonday Also posted to: <…>
: Had a great time at #NEDCamp #Drupal this weekend. Great talks, great conversations, fun time. Also …
: @andy_blum gave a great talk on using #webcomponents in #drupal here at #nedcamp! #lullabot Also …
: I’m #reading a collection of Edgar Allan Poe stories. Its enjoyable, but I’m also finding it hard to …
: On my way to Providence Rhode Island for #NEDCamp #drupal 🚉 Also posted to: …
: Been enjoying Aquarium Drunkards roundup of ‘70s German progressive #jazz #music …
: Heard about from the NetNewsWire feed: it lets you search blogs and podcasts …
: Laurie swooped in to the rescue with seemingly pounds of quarters, so it’s time to do the more than …
: I did the #HotOnesChallenge last night for my friends birthday. Second year we did it and, I’ll say …
: “Read” the short story #climbingnation by Kim Fu, read by lavar burton on his podcast. Such a dark, …
: Snuggle buddies #caturday Also posted to: <…>
: Updated my bio to be more detailed and expressive. I always hesitated writing longer bios as I felt …
: Saw this on lobsters. I think it’s a great write up by someone who’s been active in the fediverse …
: I hear folks unhappy with bird site also complaining about #mastodon. I think their issues boil down …
: Anyone have recommendations on mastodon instances? Not sure if it’s worth switching, but I created …
: I wrote an introduction to CSS Cascade Layers for Lullabot!
: Go vote! Also posted to: <…>
: View of the Hudson River. Also posted to: <…>
: On my way to have dinner with a friend and then see a multiverse themed improv show. I’ve seen many …
: I wrote an article on #css Cascade Layers for Lullabot! Let me know if you're using it in …
: One of my cats dumped my bedside glass of water on my head to wake me up this morning. I'm starting …
: Been waking up early recently, trying to adjust my sleep schedule. Still in the “pretty tired a lot” …
: Happy Halloween folks! I don’t have a costume this year, so the scariest thing for me is thinking …
: Went to a Dave and busters for the first time in more than a decade for a friends birthday last …
: Also posted to: <…>
: Been playing donkey Kong country tropical freeze and am so proud I’ve beaten to the second world. …
: I have a box full of old smoke bombs. What creative thing can I do with them? Also posted to: …
: Quick tip on how to use Neovim as your $MANPAGER. …
: Use Neovim as your man pager

You may know that you can open man pages in a Neovim buffer with :Man. However, you can also …

: It's Where's Waldo, but for my cats. Also posted to:…
: I wrote a base #css stylesheet for novels. …
: Base CSS to Style a Novel

I’m working on a short novel, which got me thinking about typesetting (naturally). …

: I wrote a guide on building your own #neovim fzy search in #lua …
: DIY Neovim fzy search

There are plenty of fuzzy search solutions for Neovim, most notably Telescope, but sometimes you …

: Hand Drawn SVGs

I’ve been trying to find a good workflow for drawing vector artwork that has the spontaneity …

: Finished reading: The Road to React by Robin Wieruch. Took me over eight months. It was only meh.
: I’m reading a Murakami story collection in an art gallery. Someone stops, mentions they read …
: Finished reading: Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Y. Bhargava.
: Read the short story The Case for and Against Love Potions by Imbolo Mbue.
: Finished reading: Heroes by Stephen Fry. Pure joy.
: Started reading: Heroes by Stephen Fry.
: Finished reading: Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power by David Dayen. It took me around …
: Finished reading: Letters From an Astrophysicist by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Took me over a month.
: Finished reading: A Very Punchable Face by Colin Jost. Read it in 27 days.
: Started reading: The Road to React by Robin Wieruch.
: Double Brett

I entered a erotica fiction contest for the popular comedy podcast Double Threat, and I was lucky …

: Started reading: Letters From an Astrophysicist by Neil deGrasse Tyson.
: Started reading: A Very Punchable Face by Colin Jost.
: Finished reading: Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold by Stephen Fry.
: Read: On Creativity: A Short and Cheerful Guide by John Cleese.
: Started reading: Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold by Stephen Fry.
: A Hallmark Channel AI Christmas

Another piece I wrote in collaboration with an A.I., this time, trying to create the most …

: Fixing GPG Yubikey integration on macOS Big Sur

I had some trouble after upgrading GPGTools to version 2020.2 on macOS Big Sur, where it would …

: Painfully Rendering a Simple Bar Chart with Nivo

I’ve been working on a graphing project for the Astoria Digital volunteer group in …

: Read the short story Hansa and Gretyl and Piece of Shit by Rebecca Curtis.
: Finished reading: Dungeon World Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel. It took me 11 days.
: Started reading: Dungeon World Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel.
: PHP Boolean Casting Gotchas

I find PHP’s boolean casting rules strange and hard to remember. I know I’m not alone.

: Finished reading: Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro.
: Started reading: Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro.
: Started reading: Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power by David Dayen.
: Read: Design Ethics by Mike Monteiro.
: Read the short story The Sand Banks, 1861 by David Wright Faladé.
: Read the short story Cicadia by David Gilbert.
: Finished reading: The Painted Word by Tom Wolfe. Took me 2 days.
: Started reading: The Painted Word by Tom Wolfe.
: Finished reading: Kindred by Octavia Butler. What an incredible book. Took me 10 days.
: Read the short story Asymmetry by Kendra Fortmeyer.
: Did not finish Eloquent Javascript I did not finish reading Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke. I really liked it though. I leave …
: Finished reading The AWK Programming Language

Finished reading: The AWK Programming Language by Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan & Peter J. …

: Started reading: Kindred by Octavia Butler.
: Read the short story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson.
: New article: Actually Using the General Sibling Combinator: …
: Actually Using the General Sibling Combinator

I’ve vaguely known about CSS’s general sibling combinator for a while, but I have never …

: Started reading: Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Y. Bhargava.
: Didn’t finish reading: A Slave Girl’s Story by Kate Drumgoold. Gave up after one day and …
: Computer World featured Astoria Digital, the social justice tech group I volunteer …
: Computer World featured Astoria Digital, the social justice tech group I volunteer with.
: Read the short story Morning Child by Gardner Dozois.
: Read the short story Yiwu by Lavie Tidhar.
: Read the short story Singing on a Star by Ellen Klages.
: Read the short story The Cell Phones by Karen E. Bender.
: Started reading: The AWK Programming Language by Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan & Peter J. …
: Read the short story Jackalope Wives by Ursula Vernon.
: Started reading: A Slave Girl’s Story by Kate Drumgoold.
: Finished reading: Sphere by Michael Crichton. Took me almost three weeks.
: Read the short story Fyrewall by Stefani Cox.
: You ever sniff your hands? Then wash them? Then sniff them again? And they have a new bad smell? And …
: You ever sniff your hands? Then wash them? Then sniff them again? And they have a new bad smell? And …
: Read the short story Fantastie Impromptu No.4 in C#min Op.66 by Carlos Hernandez.
: AFI 100 Greatest Movies List The AFI 100 list, 2007 edition. I’ve been sporadically watching them along with the Unspooled …
: Read the short story Multo by Samuel Marzioli.
: Promoting RSS via a /feeds page. Inspired by …
: Promoting RSS via a /feeds page. Inspired by…
: Read the short story Fires by Rick Bass.
: Read the short story The Last Cheng Beng Gift by Jaymee Goh.
: Read the short story Sea Girls by Daniel Wallace.
: Read the short story Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ by Rebecca Roanhorse.
: Read the short story The Fliers of Gy by Ursula K. Le Guin.
: Read the short story Black Betty by Nisi Shawl.
: Started reading: Sphere by Michael Crichton.
: Finished reading: The Martian Way by Issac Asimov. Took me almost a month.
: Read the short story The Money Tree by Nalo Hopkinson.
: Finished reading: Torchbearer by Thor Olavsrud & Luke Crane. Took me nine days.
: Started reading: Torchbearer by Thor Olavsrud & Luke Crane.
: Read the short story The Afterlife by Jonathan Lethem.
: Read the short story The Resident Poet by Katherine Dunn.
: A lot has changed in the world since I last posted. I have been extremely lucky during this …
: Introducing PCG: Or, How I''m Spending the Pandemic

A lot has changed in the world since I last posted.

I have been extremely lucky during this …

: Ergodox-EZ I use the unfortunately-named Ergodox-EZ ergonomic mechanical keyboard, with cherry brown MX …
: Finished reading Learning to Program in C

Finished reading: Learning to Program in C by Thomas Plum. It took me around six months. Below are …

: Started reading: The Martian Way by Issac Asimov.
: Read the short story The Wish for a Good Young Country Doctor by Allan Gurganus.
: Finished reading Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. Took me a month and a week.
: Web Based Game Text Box

Here’s a little web component I came up with to produce typewriter text, similar to old school …

: Started reading: Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury.
: Read the short story Love Letter by George Saunders.
: Catacomb Finished reading: Catacomb by Andrew Laurance. This book sucked. What a turd. Prose that somehow …
: Doing a little investigative journalism on the side. …
: Doing a little investigative journalism on the side.…
: Started reading: Catacomb by Andrew Laurance.
: Read the short story Out There by Kate Folk.
: Finished reading: The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Took me a day.
: Started reading: The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.
: Finished reading: Permanent Record by Edward Snowden.
: Read the short story Night Swim by Anne Enright.
: Read the short story The Winds of Harmattan by Nnedi Okorafor.
: Read the short story Childfinder by Octavia Butler.
: Read the short story Kid Positive by Adam Levin.
: Finished reading Javascript Design Patterns Finished reading: Javascript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani. It took me 133 days. Below are some …
: Started reading: Permanent Record by Edward Snowden.
: Read the short story 5:22 by George Harrar.
: Read the short story With the Beatles by Haruki Murakami.
: Finished reading: The Stand by Stephen King. Took me three and a half months.
: Read the short story Ghost Lover by Lisa Taddeo.
: Read the short story Three Women at Chuck’s Diner by Anthoney Veasna So.
: Read the short story My Dear You by Rachel Khong.
: Read Dream Worlds, Raffi Khatchadourian’s profile on N.K. Jemisin.
: Read: APIs for Dummies by Dennis Ashby & Claus T. Jensen for work, by one of the authors. …
: I read the fake screenplay to Grown Ups 3 by Tom Scharpling. Chef’s kiss.
: I just saw Raging Bull for the first time. Tough watch. I’ve seen only a handful of Scorsese, …
: I just saw Raging Bull for the first time. Tough watch. I’ve seen only a handful of Scorsese, …
: Can’t believe it’s been 10 years since my transplant. My deepest gratitude to family and …
: Too much A.I. generated story based on characters from Paper Computer Games: …
: More A.I. generated story based on characters from Paper Computer Games: …
: A.I. generated story based on characters from Paper Computer Games: …
: Zoovac's Dream Part 3

Too much A.I. generated story based on characters from Paper Computer Games:

: Zoovac's Dream Part 2

More A.I. generated story based on characters from Paper Computer Games:

: Zoovac''s Dream: Part 1

A.I. generated story based on characters from Paper Computer Games:

: Allow Satan into your life: chmod 666 my_soul.txt. The permissions of the beast.: …
: Allow Satan into your life: chmod 666 my_soul.txt. The permissions of the beast.
: Read the short story The Great Wide World Over There by Ray Bradbury.
: I won’t lie: this is the darkest, horniest piece of A.I. assisted fiction I’ve ever …
: Starry Mustard House A sepia tonned illustration of a western style house along a desert, with cactus and desert grass in the forground. It is AI generated.

I won’t lie: this is the darkest, horniest piece of A.I. assisted fiction I’ve ever …

: I’ve been writing(ish?) stories via, a ML algorithm trained on text …
: Detect This

I’ve been writing(ish?) stories via, a ML algorithm trained on text adventure …

: Magazine photographers have exactly 6 ideas for shooting comedians: Talking into something that’s …
: Did not finish reading: My First Movie: 20 Celebrated Directors Talk about Their First Film by …
: Read the short story Making Your Life as an Artist by Andrew Simmonet.
: Chris the Wizard

I’ve been writing(ish?) fiction via the fantastic, which is a machine learning …

: Understanding your cat, astrologically

This is a piece I wrote for McSweeny’s that I didn’t think would get published, but …

: Started reading: Learning to Program in C by Thomas Plum.
: Read the short story Furry Night by Joan Aiken.
: Started reading: My First Movie: 20 Celebrated Directors Talk about Their First Film by Various …
: I was in a public restroom last Sunday. A man comes in, uses the urinal, washes his hands, says, “Aw …
: I was in a public restroom last Sunday. A man comes in, uses the urinal, washes his hands, says, …
: Read the short story The Baboon War by Nnedi Okorafor.
: Read the short story Mrs. Perez by Oscar Casares.
: Read the short story Unassigned Territory by Stephanie Powell Watts.
: Read the short story Repairing the World by John Chu.
: Read the short story The Truth About Owls by Amal El-Mohtar.
: Just saw The Best Years of Our Lives, which I recommend. Like many movies prior to around 1970, it …
: Read the short story Goat by James McBride.
: Read the short story No Man’s Guns by Elmore Leonard.
: Read the short story The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu.
: Is that a blintz in your pocket, or are you just disgusting?: …
: Is that a blintz in your pocket, or are you just disgusting?
: Had another great time at #BrooklynJS last night. Stay BAMF NYCJS.: …
: Had another great time at #BrooklynJS last night. Stay BAMF NYCJS.
: I want a museum called Famous Historical Capes: Taking Back Back Cloth From Superheroes. Their only …
: I want a museum called Famous Historical Capes: Taking Back Back Cloth From Superheroes. Their only …
: I just saw The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie on Amazon Prime. I’d like to like it more. 🍿: …
: I just saw The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie on Amazon Prime. I’d like to like it more.
: I’m reading The Stand and I think there’s a mucus under my bed.
: Read the short story 1000 Year Old Ghosts by Laura Chow Reeve.
: Read the short story Old Hope by Clare Sestanovich.
: I wrote a choose your own adventure about not getting pantsed. …
: I wrote a choose your own adventure about not getting pantsed. 🕹 …
: Finished reading: Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke. Took me 2 days. What an incredible …
: Read the short story The Second Bakery Attack by Haruki Murakami.
: Read the short story Chivalry by Neil Gaiman.
: Started reading: Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke.
: Read the short story Graham Greene by Percival Everett.
: Read the short story What It Means When a Man Falls From the Sky by Lesley Nneka Arimah.
: Read the short story Empty Places by Richard Parks.
: Started reading: The Stand by Stephen King.
: Read the short story Kin by Bruce McAllister.
: Finished reading: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I started re-reading this …
: Book idea: “The Cat and the Splat”. It teaches children about roadkill through rhyme.: …
: Book idea: “The Cat and the Splat”. It teaches children about roadkill through rhyme.
: Saw Jojo Rabbit, and it’s fantastic. Hilarious, touching, poignant, hilarious. That’s 3 …
: Didn’t finish reading: A Brief History of Ireland by Richard Killen. Gave up after 50 pages …
: Saw Jojo Rabbit, and it’s fantastic. Hilarious, touching, poignant, hilarious. That’s 3 …
: Didn't finish reading The Silent Clowns

Didn’t finish reading The Silent Clowns by Walter Kerr.

: Recommend Alan Ralph’s blog for Micro Monday. Great insights.
: If you pause in the middle of a thought, people will try to fill that moment with themselves.
: 🍿 I saw #DolomiteIsMyName this weekend and I really enjoyed it. Eddie Murphy is great in it, but can …
: Did not finished reading: Building a Character by Contantin Stanislavski. Was leant this book by a …
: Didn’t finish reading: The Actors Guide to Self Marketing by Carla Renata. Gave up after 73 …
: 🍿 I just saw Spartacus for the first time. Amazing to think that the same director is responsible …
: It’s fine to have a strong opinion about a profession that’s not your own, and it’s fine to not have …
: I’m on the bus to NJ for five minutes and I’ve already been misted with a cracked Coors. Home sweet …
: I’m on the bus to NJ for five minutes and I’ve already been misted with a cracked Coors. Home sweet …
: Finished reading Be Cool Finished reading: Be Cool by Elmore Leonard. It took me 18 days. While the prose is energetic and …
: The phrase, “Sick as a dog,” refers to lynconthropy. The more you know. 🌈
: Are there enough hummus flavors? Maybe one day we’ll know…
: I just saw North by Northwest for the first time. We watched most of the movie two nights ago, then …
: If a lumberjack saws wood, and Jack Nicholson is wide awake, does a slumberjack saw wood? Syndicated …
: We in the bald community are honest (admitted: we have no hair), so what made us fully shave our …
: Lifehack: Next time someone starts a sentence with, “Be honest…” cut them off …
: I have half a huge pumpkin in my freezer. Should I: make a pie make a soup make excuses not to deal …
: The world ever get you down? Try getting the world down. Always works. #sarcasm Syndicated to: …
: 🍿 I saw On The Waterfront for the first time the other day. Spoiler alert: it’s good. Also, …
: “There is nothing more useful than an idiot."—Dirtbags Syndicated to: Twitter Mastodon
: Had a great time at #brooklynjs last night. It’s been a while, but always well worth the trip. …
: I’m performing in a short comedic play about new urban legends, called S.O.R.E. Come out Nov …
: I started tracking the books I read, finish, and abandon, along with any notes I take on them. …
: Started reading: Learning Javascript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani.
: “I think, therefor, I scram.” - #ScoobyDoo’s contribution to #philosophy.
: Finished reading The C Book

Finished reading: The C Book by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran, originally published by …

: Started reading: The Actors Guide to Self Marketing by Carla Renata.
: There is no better indicator that someone is dead, than seeing graffiti saying they’re alive.
: Him: You’ve got a body like a brick house. Her: You’ve got a body like a brick …
: Black Sabbath is the trembling scream that watched the ’60s die.
: Started reading: Be Cool by Elmore Leonard.
: Finished reading: Fantasy Land: How America Went Haywire: A 500 Year History by Kurt Anderson. Took …
: Started reading: The C Book by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran, originally published by …
: Started reading: It Came From Something Awful: How a Toxic Troll Army Accidentally Memed Donald …
: Started reading: Fantasy Land: How America Went Haywire: A 500 Year History by Kurt Anderson.
: Started reading: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
: Started reading: A Brief History of Ireland by Richard Killen.
: Just landed my first #firefox dev tools patch! thanks to Nicholas …
: Started reading The Silent Clowns by Walter Kerr.
: Started reading: Building a Character by Contantin Stanislavski.
: My Facebook Ad Data

Today I downloaded all the data Facebook has on me, and started poking through it. Since it’s …

: What I’ve been reading this past week. Also posted to: …
: What I’ve been reading this past week. Syndicated to: Twitter
: Reading picks for week 3 of March, 2019

This is what I’ve been reading this past week.

