Media Diet: February–April 2024

It’s been a while since my last media diet post—three months, I was horrified to learn. There’s a lot to get through, so I’m taking a whirlwind tour on this one. There’s no time! Including for any more of this introduction.


David Comes to Life—Fucked Up

01 david comes to life.

I saw Toronto’s own Fucked Up open for The Damned last Halloween, and they were great. Post hardcore blending melodic pop sensibilities with driving guitars and almost cookie monster vocals that honestly took me a bit to get used to. I picked up the album the punks at work recommended I start with, David Comes to Life from 2010. It’s loud, romantic, and, I’m told, a concept album, but I didn’t follow that. It’s so good. Makes you want to jump.

Choice Cut

Scumdogs of the Universe—GWAR

02 scumdogs.

I always knew of GWAR—the space barbarian outfits, the over the top staged violence at shows, randomly being in Empire Records—but I never actually listened to them. When they were a mainstream concern, I was too young and scared to seek them out, but last year I saw them on NPR’s Tiny’s Desk Concert and thought they were fun. I heard Sarah Squirm say she unironically wanted to be in GWAR in an interview, so I asked Uncle Internets which was the best GWAR album, and discovered that the band said they never were better than their second offering, Scumdogs of the Universe. It’s fun! Trashy gross out metal, violent, sex-dumb and cartoonishly nihilistic. There’s a decent amount of language that is not cool, but less than you’d expect from a band with their reputation, for whatever that’s worth.

Choice Cut

Celeste—The Soundcarriers

Chill out music with an upbeat groove. