I’ve been listening to a lot of Liar by The Jesus Lizard. Angry noise rock is very emotionally relevant for me right now. Who am I kidding, it always is. 🎵
music category
Electronic music pioneer Suzanne Ciani released an early live concert on band camp. Recommend. 🎵
Been listening to Never Breathe What You Can’t See by Jello Biafra and the Melvins for the first time in years. Shit rips. 🎵
Currently listening to a DJ set on of Soviet funk from the 60s and 70s. Sometimes YouTube comes through. 🎵
Getting into Zamrock, starting with Viva Ngozi by Ngozi Family. I’m all about it. Anyone have other Zamrock suggestions? 🎵

Saw TV on the Radio yesterday night at Webster Hall. Great, great show. 🎵
I got to see Lake Street Dive at Madison Square Garden. I didn’t know them well, but they were so good I’m a converted fan. Their new album Good Together is great. 🎵
Media Diet: August 2024
🎵 Music Tango Mango—Can Look, I’m leading off with this because I did listen to classic high brow 70s German experimental rock band Can’s classic experimental rock album Tango Mango, … Read more
My roommate had an extra ticket so last night I got to see Jeff Rosenstock at the Warsaw. Really fun show. 🎵

Media Diet: July 2024
Yes, August is almost over, but I haven’t collected my thoughts on July yet, so take my hand and travel back in time to the distant lands of about a month ago. Most of the stuff I see is old … Read more
Listening to Lulu for the first time. So hard to disassociate from all the discourse this far in, but I’m trying to just take it in. Will probably require multiple listens. 🎵
Man, I gotta write a long piece on The Moody Blues. 🎵
I don’t like a lot of Red Hot Chili Peppers music, (although I’ve listened to most of it), but the out-of-character Warped still kicks so much ass. 🎵
I’m on the subway and there’s a group of young teenage girls singing “I want it that way” by The Backstreet Boys. I remember singing that at their age. You never know what’s going persist! They’re much bettered singers tho. 🎵
Media Diet: May–June 2024
I went another two months without writing a media diet! These posts are way too important to ignore for that long, so let’s get into the crap I took in. But before that, look at this 👇 Table of … Read more
Butthole Sun by Fartgarden. Is that anything? 🎵
As we all know, The Breeders kick ass. 🎵
First time really listening to the lyrics to Jack & Diane.
Suckin’ on a chili dog outside the Tastee Freez.
Diane’s sittin’ on Jackie’s lap, he’s got his hands between her knees.
Jackie say, “Hey Diane, lets run off behind a shady tree.
Dribble off those Bobby Brooks slacks and do what I please”
I don’t know what’s more gross about this sex proposition, the one sided …do what I please
or getting handsy while sucking a chili dog. 🎵 🌭
Ranking the Filthy 15
Back in the 80s, Tipper Gore and other cultural conservatives went on a crusade against sex and violence in popular music. They put together a list of fifteen representative songs to use as a … Read more
My friend Lindsey shared this piece on the inspired and terrible Ginger Baker. It focuses on his time after Cream in Nigeria, and his lasting impact there. The album he did with Fela Kuti is incredible.
My roommate Ivy’s band just put out an album, and it sounds really good.

Media Diet: February–April 2024
It’s been a while since my last media diet post—three months, I was horrified to learn. There’s a lot to get through, so I’m taking a whirlwind tour on this one. There’s no … Read more
I was randomly thinking about 3 Doors Down today, specifically this line from Kryptonite.
If I go crazy will you still call me Superman.
That means the singer’s SO calls them Superman as a pet name.
There’s no way that isn’t sarcastic.
“Hey babe, do you have any Tylenol?”
“Sure thing, Superman.”
TIL that the Friday the 13th Part 3 theme is a bop.
Has there ever been a bigger drop in quality in album art than between the first two Danzig albums?
The first record? One of the most iconic images in hard rock.

The second record? Prank.