: My (short) reading picks this past week. Very technical selections this week, so n00bs beware. …
: Reading picks for week 2 of March, 2019

This is what I’ve been reading this past week.

: @ehashdn Joined the OSI just now inspired by your platform. Thanks! I look forward to voting once I …
: What I’ve been reading this past week. Syndicated to: Twitter
: Reading picks for week 1 of March, 2019

This is what I’ve been reading this past week.

: If you’re not watching/listening to Michael cohens testimony happening right now, you really should. …
: Gopher lives(ish) I visited gopher:// just now. …
: My reading picks for the past few weeks.
: Reading picks for week 5 of February, 2019

These are some choice picks from what I’ve been reading for the past few weeks.

: @ThePracticalDev Any chance… will support web mentions? #indieweb
: Great illustration of the history of immigration policy in the US, aka how we all got here. If your …
: Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1145uHcCDSoHNahWxJ42trCt1dfcmxH5jk …
: I wrote about writing more… #meta
: Twelve Angry Rejections

“Just frame it like, ‘Let’s see how much I can fail.’”

: I laughed.…
: Wow, when Tucker Carlson and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agree on the economy, it’s time to take …
: Trigger warning. “From ISIS to the Abortion Wars: America We Need to Talk”…
: I don’t like the term “dramedy”, but I think it describes dramedys well. You know what i mean?
: Don't commit that file!

I wrote a small git pre-commit hook to prevent committing certain files. There are more words to …

: Someone collected the data on the state of American corporate monopolies.…
: I have longer things to say about #gwengween…
: Great article “6 core falsehoods about the digital sphere”…
: After the stress of the election, this made me laugh: “We Would Like to Apologize For Electing a …
: Everyone, just please god damn #VoteTuesday
: The Pulp Tales of Gwendolyn Gween, P.I.

It’s like if Humphrey Bogart and Tina Fey had a baby.
—Stephen Spielberg

: Episode 3 of #gwengween is out now, and it’s recorded live! Check it out …
: Started reading: Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke.
: Hits the nail on the head.…
: Today we released episode 2 of our #comedy #serial #noir #podcast The Pulp Tales of Gwendolyn Gween, …
: The Cruelty Is the Point - The Atlantic: “Once malice is embraced as a virtue, it is impossible to …
: Today we released episode 1 of The Pulp Tales of Gwendolyn Gween, P.I. a scripted #comedy #noir …
: Never give up on changing hearts and minds. Can’t imagine how brave these women are. …
: Revealing.…
: Great long form story. Worth the read.…
: I Am Part of the Resistance Inside Nyarlathotep’s Death Cult…
: The Problem With ‘Electability’…
: I studied #MachineLearning and wrote a high level explanation…
: Machine Learning Machine learning produced image of a woman combined with fruit

I took a week off from work to join a deep dive study group on machine learning. It was an …

: RT @sandsfish: Beautiful. @memotv continues to be one of my favorite contemporary artists. #art #ai …
: How Can Journalists Prove They’re Not The Enemy?…
: Overheard in NYC: Man on phone: “This is JoJo! Who the fuck is this?” Other line: “Barbara!” Man: …
: @laurieberenhaus has her music video ‘Mountains’ to screening at HollyShorts Film …
: .@realDonaldTrump sniffs the air, “Could be worse.” At a press conference the next day: “I want to …
: The Bullshit Web
: Here’s How America Uses Its Land
: Health Insurers Are Vacuuming Up Details About You — And It Could Raise Your Rates …
: Trump’s Helsinki humiliation…
: Satire of a high order…
: The Abortion Debate Isn’t As Partisan As Politicians Make It Seem…
: Here’s What Happened the Last Time the Left Got Nasty…
: The real fantasy at the #movies happens during the theater promo, where all the seats are filled.
: I liked a @YouTube video… Promo 3
: RT @BetsyStover: R.I.P. U.S.A.…
: Here’s how many women have won or lost elections in 2018…
: Verizon and AT&T will stop selling your phone’s location to data brokers…
: The Forgotten Gender Nonconformists of the Old West | JSTOR Daily…
: Solid. xkcd: Customer Rewards…
: How a Hacker Proved Cops Used a Secret Government Phone Tracker to Find Him…
: Pain and Pleasure: My History with #Drupal…
: Pain and Pleasure

This is not meant to be a take down piece, and I realize I’m not providing any direct …

: I liked a @YouTube video… Why “Ghosts!” is Great
: Securing Elections - Schneier on Security…
: Five years after Google conquered and abandoned RSS, the news-reader ecosystem is showing green …
: I Downloaded the Information That Facebook Has on Me. Yikes. — The New York Times …
: House Speaker Paul Ryan won’t run for re-election — Axios…
: Why Zuckerberg’s 14-Year Apology Tour Hasn’t Fixed Facebook…
: What Trump Did Today…
: The Moscow Midterms…
: How to keep your ISP’s nose out of your browser history with encrypted DNS…
:… for all the writers
: Users and Customers…
: The Anger of the White Male Lie – Ijeoma Oluo – Medium…
: (went to(boston(last week))) (saw (lisp machine))
: I had written a roundly rejected magic item for a Pathfinder RPG contest some years back, and just …
: Tome of Deadly Pranks

I had written a roundly rejected magic item for a Pathfinder RPG contest some years back, and just …

: RT @queens_js: Next up: @chrisjohndeluca and games using the DOM…
: Seth’s Blog: Reversing Alinsky’s rules…
: I liked a @YouTube video… “Paper Games” and “Paper Computer …
: Read the short story As Good as New by Charlie Jane Anders. 📚
: Read the short story Different Kinds of Darkness by David Langford.
: Read the short story Navigators by Mike Meginnis.
: Read the short story The Lighthouse Keeper by Daisy Johnson.
: The House That Spied on Me…
: Web developers publish open letter taking Google to task for locking up with web with AMP …
: I liked a @YouTube video… The Lost Zelda Game | The Legend of Zelda: Ancient …
: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Old Days…
: Really good long form discussion of American history and the importance of speeches. Terrific. …
: My Talk at QueensJS…
: My Talk at QueensJS I had the privilege of giving a talk at QueensJS last week. QueensJS is a wonderful JavaScript …
: The 6 Laws of Technology Everyone Should Know — The Wall Street Journal…
: Anti-SF Bias Leads to Poorer Reading Comprehension, Study Finds | The Digital Reader …
: privacy not included…
: I started buying records a few months ago, and I’ve already compiled a large body of imagined …
: Why I Started Buying Records

I started buying records a few months ago, and I’ve already compiled a large body of imagined …

: Republicans Desperately Seeking Analysts to Tell Them Everything’s Going to Be O.K. — Vanity Fair …
: Famous Viking Warrior Was a Woman, DNA Reveals - National Geographic…
: More than 400 millionaires tell Congress: Don’t cut our taxes — The Washington Post …
: Louis C.K. and Hollywood’s Canon of Creeps — The New York Times…
: Reaching people on the internet - The Oatmeal…
: Opinion | Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee…
: Yes, the Republican Party has become pathological. But why? — Vox…
: The Very Bad Economics of Killing DACA…
: South Korea Is Right — The Atlantic…
: A really good discussion. I’m mixed about lillas thesis, but the act of intelligent, long form …
: Offline Only…
: Trump Violates a Key Taboo — The Atlantic…
: Exclusive: Secret Service out of money to pay agents because of Trump’s frequent travel, large …
: Explaining, Again, The Nazis’ True Evil — NPR…
: White House braces for fallout from Trump remarks on Virginia violence — Reuters …
: Kaspersky Lab Has Been Working With Russian Intelligence…
: It’s Up To Congress to Call Trump to Account — The Atlantic…
: The best response to the anti-woman Google manifesto I’ve read so far.…
: A Googler’s Anti-Diversity Screed Reveals Tech’s Rotten Core — The Atlantic …
: I liked a @YouTube video… Let’s Play a Paper Computer Game - …
: Trump dictated son’s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer — The Washington Post …
: McCain Makes Dramatic Return To The Capitol, Blasts Fellow Senators For “Getting Nothing …
: Day of Action: Sen. Wyden Leads the Battle for Net Neutrality — WIRED…
: Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said (The New York Times) …
: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Honest Discussion…
: My thoughts on the new healthcare bill, from personal experience.…
: Girl Scouts to Offer Merit Badges in Cybersecurity - Schneier on Security…
: Healthcare

This new healthcare overhaul bill in the senate is already deeply unpopular, but for anyone still …

: President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List…
: ‘Democracy In Chains’ Traces The Rise Of American Libertarianism (NPR) …
: How Much Do You Know About Solving Global Warming?…
: Economic Inequality: It’s Far Worse Than You Think…
: In light of the republican congress’s attack on privacy, here’s some basic tips on how …
: Useful: a cheatsheet for critical thinking…
: Blankfein Tweets, Iger Quits Trump Council in CEO Climate Fury (Bloomberg)…
: Trump Expected to Pull U.S. From Paris Climate Accord (The New York Times)…
: Big-time backlash: When all polling on Donald Trump is dismissed as fake (Fox News) …
: What know-it-alls don’t know, or the illusion of competence – Kate Fehlhaber | Aeon Ideas …
: House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump (The Washington Post) …
: Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador …
: Securing Elections - Schneier on Security…
: How Privacy Became a Commodity for the Rich and Powerful…
: Cultural Anxiety, Not Economic Anxiety, Drove White Working Class Voters to Trump (The Atlantic) …
: xkcd: Lunch Order…
: Why the Next 10 Days Are Critical to the Internet’s Future – The Mozilla Blog…
: Wondermark » Archive » Check out: ‘Double King’, a fantastic animated short… …
: Thoughts on how we perceive others.…
: Basic Premise I recently saw Titicut Follies, the 1969 documentary film about the harrowing conditions in a …
: Opinion | Every Republican who voted for this abomination must be held accountable …
: You’re not going to believe what I’m about to tell you - The Oatmeal …
: GOP’s “Internet Freedom Act” permanently guts net neutrality authority…
: Post I wrote about practical internet privacy for laypersons. …
: Overheard in nyc: “I’m such a freak, I heard it on NPR.” Also posted to: mastodon
: Final part in my posts on practical internet privacy.… Thanks to @AniaStypul …
: Practical Internet Privacy

Welcome, Internet folks! If you’ve been following along, this is the final post in my three …

: Grammatical CSS Lists…
: Grammatical CSS Lists

The Situation

You have a list of items that you need to render with comma separation, and an …

: I liked a @YouTube video… This is “The Swirl”: Beauty, Dating, …
: USAFacts…
: Will Mexico Get Half of Its Territory Back?…
: Stanley McChrystal: Save PBS. It Makes Us Safer.…
: @sarahjeong read your motherboard post on mastodon a day after I joined. Great read! I actually …
: @mkosler But…but then that would mean there’s no GOLDFISH! Also posted to mastodon
: The best thing about screaming into a void is that you can say anything you want: …
: Let’s see how this goes…. Also posted to mastodon
: One of the funniest comics I’ve read in a while.…
: The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs, and how much it cost to buy them …
: How to set up a VPN in 10 minutes for free (and why you urgently need one)…
: Disability in the Age of Trump…
: Trump’s budget calls for seismic disruption in medical and science research…
: RT @adamconover: Some “Um, actually"s on that WikiLeaks CIA leak courtesy of Errata …
: RT @TheOnion: State’s Abortion Waiting Period Allows Women To Explore Alternatives To Making Their …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Encouraged to see all the Red Shirts out today–something I would have never …
: RT @Mac_Glidden: Van Lindt Session (Part 3)…
: RT @PaulBegala: So: Russia hacked Dems Leaks were timed to aid Trump Trump aides had contact …
: Defense Against the Dark Arts: Networked Propaganda and Counter-Propaganda…
: FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories…
: Why Nothing Works Anymore…
: RT @TheOnion: Frustrated Russian Officials Struggling To Get Any Policies Through Dysfunctional …
: #IfIWonThePowerball I’d pay to run @melissamccarthy ’s Sean Spicer every day on the …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: The Trump administration’s war on the LGBT community has begun. Be prepared …
: RT @billyeichner: Thank u Republicans 4 coming out against violently attacking Jews & having sex …
: Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?…
: The Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Takes Hold in Red States…
: RT @MattBesser: All right, we’ve got all the wolves in place to guard all the hen houses, so I …
: RT @TheOnion: In honor of President’s Day, The Onion provides a primer on the country’s most …
: RT @ActualEPAFacts: We are horrified to learn that Scott Pruitt has been confirmed. God help future …
: RT @eveewing: Tr*mp complaining about these leaks is like the boyfriend who says the problem …
: RT @Impeach_D_Trump: Think Trump Will Be Bragging about This Latest Time Magazine Cover? REWTEET to …
: 5 Calls on the App Store…
: RT @nytimes: “I know we would be upset as Republicans if the Obama administration had done …
: RT @JudahWorldChamp: Reminder that elected officials took an oath to defend the CONSTITUTION against …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: This sums it up well.…
: #javascript knows the deal @mani_art #fucktrump…
: RT @SenWarren: When did @WhiteHouse know that Flynn lied? What other contacts with Russia occurred …
: Stephen Miller’s authoritarian declaration: Trump’s national security actions ‘will not be …
: RT @SethMacFarlane: Come the fuck on…
: A US-born NASA scientist was detained at the border until he unlocked his phone …
: The Other Bombshell in Flynn Story: Contacts during the campaign and Russian hacking …
: About me Hello! It’s me, Chris DeLuca, from the title of this website. I am a writer, software …
: Was You Ever Bit By A Dead Bee?…
: Barney Frank: Here’s how to successfully lobby your congressperson…
: RT @OwensDamien: What we’re expected to believe: Donald: How’s business? Donald Jr: I …
: My practical guide to Internet Security for the uninitiated. Again, thanks to @AniaStypul for the …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: An important development. Stay on him, Democrats. Stay on him. …
: Practical Internet Security

Welcome internet traveler, you’ve found your way to my guide on how to improve your online …

: Original post: <…>
: Security vs Privacy on the Internet

Update: The next article in this series is now published.

Confused about what privacy versus …

: How Trump Plans to Slow Our Internet to a Crawl – DCReport…
: RT @climagic: In a world of computing choices that are made for us, open source software allows us …
: What Trump Did Today…
: Yes to all of this!…
: RT @ActualEPAFacts: Shame on you @SenJohnThune. Betsy DeVos is wholly unqualified. #resist #retweet
: How an obscure oriental cult converted a vast, pagan Roman empire – Michael Kulikowski | Aeon Essays …
: @getify Do you recommend using fetch + asynquence for network requests, or some other method? …
: Bannon’s not exactly a Nazi. But……
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Trump was quick to condemn the Louvre attack. But he stayed pretty quiet over the …
: RT @ActualEPAFacts: If you are new to Activism since the election, please retweet and follow. We …
: RT @davedittell: every interview w steve bannon: i want to destroy democracy and entrench white …
: Please consider signing if you’re in tech and care about the world.…
: These Cheeky Librarian Signs Warning Patrons About FBI Monitoring Are “Technically Legal” …
: Freedom is this country is being rolled back by it’s most vocal proponents.
: I Was Trained for the Culture Wars in Home School, Awaiting Someone Like Mike Pence as a Messiah …
: The Immigration Ban is a Headfake, and We’re Falling For It – Medium…
: RT @vjon: RT if you would be ok with @Google search going dark for an hour to make their …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Paying attention?…
: Malevolence Tempered by Incompetence: Trump’s Horrifying Executive Order on Refugees and Visas …
: New Rules on Data Privacy for Non-US Citizens - Schneier on Security…
: When You Search ‘Asshole’ on Twitter, President Trump’s Profile Is the First Result Updated …
: RT @Mac_Glidden: Van Lindt Session (Part 2)…
: RT @stacieskelley: .@ChrisMurphyCT Now get 3 Republicans to flip to oppose #BetsyDeVoe …
: RT @RogueNASA: Rogue Twitter accounts are fun, but gov’t employees and scientists are very …
: Thanks to Trump, Scientists Are Planning to Run For Office…
: Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing…
: The world needs Carl Sagan now more than ever…
: RT @luckytran: FUCK YEAH! One National Park, @BadlandsNPS is defying Trump’s gagging orders by …
: RT @RVAwonk: Stunning. The USDA is now prohibited from sharing data with the public. This should …
: How the Media Influences Our Fear of Terrorism - Schneier on Security…
: RT @stacieskelley: .@realDonaldTrump Recognize anyone?…
: RT @SethAbramson: Retweet if you want networks to stop booking Kellyanne Conway, the first U.S. …
: /buffer 3
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Here we go. Read up and stay vigilant.…
: Had a wonderful #WomensMarch in D.C.! Very uplifting, peaceful protest. Restored a lot of hope. …
: 5 Absolute Wrong Ways To Respond To Remorseful Trump Voters…
: How a TV Sitcom Triggered the Downfall of Western Civilization – Medium…
: The Real Story Of 2016…
: hard to solve problems without enough mental resources WHILE attacking the resources you do have
: poor education and anti-intellecualism is a one-two punch.
: Yes, Organic Farming Will Kill Us All…
: 📷 ithelpstodream: Here’s a MLK quote I’d love to see white people share.…
: RT @stacieskelley: “A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.” …
: WhatsApp backdoor allows snooping on encrypted messages…
: RT @lilyallen: RT If you wanna see Trumps tax returns
: RT @KarlSteel: It’s a small thing, but when jerks leave anonymous comments on your blog, you …
: RT @candicetobin: so what are we all watching instead of the inauguration on the 20th? lets give it …
: Did Media Literacy Backfire?…
: Bill Perry Is Terrified. Why Aren’t You?…
: Yes, It Was Misogyny…
: My beverage choices = old man with a stomach ache
: With No Warning, House Republicans Vote to Hobble Independent Ethics Office…
: Nixon’s Vietnam Treachery…
: Be Healthy or Else: How Corporations Became Obsessed with Fitness Tracking…
: Tyrus Wong, ‘Bambi’ Artist Thwarted by Racial Bias, Dies at 106…
: RT @Omid_M: Cruel! Activist Arash Sadeghi on hunger strike for 68 days in Iran, authorities refuse 2 …
: hugs
: RT @GeorgeTakei: I concur.…
: ❤️ Carrie Fisher. RIP
: Here’s what happens when you change the term “political correctness” to “treating people with …
: North Carolina is no longer classified as a democracy…
: Encrypted messengers: Why Riot (and not Signal) is the future - Titus Stahl…
: And the Hits Keep Coming…
: RT @omgAdamSaleh: We got kicked out of a @Delta airplane because I spoke Arabic to my mom on the …
: Why Smart People Support Trump (And Why They’re Wrong)…
: lbmisscharlie… Original post: <…>
: The Importance of Naming Bigotry - Brute Reason…
: Ahahaha…
: My Priorities for the Next Four Years - Schneier on Security…
: I’d follow it
: My phone now launches #Siri for no reason, even when locked. She’s gone from useless, to …
: For those who aren’t in the know, Black Star is god damn fantastic
: Google, democracy and the truth about internet search…
: RT @zeynep: Facebook AI demo: can we ID protesters vs police? Uh-huh. DEAR ENGINEERS. WE GOT YOUR …
: RT @Pinboard: A Facebook meme that might be worth spreading: Go to About->“Contact and …
: Trumpgrets.…
: RT @theintercept: Of 8 tech companies, only Twitter says it would refuse to help build Trump’s …
: RT @vboykis: @Pinboard Thank you for writing this. I am speaking out against these, as well. …
: The Left seems about as fragmented as the #linux desktop right about now.
: RT @SethMacFarlane: This is probably the most logical piece I’ve seen yet regarding this …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Trump’s claiming massive voter fraud in CA, VA. But that suggests a system …
: Obama Reckons with a Trump Presidency…
: A Mathematician’s Perspective on the Divide | Vi Hart…
: Donald Trump Makes the New York Times Great Again!…
: xkcd: Catcalling…
: Secure messaging for Beginners…
: RT @ELLEmagazine: Hillary Clinton now leads popular vote by 2 Million… and STILL counting: …
: RT @ReelQuinn: NAZI: I’m a Nazi MEDIA: How controversial NAZI: I said I was a Nazi MEDIA: Your …
: Art is important. It’s our only convincing argument for civilization.
: Do you use social sharing buttons? (e.g. FB like/share button, or tweet button on sites/blogs)
: We have to be conscious about where we put focus. The media - and everyone - only has so much …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Trump is settling fraud charges from Trump Univ for $25 mil just 10 days before …
: RT @OwensDamien: Whoa, whoa, slow down, non-racist Trump voters denouncing his racist appointments …
: RT @GavinNewsom: Sessions voted for a Constitutional ban on marriage equality & against …
: RT @brianbeutler: Bannon: Jews suck. Flynn: Muslims suck. Sessions: Blacks suck. David Duke: you …
: Very good, heartfelt and inspiring analysis…
: David Ulin: Beware a Kinder, Gentler American Fascism…
: RT @ktzhu: media, stop w “alt-right” and learn to spell “white supremacy” …
: RT @Pinboard: If you work at a big tech company, take private notes about the internal debate, even …
: RT @FullFrontalSamB: #TellPaulRyan…
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Sen Gillibrand is deciding her position on Steve Bannon. NYers: call to ask her to …
: What the Hell Just Happened?…
: RT @ShannonXL: Democrats have one final shot to flip a Senate seat…
: RT @SarahKSilverman: Ohh if only the truth was profitable..
: true Original post:…
: Glenn Beck: Bannon has ‘clear tie’ to white nationalism…
: RT @DavidMDrucker: Winning candidates never come to the conclusion that what worked during the …
: RT @NewYorker: The elevation of Steve Bannon to a powerful position in the White House is an epochal …
: You can’t have it all: you have to choose what matters to you. Original post: …
: RT @France4Hillary: The very least we can do is #BoycottTrumpBrands ONCE & 4 ALL! Let’s …
: The 14 Characteristics of Fascism, by Lawrence Britt, Spring 2003… Original …
: Never, never, never normalize this… Original post: …
: RT @deprangy: Read this editorial from a Jewish-German paper in 1933, then read it again. …
: How to encrypt your entire life in less than an hour… Original post: …
: RT @TerrellChuggs: 10 police officers have been shot in the last week or so. 6 dead. All shot by …
: RT @spotastic: Before I forget. Thank you @HillaryClinton ! Original post: …
: @Google, @Apple, @Microsoft, @Twitter, @Facebook please scrub user data before it’s too late …
: RT @Pinboard: Few tech companies have seriously planned for a situation where our own government …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Mr. Trump: You have the power to start to heal our divides. Denounce the actions of …
: Should Google be scrubbing servers to prepare for President Trump?… Original …
: RT @NickBaumann: Harry Reid taking a distinctly different tone from President Obama et. al. …
: RT @verso: Dear Twitter: Did you know that 33 Senate seats and EVERY SINGLE US HOUSE OF …
: Sanders Statement on Trump… Original post: …
: RT @amyjacobowitz: @JuddApatow An important initiative to get Garland on the Supreme Court. Share …
: RT @sallykohn: If we truly believe #LoveTrumpsHate, can we respond to the hate and resentment that …
: Regulation of the Internet of Things - Schneier on Security… Original post: …
: RT @jk_rowling: We stand together. We stick up for the vulnerable. We challenge bigots. We …
: RT @zeynep: You can’t understand the very real economic despair of much of US with …
: RT @hankgreen: Well, I managed to avoid sobbing all day until…… …
: RT @TheOnion: Area Liberal No Longer Recognizes Fanciful, Wildly Inaccurate Mental Picture Of …
: RT @cracked: Hey America, Don’t Panic: Why it’s time to sober up, splash water on your …
: RT @thenerddess: If you’re asking yourself “What now?” read this. Beautiful, …
: RT @Theresa_Caney: This is how the millennials voted. Hoping this means the next generation will …
: RT @Lesdoggg: I’m with him.… Original post: …
: Just started Pandora and the first song that came up was Tyrant. Apt.… …
: RT @MattBesser: Congrats Russia, on a hard fought election. Original post: …
: 3 Original post: <…>
: RT @steve_shives: And now the first Black president will have to stand aside and relinquish his …
: Lost a lot of faith in my country and humanity in general. Original post: …
: RT @SethMacFarlane: Some didn’t like Bush. Some didn’t like Obama. But this is …
: RT @kronda: I’ll just leave this here. Shared with permission.… …
: RT @ChrisGethard: Sending love to all my female, person of color, and queer friends tonight. …
: RT @SethMacFarlane: A-fucking-men.… Original post: …
: RT @Paxmee: Tell me again how rape and sexual assault accusations will ruin a man’s career …
: RT @blackmirror: This isn’t an episode. This isn’t marketing. This is reality. Original …
: Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack - Schneier on Security… Original post: …
: The real Clinton email scandal is that a bullshit story has dominated the campaign …
: N:fav l3 Original post: <…>
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Today is National Early Vote Day. In many places you can vote BEFORE Nov. 8. We can …
: RT @voxdotcom: Forget conspiracy theories. This is why Trump’s Russian connection is actually a …
: So do we always have to pay extra every time airline’s fail at security? Original post: …
: I liked a @YouTube video… Norm MacDonald makes Letterman laugh hard!! PART 2 …
: Why Do Americans Stink at Math?… Original post: …
: RT @SethMacFarlane: Great piece about one of the greatest threats to functioning democracy and an …
: RT @wooster: Seems relevant, but I’ll keep you “in suspense” as to why. …
: RT @RachelBLevinson: This is eternal story of surveillance: first it’s terrorism, then …
: .@hughlaurie I found the pattern: 2004: Dr House 2016: Dr Chance 2028: Dr mortgage backed securities …
: RT @ziwe: RT if u a NASTY WOMAN that’s voting for Hillary Clinton #debatenight Original post: …
: RT @HillaryClinton: Here’s how Trump reacts when he loses an Emmy, the Iowa caucus, a primary, …
: RT @FiveThirtyEight: Trump just praised Assad in the debate. Assad is a dictator who has slaughtered …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: If you believe Trump is good for the economy, I suggest you try investing in one of …
: RT @getify: pretty sure i’m not a human but just a sentient collection of highly-opinionated …
: RT @Snowden: Liberty and justice for all? This study found up to 90% of phone tracking targeted …
: @getify: is your blog coming back? Original post: <…>
: Dangerous idiots: how the liberal media elite failed working-class Americans… …
: I liked a @YouTube video… Norm MacDonald makes Letterman laugh hard!!!! …
: Blow your mind is an ambitious title but Neil pulls it off… Original post: …
: RT @martynlenoble: All Trump supporters….don’t forget to vote on November 28!!! …
: RT @EricIdle: Donald Trump’s Sad, Lonely Life… Original post: …
: RT @TRWMusicals: The UK is correct on this one. 2016 has been a whirlwind and #Spamalot is just the …
: RT @Khanoisseur: Trump humping an empty chair while Clinton gives a nuanced explanation is the …
: RT @hellovote: @Lesdoggg We’re making it possible for people to register to vote via text …
: RT @scalzi: Register to vote, folks. It matters.… Original post: …
: Friction and mass surveillance… Original post: …
: @Reingding13: :) Original post: <…>
: Reingding13: yep, just testing a new twitter client and tried to access it’s documentation, …
: RT @thejoshpatten: Why wasn’t Melania in that apology video? Maybe she had nothing to say. …
: Why Do Conservatives Hate Hillary Clinton So Much? - The Atlantic… Original …
: Mirrors opposite public toilets are good for 2 things: making the room look bigger making dudes look …
: Coding is not ‘fun’, it’s technically and ethically complex – Walter Vannini | Aeon Ideas …
: RT @weprogressives: Happy #UnfollowTrump Day! Visit @realDonaldTrump Unfollow Celebrate your part in …
: I re-implemented <marquee> with element.animate(). You’re welcome. …
: #iPhone auto suggests monkey-covering-eyes emoji for, “Oh no”. Useful when not really …
: What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server… Original post: …
: One Tweet Sums Up The Absurd Double Standard Clinton And Trump Face - The Huffington Post - US …
: RT @HillaryClinton: Donald Trump called her “Miss Piggy” and “Miss …
: RT @BuzzFeed: 🤔🤔🤔… Original post: <…>
: RT @SamGrittner: Hillary has to debate Trump while fact-checking him. Can you imagine it? A woman …
: RT @bryanevansduff: Well folks, we apologize that Lester Holt could not be here tonight. Original …
: RT @TonyAtamanuik: .@HillaryClinton You don’t need me. I’d still love to come in for …
: RT @DAbitty: Via my friend Amanda G..… Original post: …
: RT @Tony_Showtime: i have a better temperament than her, he shouts. #debatenight Original post: …
: RT @kevhines: “No one calls Sean Hannity” - Trump #LonelySean #Debates2016 Original …
: RT @billmaher: Holy fuck, Hillary just did a Jim-from-The Office direct to camera take! Which Says. …
: RT @connorratliff: “I haven’t given lots of thought to…” …
: RT @esyamada: My favorite fact check of the night. Thank you @WNYC… Original …
: RT @Pinboard: Computers! How do they work? Trump has a 10 year old who knows how to find boobs …
: RT @Pinboard: DNC attacks could have been a 400 lb spider sitting on its bed Original post: …
: RT @glentickle: The “nasty commercials” from Hillary that Trump is talking about are …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: She’s Putin him on the defensive. Well, soviet. Original post: …
: RT @TonyAtamanuik: Hey Black Community, have you enjoyed “The last little while”? …
: RT @NowThisGIF: Fact check:… Original post: …
: RT @billmaher: to keep up with Trump’s bullshit they had to outsource fact-checking to China. …
: RT @iamrashidajones: his condescending interjections and interruptions and mansplaining are hitting …
: #SniffingDonald is VERY heathy. The healthiest man EVER. Original post: …
: RT @connorratliff: “Look. It’s all WORDS.” - @realDonaldTrump, starting with maybe …
: RT @Pinboard: Trump just implicitly confirmed he hasn’t paid Federal income tax by saying “it would …
: RT @AriVoukydis: “$650 million is a very small amount of money” - @realDonaldTrump, …
: Great article. Would trump be possible without TV?… Original post: …
: You can reach me using Signal by @WhisperSystems, get it now.… Original post: …
: I liked a @YouTube video from @hohnerharpman… Free Keene Squad - Robin Hooders …
: Unbeknownst to me, someone drew me while I was #writing in a coffee shop. Never before has my… …
: Will Trump Release His Tax Returns? Billionaire Pledges Up to $5 Million for Veterans if So - The …
: xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline… Original post: …
: I never owned an OS 9 machine, but I still think this is really cool.… …
: I liked a @YouTube video… Planet Caravan Original post: …
: I liked a @YouTube video… The Wizard Original post: …
: .@eczema_records Just got my #Joysticks LP last night. Absolutely beautiful! Production is above and …
: #1249; One Nation, Indivisible… Original post: …
: ll Original post: <…>
: RT @MonkeyBizHoe: @chrisjohndeluca @realDonaldTrump Lier! u must be blind, deaf and on kush ! What a …
: 72 Hours of Pwnage: A Paranoid N00b Goes to Def Con… Original post: …
: RT @ppk: Time for meta-Pokemon, where you hunt Pokemonners. Original post: …
: I now know that cat dicks look like eagle talons. I can’t stop grimacing. Original post: …
: Takeaway: you can see everyone’s junk. The Physics Of Olympic Bodies… …
: Great take on creativity and genius:…… Original post: …
: I woke up this morning and my neck hurt, and I don’t know why. I hadn’t been drinking. …
: “Yeah, I shit my pants,” said the confident man. #NovelNotes Original post: …
: More Encryption Means Less Privacy - ACM Queue… Original post: …
: Trump’s Indecent Proposal… Original post: …
: 21 Signs That Story You’re About To Share Is Secretly B.S.… Original …
: Mysterious Tweet Sparks Fears Edward Snowden Is Missing Or Dead… Original …
: Verifying myself: I am bronzehedwick on RZ9CBe8sYQy6rcdhahe5fL7Fg53PUOCQSS1c / …
: My sister shared this. All about Chris’s… Original post: …
: A fancy script “Z” + night = thinking The Plaza Lounge was The Playa Lounge. One letter …
: My wife trying to figure out the name of The Night Of: A Night to Remember The Night Watchmen John …
: 5 Reasons (Almost) Everyone Was Wrong About Trump… Original post: …
: RT @mshelton:… Original post: <…>
: RT @jonathanchait: Trump right now: “I may have committed some, uh, light… …
: RT @WNYC: .@HillaryClinton to young girls watching last night: “I may become the first woman …
: RT @robreiner: Official:@realDonaldTrump will not release his taxes. UNACCEPTABLE Cannot elect …
: RT @eczema_records: RED VARIANT now available from @STSPhonoCo… Original post: …
: RT @MattBellassai: if ur house was on fire, would u rather trust a woman who’s been a …
: I liked a @YouTube video… Craig Ferguson 2009.03.04 Archbishop Desmond Tutu …
: RT @TammyRosenfeld: Silence is not an option. Call people out on their hate. #LoveforLeslieJ …
: Eliot Weinberger · They could have picked…… Original post: …
: RT @Nettaaaaaaaa: Police claim a handcuffed #AlexiaChristian produced a gun and shot at them. She …
: RT @phlsa: In other news, your #Chrome browsing data will soon be used for ad tailoring. Time to act …
: Ignorance and indifference: Delving deep into the Clinton e-mail saga… …
: xkcd: xkcd Phone 4… Original post: <…>
: Pokemon Go is a huge security risk… Original post: …
: Law Professor’s Response to Black Lives Matter Shirt Complaint – Social Design Notes …
: RT @BelindaSimons77: @chrisjohndeluca @realDonaldTrump ur the very wrong, Original post: …
: @realDonaldTrump LOVE is greater than hate. Original post: <…>
: @realDonaldTrump LOVE is greater than hate. Original post: <…>
: Nativism won in England today. Let’s take this as a cautionary tale in America and vote …
: @realDonaldTrump LOVE is greater than hate. Original post: <…>
: @realDonaldTrump LOVE is greater than hate. Original post: <…>
: My wife reviews The Martian… Original post: …
: My wife reviews The Martian:… via @YouTube Original post: …
: Misunderstanding Trump’s Appeal… Original post: …
: Wife: I’m too hot! My people weren’t made for this weather! Me: This is actually really …
: Election Betting Odds… Original post: <…>
: .@realDonaldTrump LOVE is greater than hate. Original post: <…>
: Really interesting. I’m hooked.…… Original post: …
: Clinton considering Warren, not Sanders, for running mate: WSJ… Original post: …
: RT @mani_art: add to that the #Palestinian suffering from #nakba until today.… …
: Compare These Gun Death Rates: The U.S. Is in a Different World… Original …
: .@n_o_moore We are #goblinlovers Original post: <…>
: We have a new homepage!… #MSKCC Original post: …
: RT @n_o_moore: A place to offer financial support for the victims of Pulse shootings. Consider …
: Ignoring People for Phones Is the New Normal… Original post: …
: RT @SarahKSilverman: GOP’s resistance 2 com sense gun laws has ZERO 2do w the 2nd amdt & …
: mannynotfound/delete-trump… Original post: …
: It Turns Out That Politicians Keep Their Word… Original post: …
: RT @Mac_Glidden: Check out the “Everything Gold” video:… Free …
: 6 Ways You Didn’t Realize Ronald Reagan Ruined The Country… Original …
: This is fantastic… Original post: <…>
: The cat is stalking the fan… Original post: …
: Overheard in NYC; Guy: you’re baby’s too loud. Girl: he’s thirsty. Guy: …
: I tried to terminate a reverse lookup for grunt with disastrous results #javascript #bash #grunt …
: Overheard in NYC: Guy: I bet there’s a lot of people who think Plato’s an asshole. Girl: …
: How an Outsider President Killed a Party… Original post: …
: RT @eviltrout: Shout out all my brothers and sisters who use vim… Original …
: There’s a gender divide on nuclear power, but it doesn’t mean what you think it means …
: Why I Was Wrong About Liberal-Arts Majors… Original post: …
: DRY: Do Repeat Yourself - QuirksBlog… Original post: …
: The Seven Broken Guardrails of Democracy… Original post: …
: Sitting in a coffee shop with 5 other random people, and 2 are programmers. First time i’ve …
: Shocking, but communication works… Original post: …
: really cool looking javascript particle experiment… Original post: …
: To Understand Your Past, Look to Your Future - Issue 36: Aging - Nautilus… …
: The origin of countless conspiracy theories - PatrickJMT… Original post: …
: RT @Solari2600: fun facts: the Boston Globe has a Soundcloud account there’s now a snippet of …
: The Religious Right | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS… Original post: …
: @Solari2600’s… record label was written up in the Boston Globe! …
: Really cool experience that shows just how lonely people at Google are. Paper Planes …
: This really cracked me up. xkcd: Laser Products… Original post: …
: RT @bigorangedrink: .@miketeigen, @justkristin, @mathieuhelie, @chrisjohndeluca, @Digi_Kay, Blog is …
: Totally mesmerizing… Original post: <…>
: The Website Obesity Crisis… Original post: …
: 7 Password Experts on How to Lock Down Your Online Security… Original post: …
: The Republican Horse Race Is Over, and Journalism Lost… Original post: …
: The Day the Republican Party Died… Original post: …
: I think the ending line sums it up well.… Original post: …
: Atari co-founder: mobile games make me want to throw my phone… Original post: …
: Before Hamilton, Daveed Diggs Played Hobbes in the Comic Adaptation Hobbes & Me …
: The driverless truck is coming… Original post: …
: SNL To Begin Incorporating Sponsored Sketches. The worst parts of the Internet, now on TV! …
: Yup.… Original post: <…>
: RT @mani_art: ✨ ✨ YAS - as a graphics/js nerd, I am so excited about this ✨ ✨… …
: xkcd: Women on 20s… Original post: <…>
: Come play manygolf with me!… it’s actually really fun Original post: …
: “It’s like dolce and gabbana breaking up” - some girl on the bus Original post: …
: Popular Science… Original post: <…>
: Much harder to make an argument for CSS frameworks than JS frameworks…… …
: Coding Inspiration: 3 Teen Sisters Crush Coding Records, Stereotypes… Original …
: Can’t really wrap my head around it yet. RIP Prince. Original post: …
: Of Course Congress Is Clueless About Tech—It Killed Its Tutor… Original post: …
: No Way to Elect a President… Original post: …
: Can we all replace Os with 😀s?… Original post: …
: Check out this cool episode:…… Original post: …
: I Need a Hero: How Supergirl Could Rescue the DC Cinematic Universe… Original …
: Ouch.… Original post: <…>
: Hahahaha ughhh… Original post: <…>
: John Lanchester · When Bitcoin Grows Up: What is Money?… Original post: …
: The secret rules of the internet… Original post: …
: ‘Consumer Reports’ in the Age of the Amazon Review… Original post: …
: Women in Programming… Original post: <…>
: Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest -…… Original post: …
: Film Dialogue for 2,000 Films, Broken Down by Age and Gender… Original post: …
: Why The FBI Director Puts Tape Over His Webcam… Original post: …
: So good… Original post: <…>
: I wrote a minimal TODO app in <100 lines with pure #html5 and #es6 #javascript …
: The Panama Papers prove it: America can afford a universal basic income | Colin Holtz …
: A faked, retracted study of changing people’s minds on gay marriage turns out to have been …
: RT @Vanyaland617: Vinyl Boarding: Eczema Records launches with soundtrack to lost ’80s comedy …
: 9-year-old reporter breaks crime news, posts videos, fires back at critics… …
: Inside the Unorthodox Donald Trump Campaign… Original post: …
: I want my HEAD up my butt, but can’t commit #gitPuns @mani_art @CloudyButt Original post: …
: Everyday Internet Users Can Stand Up for Encryption — Here’s How… Original …
: How economists rode maths to become our era’s astrologers – Alan Jay Levinovitz | Aeon Essays …
: Seems about right… Original post: <…>
: How A Contested Convention Would Work <…> Original post: …
: Campuses Can’t Become One Big ‘Safe Space’… Original post: …
: RT @XplodingUnicorn: Be careful. Today is April Fools’, when everyone lies on the Internet. As …
: A Look At Our Future: 5 Nations Who Elected Their Trump… Original post: …
: RT @DeepDrumpf: .@ZachWeiner Frankly, I think it’s amazing. I’m not a big believer in …
: RT @cymnyc: Big ups to our own @hamsoxfartin for making #ucb llyod! Original post: …
: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal… Original post: …
: How Political Polling Works… Original post: …
: RT @cymnyc: “There was a #CruzSexScanal? Why wasn’t I invited?”, said copious …
: RT @RealTimKeck: I don’t know who came up with this but it feels pretty spot on. …
: The Death of Moral Relativism… Original post: …
: RT @cymnyc: Life is like a box of chocolates…clearly marked, so you know what you’re …
: Adding a new credit card fails silently on @Meetup. Help pages are not so much 😒 Original post: …
: RT @cymnyc: If the Hills have Eyes, do the Valleys have Shins? Original post: …
: RT @cymnyc: “Vini, Vidi, Screechi”, “I came, I saw, I screamed” - Julius …
: NetHack: The Greatest Game You Will Ever Play… Original post: …
: Haha!… Original post: <…>
: Fascinating Ed Snowden interview…… Original post: …
: Some thoughts on when NYC last opened new subway stations - Second Ave. Sagas… …
: In the Land of Fantasy, Inequality is Benign… Original post: …
: I started making gists for utility functions I frequently use:… #js …
: Food for digital thought.… Original post: …
: Real proud of Jon Solari and… They made the AV Club!… …
: John Carmack on Idea Generation… Original post: …
: The most awesome video game is whatever this one is!… @eczema_records …
: The End of American Idealism… Original post: …
: You know what I think? Thoughts. #totallytweetworthy Original post: …
: Made a little random color generator tied to scroll.… via @CodePen #javascript …
: This is the best.… Original post: <…>
: Louis C.K. Slams Trump: “The Guy is Hitler,” “We Are Being Germany in the ’30s” …
: Algebra II Drives Dropout Rates and Is Mostly Useless. Here’s a Plan for Getting Rid of It. …
: RT @eczema_records: You could win one of two Joysticks test pressings, bundled with a bluray of the …
: RT @DeepDrumpf: We need somebody that literally has a nuclear wealth, and the enemy tougher on with. …
: RT @HamillHimself: It’s got to be difficult to parody a parody-these guys never fail to nail …
: Kofi Annan on Why It’s Time To Legalize Drugs… Original post: …
: Code Is Political… Original post: <…>
: Why House and Senate Hopefuls Are Betting on Bernie Sanders… Original post: …
: Victorian Humour Database. I don’t get any of them.… Original post: …
: We Should All Have Something To Hide… Original post: …
: Which Occupations Are Priced Out of Homeownership?… Original post: …
: The end of the establishment?… Original post: …
: This just blew up my #css mind! ý¿¿¹°ƒ…¿¿¹ Original post: …
: How to Take ‘Political Correctness’ Away From Donald Trump… …
: Interesting development… Original post: <…>
: ‘WarGames’ and Cybersecurity’s Debt to a Hollywood Hack… Original post: …
: I signed.… Original post: <…>
: The Securosis Blog… Original post: <…>
: Interesting article on generational spending… Original post: …
: Spot on.… Original post: <…>
: Why the FBI’s request to Apple will affect civil rights for a generation | Macworld …
: Interesting article on the current state of science… Original post: …
: Headshot: A visual history of first-person shooters… Original post: …
: AI and robots threaten to unleash mass unemployment, scientists warn -… …
: Even tho this is a comedy article it’s all true… Original post: …
: I really enjoyed this.… Original post: <…>
: Enders game for programmers! Armored Bits | Programmable Multiplayer AI Robot Battles …
: Excavation uncovers remains of high-status women at Stonehenge… Original post: …
: RT @charrington99: This guy has a point. No more tinkering with software will lead to big knowledge …
: A good LOL for #javascript folks… @mani_art Original post: …
: Hillary Clinton Is No Obama - The New Yorker… Original post: …
: Woman stops Florida cop for speeding: ‘The reason I pulled you over today … ‘… …
: This is actually what America would look like without gerrymandering… Original …
: The World’s Favorite New Tax Haven Is the United States… Original post: …
: Superstition - Matt Gemmell… Original post: …
: Anywhere but Medium… Original post: <…>
: The Dark Side: An Oral History of ‘The Star Wars Holiday Special’… …
: Point-by-Point Response To Mike Hearn’s Final Bitcoin Post – Fixing Tao… …
: Fact check: The ‘King of Whoppers’ for 2015 is Donald Trump… Original …
: RT @romcomcast: We develop a new enemy: Mike the trivia wiz basketball player. …
: RT @jinglefriends: Celebrate Life Day with us! We talk about the Star Wars Holiday Special with …
: This rings true, but maybe because it boosts my ego.… Original post: …
: The best science fiction, as picked by 20 A.I. experts… Original post: …
: Firefox Maker Mozilla Is Flailing When the Web Needs It the Most… Original …
: RT @laurieberenhaus: Watch RomComCast! Hilarious! Entertaining! AND a new way to follow …
: RT @romcomcast: A new episode of RomComCast is live! This time, it’s in space! What a plug! …
: Black Friday By The Numbers… Original post: …
: Even If Terrorists Do Use Strong Encryption, We Still Need It — Backchannel… …
: 4 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Free Speech and College… Original post: …
: Terrorist attacks: Mass surveillance is the problem, not the solution… …
: RT @romcomcast: Buckle up, folks, because Episode 4 just dropped!… Original …
: 7 Things I Learned Reading Every Issue Of ISIS’s Magazine… Original …
: I think the real story is that the lowest swiped female names were more than the highest swiped male …
: Xkcd at its best in my opinion… Original post: …
: Do Not Ask Western Leadership to Fix Anything | Ian Welsh… Original post: …
: I Turned Off JavaScript in My Web Browser for a Whole Week and It Was Glorious …
: Really amazing piece… Original post: <…>
: 6 Shady Ways The Media Makes Millennials Look Like Idiots… Original post: …
: This is fun for front end devs. DevTools Challenger… Original post: …
: RT @romcomcast: Episode 2 is here, and it’s getting wacky.… Original …
: Hilarious. The Onion Reviews ‘Spectre’… Original post: …
: As a programmer, I agree. Programmers: Stop Calling Yourselves Engineers… …
: Security is important, @instagram. We’d like it if you supported two factor auth. …
: For anyone into rare film soundtracks, my good friend Jon Solari just launched a great record label. …
: RT @romcomcast: Our first episode is live!… Original post: …
: How Capicola Became Gabagool: The Italian New Jersey Accent, Explained… …
: Why the New Vatican Leaks Scandal Is Different - The New Yorker… Original …
: This is a thing? — The Message… Original post: …
: Rupert Murdoch Lays Off National Geographic Staff… Original post: …
: Against Subtlety: The Case for Heavy-Handedness in Art… Original post: …
: As Heroin Use by Whites Soars, Parents Urge Gentler Drug War… Original post: …
: @mint. Please support two factor auth. Your dealing with my money for god’s sake. …
: Security is important, @TDBank_US. Please support two factor auth. It’s just common sense! …
: Sci-Fi’s Hugo Awards and the Battle for Pop Culture’s Soul… Original post: …
: FACT CHECK: Do Tax Cuts Grow The Economy?… Original post: …
: Conceptual Genius Goes As Self For Halloween… Original post: …
: Have You Left a Money Trail on Venmo?… Original post: …
: Vicious, Feral House Republicans Run Loose Across D.C. Following Resignation Of Caretaker …
: What if JavaScript and Who’s On First had a baby?… Original post: …
: @buffer Getting no JS/CSS only in chrome, even after clearing all cache. Seems …
: Who's on JavaScript?

If you like JavaScript this binding, and the comedy classic Who’s on First?, then is this the …

: Deeply Divided Republican Electorate Drifts Toward Ben Carson, Poll Shows… …
: As sites move to SHA2 encryption, millions face HTTPS lock-out | ZDNet… …
: What America’s immigrants looked like when they arrived on Ellis Island… …
: How Poetry Could Save You From Hackers… Original post: …
: Police Leaders Join Call to Cut Prison Rosters -…… …
: MPAA Adds New Rating To Warn Audiences Of Films Not Based On Existing Works… …
: The first rule of zero-days is no one talks about zero-days (so we’ll explain) …
:… Original post: <…>
: CIA boss John Brennan’s personal email ‘hacked’ - BBC News… …
: xkcd: Overthinking… Original post: <…>
: Prison Without Punishment… Original post: …
: Wedding gift unboxing:… via @YouTube Original post: …
: Programming Hate Into AI Will Be Controversial, But Possibly…… Original post: …
: Why It’s OK to Block Ads | Practical Ethics… Original post: …
: What Could Raising Taxes on the 1% Do? Surprising Amounts -… …
: Wilhelm lives… Original post: <…>
: A Feminism Where ‘Lean In’ Means Leaning On Others -…… …
: Meanwhile, in a wacky corner of the Internet…… Original post: …
: Be Suspicious Of Online Movie Ratings, Especially Fandango’s… Original post: …
: Graffiti on ‘Homeland,’ Unnoticed by Producers, Calls Show Racist… Original …
: Why aren’t there more women in tech? (INFOGRAPHIC)… Original post: …
: If you can google it, it’s true.… Original post: …
: Watch 14 Minutes of Lost Animation From ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’… …
: How is NSA breaking so much crypto?… Original post: …
: RT @thepitnyc: CLIFFNOTES ON THE HUMAN CONDITION! @laurieberenhaus @trasselhoff @chrisjohndeluca …
: Clean Coder Blog… Original post: <…>
: Adobe confirms major Flash vulnerability, and the only way to protect yourself is to uninstall Flash …
: Laser razor kicked off Kickstarter - BBC News… Original post: …
: Here’s Why Nobody’s Talking About Nanotech Anymore… Original post: …
: How Steve Jobs Fleeced Carly Fiorina — Backchannel… Original post: …
: How the Internet works… Original post: <…>
: The White Man in That Photo… Original post: …
: America’s newest nuke plant shows why nuclear power is dying in the U.S. …
: xkcd: Frankenstein… Original post: <…>
: On Apple’s Insurmountable Platform Advantage… Original post: …
: Can cities kick ads? Inside the global movement to ban urban billboards… …
: Uncovering The Secret History Of Myers-Briggs… Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
: Obama Condemns ‘Routine’ of Mass Shootings, Says U.S. Has Become Numb -… …
: Lol. Tea Party Hypocrite Toppled by Sex Video… Original post: …
: 18 Subtle Tricks The Media Uses To Control Your Brain… Original post: …
: RT @mani_art: @chrisjohndeluca Leader See Space (comment out line) #vim… …
:… The sad yet fascinating state of online ads. Great long form piece by …
: Good job, port authority… Original post: <…>
: There’s no more copyright to the Happy Birthday song!… Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
: Donald Trump is America’s Silvio Berlusconi… Original post: …
: This is so cool… made by @mani_art Original post: …
: Why Futurism Has a Cultural Blindspot - Issue 28: 2050 - Nautilus… Original …
: Who Is Kim Davis?… Original post: <…>
: What Ever Happened to Google Books? - The New Yorker… Original post: …
: Humans aren’t so special after all: The fuzzy evolutionary boundaries of Homo sapiens …
: Sick “Philosopher King” burn!… Original post: …
: First episode of freakonomics:…… Original post: …
: Ha! Sex Ed Vs. Abstinence-Only Education… Original post: …
: One of the more cogent articles on code commenting I’ve read.… Original …
: Humans are single threaded. Original post: <…>
: Solving technical debt doesn’t make money in the short term, it just loses a lot of money in …
:… one of these is Europa, the others are frying pans. Haven’t figured out …
: Why Do Colleges Give Out “Honorary” Degrees?… Original post: …
: So Elon Musk’s Hyperloop Is Actually Getting Kinda Serious… Original post: …
: Who Is Presidential Candidate Deez Nuts? Still a better candidate than Trump… …
: Location, Sensors, Voice, Photos?! Spotify Just Got Real Creepy With The Data It Collects On You - …
: Anyone remember Googleism? It’s still around.… Original post: …
: RT @PostSchools: Why I had to invent #iLookLikeAnEngineer to challenge tech stereotypes …
: Cecil The Lion Made You A Moron: 5 Stages Of Facebook Rage |… …
:… Sick Grammarian Slam! Or, well reasoned insight into the evolution of …
: Perfect!… Original post: <…>
: #stevedocumusical was absolutely fantastic!… @nyneofuturists Original post: …
: Love this… Original post: <…>
:… Original post: <…>
: The website is unknown - How DNS works… for people who like comics and knowing …
: Fascinating.… Original post: <…>
: So long Jon Stewart. I’ve been watching on and off for a decade. Sad to see you go. …
: Here here!… Original post: <…>
: #priorities… Original post: <…>
: Chilly at Work? Office Formula Was Devised for Men -…… …
:… A good analysis Original post: <…>
: Solid, solid psych joke. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal… Original post: …
: @mani_art programming jokes are the best jokes (to programmers)… Original …
: Via La Future!… Original post: <…>
: Notice the guy in the background with the TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT sign? This video was made in 1999. …
: For anyone who hasn’t seen this yet, this has got to be my favorite form of protest …
: “Where are all the other worlds?” #FirstWorldProblems Original post: …
: Yep… Original post: <…>
: RT @mani_art: some serious functional testing badassery courtesy of @chrisjohndeluca #fb …
: Men who harass women online are quite literally losers, new study finds - The Washington Post …
: I found this…… Original post: <…>
: Woody Allen noir - The Whore of Mensa - The New Yorker… Original post: …
: Greece’s Economy Is a Lesson for Republicans in the U.S. -… …
: God damn it #USA. Data on 7% of Americans Was Just Hacked, Now What?… Original …
: Crowdsourcing is weird… Original post: <…>
: So did anyone know that MLKs estate sued the government for conspiracy to nurse him, and won? I …
: BAM!… Original post: <…>
: This story gets better and better… Original post: …
: Funny, but painful @mani_art… Original post: …
: Major hack in the wild right now. Disable flash!… Original post: …
: Is this another Frank Gehry building, or is it just weird? @mani_art… Original …
: It’s pretty cool… Original post: <…>
: RT @JuddApatow: The people fighting same sex marriage seem so sad and afraid. Just live your life. …
: Ha! Awesome… Original post: <…>
: RT @TheOnion: In The News:…… Original post: …
: If only to make my job easier, if you use a Mac, please use any other browser | Safari is the new IE …
: Glad that the Clown Party is running someone again this year… Original post: …
: With Same-Sex Decision, Evangelical Churches Address New Reality -… …
: 365 Days of Pixel Art… Original post: <…>
: Let me hear a woohoo for civil rights!… Original post: …
: @CBBWYR Instantly know the answer to any question, but milk shoots out your nose when you do, or you …
: Now I just want to see the original, unrestored version.… Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
: I spent the last 15 years trying to become an American. I’ve failed.… …
: Homegrown Radicals More Deadly Than Jihadis in U.S.… Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
: #InThe90sIThought the 00s would look like how the 50s imagined the 80s. Original post: …
: Congress warned that drones present ‘a nightmare scenario for civil liberties’ | …
: 22 Famous Stories That Left Out The Best Details |…… …
: In being paranoid, IMAX shot themselves in the foot. IMAX’s absurd attempt to censor Ars | Ars …
:… Clickbait name, but a poll about actual issues. Original post: …
: RT @mcclure111: Original design doc for The Sims banned same sex attraction. Coder ignored design …
: 6 Famous Companies You Had No Clue Were Dying |…… …
: A sober historical look at why we should legalize all drugs… Original post: …
:… #codehumor #grosshumor #thinkaboutit Original post: …
: Called out maimed from work, made me go in anyway #DarkAgesProblems Original post: …
: Face/Off, Salt/On #MakeAMoviePainful Original post: <…>
: The 80 Year Old Virgin #MakeAMoviePainful Original post: <…>
: All About Cleve(land) #MakeAMoviePainful Original post: <…>
:… I don’t exist! #codehumor #dumb Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
: Domineering Dads and Sexual Frustration Driving Kids in the West to ISIS - The Daily Beast …
: Jurassic Park’s VFX legacy still casts a shadow—especially for Jurassic World | Ars Technica …
: Is Spotify doomed because of Apple Music? No — Spotify’s been doomed from the start | PandoDaily …
: Really good point… Original post: <…>
: The Difference Between Saying ‘Thank You’ in Chinese and English - The Atlantic …
: The HoloDeck is coming | TechCrunch… Original post: …
: I don’t play League of Legends, but professional video gaming is facinating The Unkillable …
: Anyone else remember Chip’s Challenge?… Original post: …
: My Night and Day web experiment that turns your cursor into the sun… via …
: it’s in the context of web coders, but I think lots of folks struggle with this, myself one of …
: RIP Christopher Lee… Original post: <…>
: RT @mani_art: Programming Sucks… via @Instapaper Original post: …
: G7: End of fossil fuel era? - BBC News… I’m all for it Original post: …
: Disease killed everyone before I could #DarkAgesProblems Original post: …
: Stanford engineers develop state-by-state plan to convert U.S. to 100% clean, renewable energy by …
: So, this is a thing… Original post: <…>
: An interesting look into gender issues of the apocalypse… Original post: …
: Here’s the human-readable versions for all those license agreements we don’t read …
: There’s only four things that really matter in life. Food, water, shelter, and whatever that …
: Wait, now someone is spying on the government’s data? Tables turned… …
: This is going to be a fun political season. Candidate Profile: Rick Perry - The Onion - …
: It’s Time to Let Edward Snowden Come Home - The New Yorker… Original post: …
: A great critique of the current state of futurism (aka, “Why don’t we all have flying …
: New episode of our movie podcast is out!… @filmgeek5000 @Solari2600 Original …
: Super fascinating. Chain World Videogame Was Supposed to be a Religion—Not a Holy War | WIRED …
: The Hunter S. Thompson of Magic the Gathering!… Original post: …
: Anyone relate? Your Employer Is Not Your Friend, and Young People Know It… …
: Let me know if any new programmers try this. Snap: Programming for everyone | MIOsoft Blog …
:… Original post: <…>
: A great look at gender inequality through a CS lens - Why are there so few women in Linux? …
: That Asimov was a pretty smart dude - The Relativity of Wrong… Original post: …
: Our improvised movie podcast is finally on iTunes!… @filmgeek5000 @Solari2600 …
: Ooh, sick Composition 101 burn!… Original post: …
: A real fun read about chess, computers, humans, and their relationships to each other …
:… Original post: <…>
: 30 Years Ago They Retired at 35: An Update - Next Avenue… Original post: …
: New Jersey Corruption strikes again!… Original post: …
: I give this a big ol’ YES… Original post: …
: This is way cool, but since more and more of our services are online, those speeds will still be …
: A good criticism of generational thinking… Original post: …
: Things to do: come see this sketch show I’m in… Reasons not to? …
: Forgotify Only Plays Spotify Songs That No One Has Ever Played Before | TechCrunch …
: I use Paypal occasionally, and I thought their credit line thing seemed scammy. …
: We’ve been pronouncing “Parmesan” wrong this whole time! Click the audio icon …
: Well, it’s something… Original post: …
: xkcd: Placebo Blocker… Original post: <…>
: A thought provoking look at how we’ve come to interact with computers… …
: And the single panel hits just keep on coming… Original post: …
: SMBC at its concise best… Original post: <…>
:… finally, an 8 ball for our time🎉 Original post: …
: I need to point out that yes, this is The Onion, but since it’s the American Voices segment, …
: Big surprise: the 1% is mostly made up of the Ivy League… and the Economist is …
: Even though I haven’t watched the Simpson’s in years, whaaaaat?… …
: I had a feeling, but here’s the proof.… Original post: …
: “Hold the water, hold the soap, I’m not takin’ a bath, ‘cause ima da …
: Another piece of evidence to place in my museum of Why Special Effects Look Dumb These Days …
: As if Mega Man wasn’t hard enough… Original post: …
: A very insightful look at working with your chosen medium:… Original post: …
: For anyone tired of tech marketing buzzwords:… Original post: …
: A thoughtful call to arms on the unintended side effects of algorithms.… …
: Web developer 2011 > 30k, 2012 > 50k, 2013 > 75k, 2014 > 95k, 2015 > 115k. Most …
: One of these days I need to become fluent in a second language.… Original …
: US States racism levels as measured by Google search data… Original post: …
: This is pretty cool… Original post: <…>
: Really interesting article on how tech is affecting the homeless… Original …
: Pizza Hut still serves it’s first homepage… Original post: …
: <…> a pretty on point review of the state of modern action movies. …
: This is one of the best articles I’ve read… Original post: …
: I’m not being radical by saying I love Sesame Street.… Original post: …
: Sexism is still hanging out in the tech world, unfortunately. Fortunately, this author is bitingly …
: Interesting article on solving the digital data archiving problem… Original …
: 20 sided dice in ancient Egypt… Thanks to @elizabethhintze for this one …
: I would say Apple products priced out of reach of a lot of Americans, but I get that this move …
: A really solid article.… Original post: <…>
: Really cool 3D water effects. If it doesn’t load, try Firefox or Chrome on the desktop …
: Finally, some sound advice from self help books!… Original post: …
: If you don’t know who Richard Stallman is, this is worth a read… …
: This is fun… Original post: <…>
: Found great service that ranks site’s TOS agreements, and lists the main points in plain …
: Magic the gathering economics!… Original post: …
: This is American Voices, so the news story is real. The pun “Prom-munism” is gleefully …
: Ah, finally, a clear breakdown on the difference between and uses cases of SOAP vs REST #nerdtalk …
: Very sad. Discworld is one of my favorites.…… Original …
: This just makes me want to use the Wilhelm scream in my daily life. Like any time someone tries to …
: It just gets harder and harder to ignore that our patent system is broken.… …
: Wow, just wow.… Original post: <…>
: When you’re right, you’re right, even when some of it was wrong.… …
: EA is the Darth Vader of video game companies, except without the redemption at the end. …
: Take that, female sex norms!… Original post: …
: I’m mad at this article, but only for articulating my feelings on Vim better than me. …
: The only war going on right now, that I know of, that’s fought with thumb drives. …
: I’m really fascinated by bitcoin. Still don’t have any tho. Make of that what you will. …
: I think most of this applies to any creative discipline, not just writing.… …
: Postmodernism is Anti-Mind (Literally)… Original post: …
: I love the turn in this one.… Original post: …
: Leonard Nimoy, Spock of ‘Star Trek,’ Dies at 83… Original post: …
: Woohoo!… Original post: <…>
: A children’s percussion group playing Led Zeppelin, and doing a damn fine job, too. …
: Every stereotype about ignorant white males making abortion law is true!… …
: Ostensibly a comedy article, this is a sharp read on the “anti-feminist” movement. …
: There is a vi/vim stack exchange now! #nerd… Original post: …
: Mattel To Remake Barbie With More Diversity, Voice Box | The Onion - America’s Finest News …
: How “omnipotent” hackers tied to NSA hid for 14 years—and were found at last | Ars Technica …
: A portable little script to check Github’s status from the command line. …
: That makes sense: happy rats/people don’t OD.… Original post: …
: I am taking requests for dumb web pages:… Original post: …
: Super interesting article on how the sexes determine spatial awareness… …
: Man that’s good… Original post: <…>
: I liked a @YouTube video… Neil DeGrasse Tyson defends science to Bill Maher …
: The Origin of the 8-Hour Work Day and Why We Should Rethink It… Original post: …
: You Don’t Know JS is a pretty amazing deep dive into JavaScript.… …
: The Confederate States of America lives on in Brazil?… Original post: …
: A compelling argument for more social security. The Town Where Everyone Got Free Money …
: Woohoo!… Original post: <…>
: Interesting article about a Wikipedia editor who only fixes one grammatical mistake. …
: THIs… Original post: <…>
: It’s time for Microsoft to open source Internet Explorer… Original post: …
: It’s fun to be able to say, “I told you so” to the Supreme Court. …
: I wrote a new blog post about fun horror movie stuff.… @laurieberenhaus …
: Call Your Mom is back at Indie Cage Match!… Like our video, please! …
: Babadook with Laurie Babadook book

I recently saw Babadook (No spoilers), a fantastic horror movie that was not only scary, but had a …

: @CBBWYR You have to stick your tongue in an anus every week OR every time you say …
: This article is making me consider ditching my Spotify premium account:… …
: To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This… Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
: They made Sonic The Hedgehog for Master System (Sega’s equivalent to the original Ninendo). …
: “This is either a huge turning point, or completely meaningless.”… …
: This is really cool.… Original post: <…>
: Yessssss… Original post: <…>
: Perfect.… Original post: <…>
: Programs the NSA couldn’t crack:… Original post: …
: If you don’t want to spring for the app there is a lifehack that does the same thing; …
: I was at the movies, and they had an ad for an app that tells you the best times to pee during the …
: I liked a @YouTube video… Christmas Serial - Saturday Night Live Original …
: My blog post about the hidden #LOTR calendar in #macosx #commandline… Original …
: Confessions of a former internet troll - Vox… Original post: …
: Mac OS X Lord of the Rings calendar

A quick, fun tip for Mac and command line users who are fans of The Lord of the Rings;

: This is incredible. Their only mistake is that the robot is too small. Let’s get worm operated …
: It’s funny cause it’s sad!… Original post: …
: This is funny… Original post: <…>
: Finally, some holiday TV I can get behind!… Original post: …
: Luckily for me, the tree fell AFTER she left. #LumberjackPunchlines Original post: …
: Something to ponder…… Original post: <…>
: RT @JRehling: If you don’t have time to read #FergusonRiotTips, this sums it up: …
: @1_800_moms call your mom has a show tonight at 2A in the east village at 8:30pm. Original post: …
: I’m now on… You can find me @bronzehedwick. Original post: …
: Kind of heavy handed, but still rings true.… Original post: …
: Anyone else have the Took Many Cooks theme still stuck in their head? Original post: …
: My improv team Call Your Mom has a twitter! @1_800_moms Follow to get the funnies. Don’t …
: Found this really cool tetris inspired game:… Original post: …
: The word “new” has been with the english language too long to be credible. Original post: …
: If you’re a suck up in a biker gang, are you schmoozing for a bruising? #imsorry Original post: …
: No Parent Should Have To Endure The Agony And Heartbreak Of Having A Shitty Kid …
: 3 Internet Shortcuts That Help No One |…… Original post: …
: I got 19 out of 25 on The Geekiest Font Quiz You Will Ever Take!… via …
: It’s never a good sign for your brain when you have to think about what to think about. …
: My improv team Call Your Mom won Indie Cage Match last week, and we’re back again this …
: Everything is simple, as long as you don’t think about it. #quotes Original post: …
:… via @TheOnion Original post: <…>
: RT @Zprov: I liked a @YouTube video from @chrisjohndeluca… Call Your Mom Indie …
: Happy fall! Original post: <…>
: Call Your Mom Indie Cage Match Hype Video:… via @YouTube Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
:… fun cracked article on overrated tv. Original post: …
: Control Night and Day! Or at least in the web in this experiment I made.… …
: My artsy-fartsy css web experiment

The other day I had some time in between work and an improv show I was doing that night, so to pass …

: I couldn’t agree more, Picard.… Original post: …
: @feliciaday do you have a chrome cast? And if so, is it weird to you that your face is on the …
: Dirt. You can grow things in it, or listen to it. I do the latter and review the album by Alice in …
: Not having fun is a traffic violation.… Original post: …
: Oh man, there’s the payoff.… Original post: …
: In another greatest hits episode, I go over Lynyrd Skynyrd’s.… Original …
: Be proud of your accomplishments.… Original post: …
: I review the album Here, by Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros.… Original …
: My Dad has his review for the new film Lucy.… Original post: …
: Movies have trained us to deeply mistrust the phrase, “What could possibly go wrong?” …
: I cover the prog rock behemoth, Close to the Edge, by Yes, in a review almost as long as the album. …
: For those who haven’t seen, Laurie’s new business has been featured in …
: I review the monster classic, Led Zeppelin II. Monster does not mean Frankenstein, it means rock. …
: My fiance @LaurieBerenhaus has her new business featured in… …
: #WhenIWasAKid I was shorter. Original post: <…>
: Stand with @Mozilla. Tell Congress to protect #NetNeutrality:… Original post: …
: Space truckers die in space truck. The woman from Avatar doesn’t die. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly …
: A lot of violent people are stuck in New York. A guy with one eye gets out. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly …
: Newman is a dick. Falls in mud. Dies. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Original post: …
: There are no Trolls #Troll2 #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Original post: …
:… compares pilots to artists;if you have a passion for something, people will …
: Sandra Bullock is ugly and clumsy. Then she isn’t. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Original post: …
: Man does not like snakes. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Original post: …
: RIP Joan Rivers… Original post: <…>
: “I beat you!” - Kindergarteners racing, or the Ferguson police? Original post: …
: Ah that’s fun.… Original post: <…>
: My first impressions on D&D 5th edition. More impressions to come.… …
: Yeah this is good.… Original post: <…>
:… What our reactions to te celeb hack say about us. Original post: …
: D&D 5th Edition First Impressions

I bought the new 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons players handbook. Having thought 4th edition was …

: <…> nothing radical, just some well know myths about government spending. …
: I started a blog. Topics are gaming, and programming, as well as regular narritive non-fiction. …
: You know you live in a first world country if you think you deserve a medal for cleaning the …
: Aliens must exist. Otherwise, how do you explain Ann Coulter?… Original post: …
: I am a ninja of space and time. Except I can only move forward in either one. That’s right, I can’t …
: I have the “forgot clothes in public” dream so often, I don’t get embarrassed. “Oh crap, again? …
: Never tell me the sky’s the limit when looking up cramps my neck. Original post: …
: New game: Super Garlic Bros. It follows the adventures of Mario and Luigi’s breath. #nintendo …
: Pirates: Thieves + ocean = cool. Original post: <…>
: Automating Jekyll Post Creation

Jekyll is a tool for static site generation, and it’s what powers Github pages, both of which …

: I want to do some hardcore Mr Ed fan fiction. 50 Shades of Hay. Original post: …
: Research is underrated. I’d back that up, but… Original post: <…>
: “You got a lotta nerves coming back here.” - slogan for a paranoia treatment center #iwish Original …
: You know what I think? Nah, me neither. Original post: <…>
: Andy and I will be on TalkShow TalkShow tonight!… Original post: …
: Twitter’s feature that notifies you when someone else favorites another person’s tweet is terrible. …
: Who is the farest of of them all? No one’s talking about that.… Original …
: 7 Horrors of Ferguson Policing (Made Less Awful With Farts) |… …
: I just climbed 6 flights of stairs. I shouldn’t feel like this much death. Original post: …
: “We all shit in the same place now. Someone will have to get rid of it. Not it!” - Everyone except …
: Little jack Horner, lived on the corner, smoking his curds and whey… that’s how it goes, right? …
: I got shivers just looking at the pictures. From beauty and terror… Original …
: Chinese Movie Theaters Displaying Audience Texts On Screen | The Onion - America’s Finest News …
: I just bought the 5th Edition D&D Player’s Handbook. I’m very excited. …
:… Original post: <…>
:… Original post: <…>
: This is actually pretty funny… Original post: …
: RT @TKav: @DavidBlue… Original post: <…>
: Well said, and scary.… Original post: <…>
: Hey Missouri, here’s another idea: sanity.… #Ferguson Original post: …
: Adam Carolla settles with patent troll… Original post: …
: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Ferguson, MO and Police Militarizati…: …
: Speed 3 should be about Keanue Reeves taking speed and constantly running, or else he’ll have to …
: Amy Poehler on Why Great People Do Things before They’re Ready… Original …
: Original post: <…>
: “I love soup! But I hate spoons.” - a sad, sad man #quotes Original post: …
: Yeah, screw sharks!… Original post: <…>
: Do you ever try to use the wrong mode of entry? Like taking out your keys at the subway, or your …
: Ha! This is good.… Original post: <…>
: Diversity of Various Tech Companies By the Numbers — Pixel Envy… Original …
: How much did Ralph vomit for his name to become a euphemism for it? Original post: …
: “I knew it!” - a conspiracy theorist, whenever anything happens #quotes Original post: …
: Why the shlong face?—some dickhead #quotes Original post: twitter
: Original post: <…>
: American Bible premieres Tuesday night on #NBC!… #TheNEWReality Original post: …
: Fear Tractor premieres Monday night on #NBC!… #TheNEWReality Original post: …
: So You Think You Can Cough? Premiere’s Friday night on #NBC!… …
: American History Ox #BadNatureShows Original post: <…>
: American Bridle #BadNatureShows Original post: <…>
: Leave it to Beaver #BadNatureShows Original post: <…>
: Most people in the world don’t know about whatever your favorite thing is. #itstrue Original post: …
: I saw Get On Up this weekend with Andy McCarthy. Aside from the standard docu drama cliches, it was …
: I can’t really grasp it, yet. I feel like a cartoon character who ran out over a cliff, and is just …
: RT @moshekasher: If yr wondering why comics are acting like we lost 1 of our own,its because he …
: RT @SpencerAlthouse: Robin Williams’ answer to “If heaven exists what would you like to …
: RT @ChrisGethard: This is the face of my mental illness, and I’m ok with you seeing it. …
: RT @patbaer: Here’s Robin Williams performing at @UCBTheatreNY with Bangs. …
: Original post: <…>
: RT @NBCNightlyNews: MORE: Comedian Robin Williams found dead at age 63… …
: RT @SirPatStew: And my first music festival is over.… Original post: …
: I gotta read Brave New World now.… Original post: …
: I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here’s What It Did to Me | Gadget Lab | WIRED …
: Every one of these babies is pooping #Pampers… Original post: …
: Goldilocks found 3 bowels of porridge in the cottage… And went home, because that’s someone else’s …
: The small good wolf huffed and puffed…after helping the pigs build their houses. #BoringFairyTales …
: Confirming what we all suspected, reality shows are evil.… Original post: …
: A legal battle is ramping up to determine if monkey’s can own a copyright. I’m really …
: “I fought the claw and the claw won.” - every claw game #carnival #boardwalk Original post: …
: We can be both nostalgic for the past and use it as an excuse. “Ah, the good old days. Don’t blame …
: If a Knight is Knighted, is a Dame Damed? Original post: <…>
: Celsius 451 just doesn’t have the same ring. #RayBradbury Original post: …
: “Well, buckle my nuts!” - things I wish #DonKnots would say. Original post on twitter
: Fun Fact: the original song was It’s Raining Sven, about a bunch of Norwegian clones falling from a …
: A girl wearing rubber shorts carries a bag reading, “Our game is not over.” Is that a threat? …
: “To pee, or not to pee?” - a question never asked by a dog #petjokes #shakespear #groan Original …
: Do you ever hear the word, “cantaloupe” and start attacking everyone in sight? Or is that just my …
: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal… Original post: …
: Is pubic hair straightening a business? Have the French got there yet? #BeautyEssentials Original …
: There’s three dudes practicing a stage fight with bo staves. Some dude with a ponytail is bossing …
: Cracked on sex myths. Original post on twitter
: Pretty sweet article on the business side of D&D… #d&d Original post: …
: What if we make first contact with an alien, but it’s the equivalent of the elephant man on their …
: There’s only 6,954 things I want out of life. Is that too much to ask? #simplelife Original post: …
: Google wants to map perfect health through genetics. Soon, they can advertise straight to your …
: The Who, What, Where, Why, and When are important, but what about the Wash? There isn’t nearly …
: @RunicGames when is Torchlight 2 coming out for Mac! It’s been sooooooo long! Original post: …
: If you like movies, structures, and the incongruities between the two, you’ll like this. …
: You know you’re out of shape when you get tired hearing old cliche’s, like, …
: If you like movies, structures, and the incongruities between the two, you’ll like this. …
: I am published on The Daily Meal!… Original post: …
: Original post: <…>
: “It’s time to get eel.” - The Feastie Boys #quotes Original post: …
: Original post: <…>
: I recently discovered what headcannon is, and it’s silly. The #xkcd:… …
: Does anyone else get nostalgic for the future of the past? #BladeRunner #StarWars #Alien #Jetsons …
: Bill Clinton Swag dot com is amazing. Pick 4 albums and get a image of Bill listening to them! …
: Awesome article about how movies can become bad.… Original post: …
: Bamboozle is probably my favorite word. It’s like a loud, sudden, boozle. Original post: …
: Why do people talk about fictional characters as if their abilities are real? Sherlock Holmes …
: Study: Infants Can Smell Mothers’ Fears | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source Original …
: The phrase “Barry rides again,” is a triumphant return. However, “Barry rides, …
: I’m pretty sure this is a serious link. It’s someone arguing that the Beatles were …
: 101 Damnation’s #DogMovies #humanmovies Original post: <…>
: Apocalypse Bow-wow #DogMovies Original post: <…>
: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Moist #DogMovies Original post: <…>
: Heelraiser #DogMovies Original post: <…>
: Puppies Take Manhattan #DogMovies Original post: <…>
: I want better conspiracy theories. Here’s one: The Illuminati hired aliens to fake the moon …
: Several weeks ago, I bought Super #Castlevania from @Solari2600. I still haven’t beat the …
: A wolf in sheep’s clothing is not that bad. A wolf in clown clothing, now that’s the stuff of …
: The Perverts Guide to Ideology is a really good philosophical documentary. It’s on #netflix Original …
: I don’t really use Pinterest, or apply beauty tips from the internet, but this article is …
: The New York Times has come out in support if the federal legalization of marajuana. …
: #nintendo has first party titles in every genre I can think of. Original post: …
: “Great party people like big pig blankets.” - A line from a children’s book that should exist. …
: You’re so ugly, that after you were born, God stopped existing. #sickburns #existentialburns …
: If you like scary movies, than you’ll LOVE looking in the mirror. #sickburns Original post: …
: “To be profound is to fancifully state the obvious. “ - Arthur C. Hubbins III #quotes Original post: …
: You know, none of the technology promised in those History Channel documentaries from fifteen years …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: From a fan in NYC. Proofreading matters!… Original post: …
: If your eyes are a window to the soul, is your nose the chimney? Should I cram presents up there, is …
: Reading is transformative; without it, you couldn’t be smart while sitting on your ass. #truefacts …
: 6 Mind-Blowing Discoveries We Just Made About Famous Art |… …
: Weird Al’s new album is really good… #weirdal Original post: …
: This site is amazing… #starwars Original post: …
: I love meta humor. #hashtag Original post: <…>
: RT @alyankovic: It’s official. MANDATORY FUN enters the Billboard album chart this week at #1. Wow. …
: I never saw I Know What You Did Last Summer, so I can only imagine it’s a movie about swimming and …
: I was wondering why #GirlTalk hasn’t been sued…Here’s the answer!… I wish he …
: Have you ever been lying naked in a field and think, “I’ve been robbed,”? Original post: …
: I’ve lived, loved, and lpvd, if we’re moving left to right on the keyboard. …
: This is funny… damn #clickbait Original post: …
: “Whoa, what’s in this vault…ahhhhh!” #WorseMoonLandingQuotes #PowerRangers …
: Nope, going to the moon didn’t cure my crippling fear of space. #WorseMoonLandingQuotes …
: This is better than a moon-bounce! #WorseMoonLandingQuotes Original post: …
: “Aw man, it’s not cheese.” #WorseMoonLandingQuotes Original post: …
: @marcmaron @normmacdonald That was a really fun episode. Original post: …
: John C. Beck, author of Good vs Good — Count to ten when a plane goes down… …
: 5 Amazing Performances by Actors Who Weren’t Acting (Part 4) |… Original …
: I decided to split the difference and cover it with my shirt. Original post: …
: I’m on the subway and just realized my fly is prominently unzipped. Do I fix it now and draw …
: “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” #douglasadams …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Troll trolling at its best.… Original post: …
: Better Living Through Chemistry apparently doesn’t apply to meth. Original post: …
: In line to see Ratliff and Woods at #ucb #Improv Original post: …
: I want to see @SteveMartinToGo to star in a movie based on his twitter persona. And maybe not make …
: How To Win Friends And Influence People is a weird title. It’s like friends are a prize at a …
: My wonderful fiancé @laurieberenhaus #MentionSomeoneBeautiful Original post: …
: Do you think every other hobbit was pissed that The Hobbit wasn’t about them? #lotr Original …
: I want to see #MontyPythonLive in theaters so bad. It’s all sold out! Watching listings …
: How often do you see a T-Rex playing bass on top of the world? #dinosaurs #bestthingever #art …
: “The only way to the top of a mountain is through the bottom of the sea.” #almostprofound #quotes …
: If burning sticks competed in a pairing game, it would be a match match match. #puns Original post: …
: If #gameofthrones got action figures, each would have to be a double pack with their corpse. …
: Julie Andrews says, just before shooting a Nazi, “You’re not one of my favorite things” …
: The term “Banana Republic” makes me hungry. Original post:…
: Sometimes I forget that the “to be or not to be…” soliloquy is contemplating suicide. #Shakespeare …
: Robin Hood is a furry convention #DepressingDisney Original post: …
: The Song of the South #DepressingDisney Original post: <…>
: If there’s a movie about it, there’s another ten movies about it. #moviefacts Original post: …
: Can you be happy, and not know it? #raffi Original post: <…>
: A commercial just said the skin was an organ. Really? I actually don’t know. #science #dontknow …
: If you wish upon Mars instead of a star, can only violent things come true? #mythology #astronomy …
: “To be profound is to fancifully state the obvious” - J.G. Pitzmantle III #quotes Original post: …
: There are 100 trillion connections in the human brain, which is why I think we love callbacks. …
: “I’ve got you buying eggs. $50 grand!” #normalblackmail Original post: …
: I want to start filming people doing normal things, and see if I can still blackmail them. …
: Peeling the sunburn off your aunt #BadSummerJobs Original post: …
: “Last one there is a rotten egg!” - A witch #quotes Original post:…
: Security is important, @TDBank_US. We’d like it if you supported two factor auth. …
: “You have to make an agreement with me. See the last two episodes of Game of Thrones.” - Guy who …
: “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself! That, and Nazis.” - why FDR isn’t quoted fully. …
: Who framed roger rabbit? Watch the movie and find out! #adsfromtwentyyearsago Original post: …
: If fortune can smile, can it also frown? Was Brazil’s 7 - 1 loss fate wiggling it’s hands in its …
: If luck is a lady, is fate a government employee? Original post: …
: Galphaxor the mutilator is rising in your third house. Fortune smiles upon you. #astrologywishes …
: I want to see the astrology charts when aliens appear in the sky. #astrologywishes Original post: …
: I’ve been playing Shadowrun: Returns. Instead of ‘Hell yeah’, they say, …
: Stay on top of my improv team Call Your Mom’s shows by joining the mailing list! …
: At the museum of the moving image waiting to see 2001: A Space Odyssey in 70mm! Original post: …
: At the museum of the moving image waiting to see 2001 in 70mm! Original post: …
: Eating only raw food is like saying you’re better than fire. Original post: …
: Shell collections are cool, unless it’s a pistachio shell collection. I had one of those. #why …
: When you’re hungry, everything looks like an enemy. #stomachfacts #hungargames Original post: …
: If the NYC heat today were a super villain, his powers of making everyone really pissed and tired …
: I just lost at chess. @laurieberenhaus bet against me. Now at least our net worth is +$3. …
: Today we declare our independence from no fireworks. #July4th Original post: …
: If anyone wants to check if they have a pee fetish, go see Dance of Reality. #movie …
: Call Your Mom Show July 1st @ 9pm -… Original post: …
: I had an amazing time at #DCM16 Original post: <…>
: Everybody, get in here! #DCMPickupLines Original post: <…>
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Some Sunday morning graffiti.… Original post: …
: D&DCM is coming, today at 7am at UCBEast. How? #DCM16… Original post: …
: Who the fuck lives with green lantern? #dcm16… Original post: …
: Staying in a hostel in NYC. Also, I live in NYC. #DCM16 #ohyeah #thatsright Original post: …
: On the positive side, if the ACs don’t work it’ll be a free slip n slide! #DCM16 …
: Revving up for #DCM16! Original post: <…>
: RT @EricIdle: Why are all the National Anthems in foreign languages? Original post: …
: Which is a more accurate portrait of our time, #OfficeSpace or #jerseyshore? Original post: …
: Call Your Mom, my improv comedy group, has a show tomorrow at 9pm… Original …
: 4.5 Degrees (… Original post: …
: Amen!… Original post: <…>
: 27th CYM Show:… via @YouTube Original post: …
: My improvised movie pitch podcast, Pitches Ain’t Shit, is back! This week: Pounds of Flesh. …
: New episode of my improvised movie pitch podcast, Pitches Ain’t Shit! This week: Pounds of …
: @Support I added phone # to get text alerts, and have right settings, but when I sign up for SMS for …
: “Anus rinsing sleaze bagger”… #frenchknight Original post: …
: “Dick porking cock manager”… #frenchknight Original post: …
: “Scrotum plumbing Barbara Walters worker”… #frenchknight Original …
: Guys, I made an insult generator. For those times you can’t think of the right crass thing, …
: I’m in a commercial! Thanks @Scott Gabriel!… Original post: …
: Maintain true net neutrality to protect the freedom of information in the United States. …
: Security is important, @mint. We’d like it if you supported two factor auth. …
: I had no idea custom tags were this cool.… Original post: …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: This messaging needs some sharpening. #GetTheLeadOut… …
: I want to get the word “barph” to take off as slang, just like “phat” in the …
: Chocolate topped bacon roses are a thing. #thedailymeal… Original post: …
: I made @laurieberenhaus plunge the toilet once. All she kept repeating was, “I thought you …
: RT @spotastic: I’m selling my Flappy Bird for $50 bucks. (I’m not talking about the …
: RT @spotastic: What ISN’T a napkin? Original post: <…>
: RT @GeorgeTakei: Oh Myyy.… Original post: …
: RT @eringriffith: really though, i can’t stop clicking on this.… …
: I want a banana funeral; I figure, I’m already dead, why not cover the place in fruit? …
: Sleep is like a mature friend; the more you see her, the less she wants to get in your eyes. …
: RT @GeorgeTakei: It starts young.… Original post: …
: I started drinking lots of tea, because everyone in new york needs a habit. Original post: …
: There’s only three things that make my heart race; @laurieberenhaus, fear, and @shakeshack. …
: This is pretty awesome.… Original post: <…>
: It’s Wormules! All the strength of Hercules, none of the limbs! Watch him try to be useful. …
: My improv team Call Your Mom is doing a show hosted by Former Business Partners! Wednesday October …
: Lack Of Sexual Tension With Coworker Almost Unbearable… Original post: …
: So many people on The Onion’s American Voices are systems analysts #theonion Original post: …
: In case anyone was thinking about it, edible underwear tastes gross.
: RT @GeorgeTakei: There’s a map for that.… Original post: …
: RT @zachdonovan: Hey, you know who’s great? @elledott @n_o_moore @chrisjohndeluca …
: The Norwegian prison where inmates are treated like people… Original post: …
: Just saw the movie Lucy. A little too much violance for me but a must see nonetheless. Find out why …
: Report: Gap Wider Than Ever Between Ultra-Rich And Reality | The Onion - America’s Finest News …
: It’s been said before, so I won’t say it again. Original post: …
: Really interesting article.… Original post: …
: Smarter Women Less Likely To Have Kids | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source …
: The movie: Blue Jazzmine. Woody Allen has outdone himself on this one. I know certain people are …
: Finding shit in a new code base

When a developer moves to a new company, one of the biggest transitions is adapting to the new code …

: Wow, this seems like a game changer for web devs.… Original post: …
: History Of The Catholic Church’s Views On Homosexuality | The Onion - America’s Finest News …
: Insurance Company Gets Fucked Over By Another Cancer Patient | The Onion - America’s Finest …
: Terrified Johnny Depp Unable To Remove Tonto Makeup | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source …
: Completely Unknown Employee Begins Sending Email Updates To Office | The Onion - America’s …
: Most Popular Summer Camp Activities | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source …
: George Zimmerman Offers To Just Plead Guilty And Pay Fine Or Whatever | The Onion - America’s …
: Mexico Surpasses U.S. As Fattest Nation | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source …
: Fun experiment; go to the gym and lock someone else’s locker. Original post: …
: Zoo Visitors Watch Mating Rituals Of Ice Cream Shop Staff | The Onion - America’s Finest News …
: Study: Unpaid Internships Don’t Lead To Jobs | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source …
: @n_o_moore don’t I know it. Original post: <…>
: There are two types of people; people who can fly and turn invisible, and you. #burn Original post: …
: @n_o_moore sweet! #bamf Original post: <…>
: Logo Of Smiling Cartoon Tooth Holding Brush Inspires Nothing But Confidence In Local Oral Surgeon …
: We saw the film Hugo. Shasha Barron Cohen was in it. He looked pretty without those shorts pants and …
: Area Man Loses All Control Of Face While Thinking | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source …
: Had a sweet improv 101 grad show. Congrats everyone! Call your mom! Original post: …
: RT @zachdonovan: Glad to have such wonderful friends @chrisjohndeluca @n_o_moore Original post: …
: American Dental Association Recommends Making Your Gums Hurt Really Bad Once A Day | …
: That was cool.… Original post: <…>
: 70% Of Americans Take Prescription Drugs | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source …
: Superman Turns 75 | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source… Original …
: I find I get the most stressed when others around me are too. Herd mentality and all that. Still …
: Report: Get Back To Fucking Work | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source …
: Dude’s got some cool stuff. Daniel Contreras - Portfolio of Works… …
: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal… Original post: …
: Cool! Chromium Blog: A classic boardwalk game rolls from your phone to your computer—using only your …
: I’ll be looking out for this in movies now.… Original post: …
: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal… Original post: …
: Warning: much GoT tv spoilers. Oh Shit, I Totally Forgot That Happens! | The Onion - America’s …
: Great article. I really love the heart of a human matter eloquently explained. …
: Wow, this is an amazing story.… Original post: …
: Michele Bachmann Figures Why Not, Introduces Homosexual-Beheading Bill | The Onion - America’s …
: Gap Forced To Recall Pants After Man Dies Eating 37 Pairs Of Corduroys | The Onion - America’s …
: How a 90-Year-Old Man Made the Most Metal Album Ever Original post: …
: After Careful Deliberation, Baby Goes With Homosexuality | The Onion - America’s Finest News …
: Nation Gathers Around Area Man Trying To Parallel Park | The Onion - America’s Finest News …
: 4 Ways ‘Futurama’ Is Becoming a Reality Original post: …
: Family’s Euphemism For Genitals Really Weird | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source ‘They …
: Michele Bachmann: ‘God Wants Me To Earn 7 Figures For A Lobbying Firm’ | The Onion - America’s …
: Michele Bachmann Leaving Congress | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source Original post: …
: Liquid woolly mammoth blood found preserved in Russian ice, researchers report | The Verge Original …
: Family Concerned After John McCain Wanders Into Syria Original post: …
: New Obesity Drug Delicious | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source Original post: …
: Graphic Lesbian Film Wins Top Prize At Cannes | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source …
: SMBC 2989 Original post: <…>
: Is this for real? How a Conspiracy to Raise Beer Prices Invented Hipsters Original post: …
:…… Original post: <…>
: Apple likely guilty of e-book conspiracy, judge says days before trial Original post: …
: Boss Born In 1991 Original post: <…>
:…… Original post: <…>
: Gay Kid Excited To Be Made Fun Of For Second Thing Original post: …
: Flexbox Is As Easy As Pie: Designing CSS Layouts Original post: …
: Woman Who Cracked 3 Separate iPhone Screens Expecting Baby Boy This August Original post: …
: Features Of The Xbox One Original post: <…>
: Features Of The Xbox One Original post: <…>
: Man that’s true.… Original post: <…>
: Your Horoscopes — Week Of May 21, 2013 Original post: <…>
: 5 Brilliant Clues Hidden in the Background of Movies Original post: …
: Nation Supposes It’s Outraged By White House Scandals Original post: …
: Obama Fondly Recalls Frustration Of First Term Original post: <…>
: Password Minder: The blank notebook that got laughed out of production Original post: …
: Nintendo kicks “Let’s Play” videos off YouTube then slaps ads on them Original post: …
: I read this as a pretty great satire of egotistical low self esteem.… Original …
: 5 Classic Movies That Ruined Their Makers’ Careers Original post: …
: Friend Who Sent Link To 8-Minute YouTube Video Must Be Fucking Delusional Original post: …
: Steven Spielberg Claims He Dislikes Black Actors To Get Out Of Cannes Jury Duty Original post: …
: Cormac McCarthy Flaunts Sexy New Beach Body Original post: <…>
: Bangladesh Factory Owners Vow To Change Nothing So That This Happens Again Original post: …
: Desperate Mom Okays Male Babysitter Original post: <…>
: Man Straight-Up Demands To Know How Many Siblings Coworker Has Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
: The Most Hilariously Bad Batman Comic of All Time Original post: …
: The Most Hilariously Bad Batman Comic of All Time Original post: …
: Dad’s back again with a review of 42! Check it out. Dad Reviews Movies… …
: My pops has finally reviewed another movie! This time: The Company You Keep. Dad Reviews Movies …
: The Movie: 42. Yeah everyone should enjoy this one provided you’re still not fighting the Civil War. …
: Im really excited about this… Original post: …
: FBI claims right to read your e-mail, just like other federal agencies Original post: …
: The movie: The Company You Keep. The critics gave it a 6.3. I would give it a 7.5. The plot provided …
: Facebook news feed too peaceful? Auto-play video ads are coming Original post: …
: EPA Warns Americans Not To Breathe Original post: <…>
: Everyone Who Started Watching ‘Mad Money’ In 2005 Now Billionaires Original post: …
: Snooze Button Time Traveler Sets Coordinates For 5 Minutes Into The Future Original post: …
: Arab-American Actually Kind Of Enjoys Always Having 2 Bus Seats To Self Original post: …
: 17-Year Cicadas Horrified To Learn About 9/11 Original post: <…>
: Thanks @Kareem for sharing! Charles Ramsey rescues three women, gives best interview ever - Guyism …
: James Holmes Elected New NRA President Original post: <…>
: Just saw iron man 3. Fun movie. And, spoilers, most expensive fireworks ever. Original post: …
: ‘Fat’ Dad Jim Gaffigan On Kids, Comedy And Apartment Living Original post: …
: The 5 Stupidest Ways Important People Leaked Deadly Secrets Original post: …
: 6 Mind-Blowing Pop Culture Questions Answered by Super Fans Original post: …
: This is just about perfect.… Original post: …
: Dick Cheney Vice Presidential Library Opens In Pitch-Dark, Sulfurous Underground Cave Original post: …
: Homeless man’s A/B test of generosity based on faith Original post: …
: For those not in the obscure film knowledge loop, this is cool. <…> …
: This is hilarious. Thanks @Zach Donovan for finding this. Leviathan: Warships Jazzy Trailer - …
: 5 Ridiculous Health Myths You Probably Believe Original post: <…>
: First URL active once more | Restoring the first website… Original post: …
: Game Dev Tycoon developers give pirates a taste of their own medicine Original post: …
: ‘Fuck You,’ Obama Says In Hilarious Correspondents’ Dinner Speech | The …
: 5 Sci-Fi Gadgets That Are Really Just Everyday Objects Original post: …
: PHP Live Regex… It’s like a sketchbook, for PHP regular expressions! …
: bedtime calculator… I haven’t tried it, but it seems like it …
: Couple At Point Where They’re Comfortable Using Toilet At Same Time Original post: …
: [5 Important Things You Won’t Believe Comic Books …
: Really cool live code sharing app… Original post: …
: Romney Drops By To See How Down-And-Out Family He Met On Campaign Trail Doing Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
: 5 Craziest Ways Men Have Censored Female Sexuality Original post: …
:… Original post: <…>
:… Original post: <…>
: The 5 Worst Error Messages in the History of Technology Original post: …
: This is (going to be?) awesome.… Original post: …
: SMBC Original post: <…>
: Going once, going twice! Gearbox picks up Homeworld in THQ auction | Ars Technica …
: I think this could be a really effective design method. Now if only photoshop were cheaper… …
: My sister showed me this. One of the most unintentionally hilarious things on so many levels. …
: 5 Reasons No One Will Use Google Glass (Explained By Google) |… …
: Next Week’s School Shooting Victims Thank Senate For Failing To Pass Gun Bill Original post: …
: Why Superman is still interesting on his 75th birthday Original post: …
: A comparison of Angular, Backbone, CanJS and Ember - Sebastian’s Blog… …
:… Original post: <…>
: Microsoft Excel: The ruiner of global economies? Original post: …
: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal… Original post: …
: How an accountant created an entire RPG inside an Excel spreadsheet | Ars Technica …
: Netflix coming to HTML5 just as soon as the DRM ducks are in a row | Ars Technica …
: 6 Parodies That Succeeded Because Nobody Got the Joke Original post: …
: 5 Basic Facts of Life (Were Made Up by Marketing Campaigns) Original post: …
: For Special Ed Contractor, Huge Fees and Shoddy Care -…… …
: You can now tell Google what to do with your account in the afterlife | Ars Technica …
: An interesting read if you’re a developer. All magic comes with a price | Shape Shed …
: 22 Lies You’ve Probably Read Online (Revised for Accuracy) |… …
: Kim Jong-Un Wonders If Nuclear Threats Distracting Him From Real Goal Of Starving Citizenry …
: Website’s New Layout Feels Like Deepest Betrayal… Original post: …
: Report: Next Xbox will control your TV, cable box through HDMI hookup Original post: …
: Apple not blocking comics with gay sex from the App Store after all Original post: …
: Hack Google Street View images into a movie with a “hyperlapse” tool Original post: …
: xkcd: All Adobe Updates… Original post: <…>
: Grits and why they suck — Food, Southern — Medium… Original post: …
: AmazingSuperPowers: Webcomic at the Speed of Light - Cool Adventure… Original …
: New $443 3D scanner on sale: “Looks awesome. Shoots lasers.” | Ars Technica… …
: Apple’s recent App Store crackdowns a sign of things to come | Ars Technica… …
: A project rendering Diablo in the browser Original post: <…>
: Warner Bros. changes developers for Batman: Arkham Origins, due Oct. 25 | Ars Technica …
: Hyperbole and a Half: Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving… …
: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal… Original post: …
: Looking back at our favorite LucasArts gaming classics | Ars Technica… …
: Before It Was Cancelled, Star Wars 1313 Was Going To Be About Boba Fett… …
: Blink - QuirksBlog… Original post: <…>
: Anonymous hackers take control of North Korean propaganda accounts | Ars Technica …
: After LucasArts closure, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy go open source | Ars Technica …
: Chromium Blog: Blink: A rendering engine for the Chromium project… Original …
: So sad; some of my favorite games were LucasArts. Disney shuts down internal game development at …
: The 7 most interesting social media stats and what to learn from them… …
: FunnyorDie’s first iSteve trailer now online | Ars Technica… Original post: …
: Mailbox is certainly a slick app. #InboxZero via @Mailbox… Original post: …
: Funkify your life. Because it’s better than skunkifying it. Original post: …
: My Part in LinkedIn’s 200 Million Member Milestone Original post: …
: The movie: Dancing at Lughnasa. Another Streep movie from the late 90’s. We are Streep fans. …
: The movie: Zero Dark Thirty. It’s a good movie to see about how your country operates overseas …
: The best supporting actor category is pretty rock solid this year #oscars Original …
: I love Dropbox because It seamlessly integrates into the filesystem of every device and OS I use; …
: The movie: Not Fade Away. It did. Don’t your money. —John DeLuca Not Fade Away on TMDB …
: Should you even bother reading an article on SEO if it’s not the top google result? Original …
: In the land of the mouse, only the squeak survive Original post: …
: The movie: The Hobbit.Of course this is a great movie to see whether or not you read the book. If …
: Tiny video game console on a usb stick Original post: …
: I drink therefore I Ham Original post: <…>
: The movie: The Apartment. OK another oldie but one definately worth viewing. This show stars Fred …
: NPR listener voted top 100 sci fi & fantasy books I picked up some new reads! …
: Kramer v. Kramer. An oldie but definately not moldy.It was good to see a young Merrill having an …
: Dad: Movie: We rented “Plenty” with Meryl Sreep, Sam Neill and Charles Dance from 1985. This movie …
: woohoo for google maps being back in iOS! #googlemaps #iOS6 #applemapssucks Original post: …
: Soo here’s the latest movie review. We saw Lincoln tonight. I thought it was fantastic. The 2 …
: Just Argo with Ben Affleck. It was solid. He has redeemed himself. Plenty of suspense. —John DeLuca …
: My dad started texting me movie reviews, so I made a tumblr of them …
: I’m watching the Hound of the Baskervilles. Christopher Lee stars. From 1959 in color. The …
: Interesting article on why software engineers are systematically undervalued Original …
: If everything was open source, how would developers monetize? Legitimately curious. #opensource …
: Made a simple responsive dice roller #dice #dnd #nerd Original post: …
: Oooh, dizzy. #headbanging #rock Original post: <…>
: Whoa, just found out that if you headphone loud rock music and shake your head fast, it sounds like …
: Crooks and Nannies has a new video! #comedy #crooksandnannies Original post: …
: Dave is Peter Potter #halloween Original post: <…>
: Just posted a gist shortcut for editing gitignores …
: So now there’s going to be subliminal sex messages in Star Wars? Better than overt shit …
: RT @JennaBusch: #StarWars 7 is happening in 2015 after #Disney buys #Lucasfilm! …
: RT @spf13: Google’s Hurricane Sandy Map Original post: …
: Still have power @ 9th ave in brooklyn, but looks like everyone else is out. #Sandy Original post: …
: If there’s one thing I’ve learned about birds, it’s that their omens. Omens of …
: New meal: scrunch. It’s between breakfast and lunch when you have no time. #idea Original …
: #obamawinning Romney still hasn’t laid out a real plan Original post: …
: Reposting from @elizabethhintze #hilarious Original post: …
: Tim Allen’s new graphic novel is coming out #10AllinsouGraphicNovel Original post: …
: Reading #hyperion for the first time and its blowing my flute Original post: …
: EPIC #xkcd Original post: <…>
: RT @BarackObama: RT if you agree that we should be hiring more teachers, not cutting programs that …
: @spf13 Don’t know if it’s been pointed out yet, but all the images are broken on …
: RT @gemfire29: " the bible is very clear about homosexuality. Its an abomination" …
: RT @climagic: In a world of computing choices that are made for us, open source allows us to be …
: If anyone doesn’t know yet, firefox is making a totally open OS built entirely on HTML5 …
: NYC #subways are tunnels of love for rats. Original post: <…>
: Is there a compelling technical reason to use #joomla over #drupal or #wordpress? is this question …
: of there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that things often involve stuff. Location …
: Dipping into identica…seems awesome Original post: <…>
: Testing 1 2 3 Original post: <…>
: Paradux :: Nightmares - Original post: <…>
: One year ago today, Steve Loeb pointed out that my skit is randomly here Original …
: Paradux :: Belief - Original post: <…>
: Paradux :: Yuppies - Original post: <…>
: Paradux :: Caesar - Original post: <…>
: New comic! #Paradux :: Salon - Original post: <…>
: New Paradux :: Moms - Original post: <…>
: The Lovey Bones #removeoneletterfilm Original post: <…>
: Cool And Luke - A buddy prison guard movie #removeoneletterfilm Original post: …
: Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA, tries new approach to school discipline — suspensions drop …
: Paradux :: Crops - New comic! #paradux #comics Original post: …
: If anyone loves #vim out there, this config is the best. (lots of vim posts this …
: And here’s a sweet vim interactive tutorial! Original post: …
: why #vim is sweet, and not just for nutjobs Original post: …
: Fear is pretty scary #fdrcomebacks Original post: <…>
: Went to NY botanical gardens orchid show: all I could think of was adaptation Original …
: Paradux :: News Anchor #paraduxcomics Original post: …
: Paradux :: News Anchor #paraduxcomics We’re live! Original post: …
: Managing #paradux-comics with #github! So far, this has made life 68% easier Original post: …
: making a stylish cartoon bubble twitter feed for and i need to test how a tweet with …
: #paradux-comics is global! Original post: <…>
: Oops, got confused. Me @laurieberenhaus’s web comic is going live is april 8th at midnight. …
: Will launch absurdest web comic with @laurieberenhaus at midnight april 7th! Original post: …
: I just got up to 6,942 in #DoodleJump!!! Original post: …
: I just got up to 15,096 in #DoodleJump!!! Beat that! Original post: …
: Laurie and I are working on a web comic together and get this, it’ll have dialog balloons …
: This is pretty great Original post: <…>
: “If you build it, it will break” - Field of Programmer Dreams #programmerhumor Original …
: Wet Hot American Art Original post: <…>
: Interesting spending dichotomy; by the numbers you’d think red states would be blue. …
: When I heard that Kim Jung ll was dead, the first thing that came to mind was his song from Team …
: if this is true, this is incredibly awesome #bamf Original post: …
: I want to start a spam company that emails people about how they can shrink their penis, and see if …
: Spotted: Alan Cumming Leaving, with his wife, Melissa Jane Leaving. Original post: …
: Some British documentary on Libya used footage from a video game Original post: …
: just did this firefox collage thing Original post: …
: With #Ubuntu, you can do everything you can do with other operating systems. But faster. And for …
: Testing tweetbutton Original post: <…>
: sweet game by #playmatics #breakingbad… Original post: …
: You know how some movies are so bad they’re good? Transformers dark of the moon is not one of …
: Made my first flash game! Original post: <…>
: I’m randomly on a random article!,,20313460_20496831_2,00.html …
: There ain’t no cure for the 3 o’ clock snooze to the tune of summertime blues #sleep …
: Obama’s got a sense of humor! Winning in 2012 Original post: …
: Bin Laden Dead!?! A Trial would have made us look better as a country i think Original post: …
: This is, for me, the future of sound. And it is awesome.… …
: Today, 4/20, is Hitler’s birthday….TOTAL buzzkill, right? Original post: …
: Just wrote a #python program that calculates how much money you make per year based off your hourly …
: If you have a mac you owe it to yourseld to check out #mac #opensource #free Original …
: What so ever the dance. Fly on! #random #wordsplatter Original post: …
: I just downloaded Firefox 4 RC ! Original post: <…>
: Ahh, the nineties still exists on the internet …
: Just launched my new web design website! #webdesign Original post: …
: Moby Richard #LessAmbitiousBooks Original post: <…>
: The Adventures of Peter Pot #LessAmbitiousBooks Original post: <…>
: Second Birthday

Well this news is already more than two weeks old, but here it is nonetheless!

: New Goal: watch as many oscar nominated movies as I can. Saw The Kids Are Alright today. It was …
: Crooks and Nannies rides again! The Night The Ants Came is shaping up as a feature Original post: …
: Cartoon sun may you talk the sky retro Original post: <…>
: haha Original post: <…>
: Just beat #sc2, and without giving away spoilers, blizzard’s story team can suck a dick …
: Frog Dream

I would like to take this opportunity to transcribe a whacked out dream I had early this morning …

: Just finished Draqula the novel. It had some cool/fear inspiring parts, but to a modern audience I …
: got tickets for M.E.A.N.Y. Fest Finals 2010 with The Candy Apples and other folkson 12/30/10 …
: “The only thing we have to fear is queer itself” - that homophobe who lost the election …
: finished day 4 nanowrimo! word count 6,901 Original post: <…>
: ‏total nerd moment, but I think Terminal is my most used app Original post: …
: ok republican house, you try and break the laws of economics Original post: …
: day 2 nanowrimo goal met! #nanowrimo Original post: <…>
: Today in Music: Jimi Hendrix is born 1942, Duane Allman is born 1946, Cream plays farewell concert …
: Cutting all sorts of things (all of them good)

Well hello again folks!

Once again I have been a bad blogger and neglected this one for quite some …

: I am a Cool High Nerd, apparently Original post: …
: Diarrhea Matters #sitcomswithnamesreplacedwithdiarrhea Original post: …
: Pot Commercial Sketch went over well! Yay! Also saw ASSSSSCAT tonight; it was good. Original post: …
: And I received The Blossoms Are Falling in the mail today. Very excited #bwhq Original post: …
: @bwhq Just ordered The Blossoms Are Falling. Very excitedons - it is incredibly …
: signed up for a sketch class @ucbtheatre starting in september! very excited Original post: …
: Good News!

Good news folks, my health has improved in the decade since my last post! Well, decade is a bit of …

: Freaking #itunes keeps selectively deleting my music! damn you apple, i’m switching to …
: My Adventure Burner shipped! Yay! #bwhq Original post: <…>
: Thought controlled computers! holy crap! <> Original post: …
: lol #windows Original post: …
: and Ghostbusters Original post: <…>
: Re: is a LITTLE weirdy, the religious organization, is the root of all evil …
: Today I learned that the hash mark (#) is officially called an octothrope. The more you know. …
: web design assault! The sweetest assualt ever…well, now I just thought of sweeteer ones, but …
: RT @feliciaday: New Hobby!! RT: @newscientist Can you teach yourself synaesthesia? > …
: it is hot as balls.ign done today. Very happy. Original post: <…>
: Living in the 6th dimension can be rough - The Forbidden Zone Original post: …
: Cnet how to roll your own adobe creative suite w/ free software Original post: …
: i love #filezillane! i’ve been using it to manage my money, but now I found a better …
: Just got my in grown toenail (#7…I know it’s gross) operated on! Wasn’t that bad. …
: Just saw The Dark Crystal for the first time. It was…weird. Original post: …
: this Greasemonkey script is just so badass Original post: …
: @zachdonovan that’s frea♛ sweet dude! Monday still a go? Original post: …
: @zachdonovan I never did ask you, how was the session on monay? #bwhq Original post: …
: @gemfire29 YES! You are very cool Gema…see you tomorrow?the tag sale episode; best moment …
: @gemfire29 did you catch him? Original post: <…>
: Preordered The Adventure Burner last night! I’m very excited. Anyone get the shirt? #bwhq …
: day from hell…loo♛ like month from hell. hopefully this will turn around Original post: …
: @gemfire29 lol i know. and np man, you still get to make all the decisions. did i mention you have …
: @zachdonovan You should be able to defer as long as you’re in school. people are jer♛ you …
: Such a relaxing day…took a nap for two hours even. On to setting ☝ a printer and burning …
: So much gaming, so much gooood! #pathfinder #bwhq #100tweet Original post: …
: Jailbreak!

I’m out! Through cunning, misdirection, careful planning, bribes, an elaborate disguise kit, and the …

: Waiting

Well, I’ve been in the hospital for two and a half weeks, and my billirueben has been steadily going …

: yay #adventure burner! can’t wait. Original post: <…>
: Just finished reading Catcher in the Rye for the first time - it was good. 📚
: geeks and nerds defined! i love xkcdt in 4 days! gotta love pee drugs Original post: …
: I am really digging Pathfinder and The community over there is great, and the store …
: My latest blog post, explaining in depth my reasons for leaving facebook. Original post: …
: I’m Leaving Facebook

Yep, I’m going to do it. Why?

:… A free internet dropbox! Syncs files automagically w/ multi …
: Big and Fat

Today is Wednesday May 26th, the fifth day of my latest stint in the hospital. I’ve been getting the …

: Back in the hospital! Original post on twitter
: I’m Not Home!

Well I’m going back into the hospital!

: I'm Not Home! Well I’m going back into the hospital! Turns out the oral prednisone I was taking at home didn’t …
: I’m Home!

Finally, after a week of siting around in the hospital, and waiting around all day today, I was …

: Finally, a decentralized privacy-based social network! So long facebook, hello Diaspora: …
: I am cancer free! On the flip side, I’m back in the hospital for Graft vs Host of the liver. …
: Some Good News and Some Bad News

Hello everyone! Sorry that it has been so incredibly long since my last post, however in my defense, …

: what is with all those spam “girls” who follow you, say they have sexy pictures, and …
: Good God, #Drupal7 alpha 4 is amazing! Cannot wait for a stable release so I can upgraden start …
: Oh man, today’s Order of the Stick is hilarious… Original …
: Played #Borderlands until 2am with Pierre last night. That game is so fun, and very addictive. …
: Yay, bone marrow’s done! On the other hand I probably have GVHD and am getting a colonoscopy …
: Crazy Russian anemic dude thought I was my father’s brother…I’m too young to be …
: Folks, I have a PS3. It is quite awesome. Original post: <…>
: @zachdonovan What kind of game is USX? I did a search for ASD Mk. II Original post: …
: Check out my latest video! – Tom Brokaw sings the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Theme …
: You know what? Fuck underwear. Original post: <…>
: Working on a cartoon of Tom Brokaw singing the ATHF theme song. forgot how tedious and time …
: @zachdonovan yeah man, if you need voice acting I can do it. Original post: …
: RT @everydaycaitlin: RT @AnnCurry: “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds …
: Does anyone want to go to Lollapalooza this August? #Soundgarden #LadyGaga #GreenDay #EdwardSharpe …
: I never understood why “sad/brooding” equals “deep.” Just because …
: There is a silver lining to Lance Armstrong’s testicular #cancer. if he gets kicked in the …
: I just got 4 gigs for my Mac Pro…oh man, 6 gigs of RAM is SOOO cool….I think I’m …
: This is my favorite video of the week. Freaking hilarious. “…he took their …
: Hypnotic Toast and tales

Before I get into the leukemia update portion of this post, I would like to announce the launch of …

: My website is finally up! Yay! Check it out yall, and tell me what you think.
: Wizard’s “What class are you?” quiz is an insult to INT …
: @zachdonovan I’ve been dreaming of hamburgers #food gaming articles; so far this is my …
: Did a Google search for nun outfit and this is what came up New Sexy Adult Costume …
: You do a lot of waiting on film sets. There is just tons of boring time, then a high spike of …
: @zachdonovan first broccoli, and now supacool? it’s all too amazing. I’m going to name …
: RT @feliciaday: I love you Ok Go: How many takes?! BE HONEST! Original post: …
: Hair update: Pits, out. Mustache, ever so slightly in. It’s like I’m 13 all over again! …
: Catching up with transplant boy pt. 2

Well, it’s taken me a few days longer to come up with the second part of catching up with transplant …

: The the girl at the end of the Dulcolax commerical running on the Olympics is SO HAPPY she took a …
: My favorite kind of satire is when the real skewer is aimed not at someone/thing, but at ridiculous …
: Catching up with transplant boy pt. 1

Welcome one and all, to another long overdue post! A lot has happened since I said I was going to …

: Getting a Transplant

I apologize for not posting for a while, but I’ve been busy, and busy equals news, so here it is: I …

: Transplants on the theoretical horizon

It certainly has been a while since my last post, and for all those fiending for new material, I …

: The Result of my Pirate Personality Test is…

The Bilge Rat

Hygiene is just that thing that happens to other pirates.

: Transfusions are spooky?

This past Thursday I went into the doctor’s office to get my weekly blood test; the numbers revealed …

: Male vs Female Brain

In response to my cousin Megan’s link to the BBC’s Male vs Female Brain Test, I have posted my …

: Embarassing Moments for Frogs

So remember that screenshot I posted of a cartoon I said I was going to finish in a week a month …

: Left vs Right Brain Test

I just took an online test to determine which side of the brain you favor, right or left. Here are …

: Gleevec’s out

Good news!

I got the first half of my test results back this Tuesday (the bone marrow test), and …

: Drum subbing

Good news! I have unearthed a video of me playing with one of my favorite bands of all time, The …

: A Change of Meds

The warmest of hellos! Some of you may have heard about my experiences last night, but for those who …

: Insurance dun dun duuun!

Big news! Finally, this blog ties into current political events, a major goal of mine for at least …

: Bleeding and other things

Hello folks! So a more formal update is in order, I believe.

: The Big Day! …kind of

Well folks, the big day has come and gone (please refer to my last post), and it turns out to have …

: Tomorrow’s a big day

Welcome back to a brand new post, after a much begrudged absence (at least I assume it was …


This is a little comic idea I came up with months ago for a Star Craft 2 cartoon contest Blizzard …

: So I’ve been having random ideas for comic strips, mostly one-panel affairs, but some multi-panel …
: ASCII Star Wars

Folks, I have stumbled upon something so nerdy, so impressive, and so potentially useless that I had …

: The Latest from the Greatest

Salutations from the hinterlands! Well, the New Jersey suburbs, really. I apologize for the lag in …

: Bone Marrow Update

Hey, it’s everybody’s favorite subject, bone marrow! I already told all the grisly bits in The Story …

: Get a Job

Well hello folks, just a short post this time.

It’s happened. I feel practically myself again. I’m …

: The Story So Far part 2

Welcome back to part 2 of the Leukemia story! After this I’ll write about something else, I promise.

: The Story So Far part 1

Well, here it is, the only marginally abridged version of The Leukemia Story. Now, since I’ve …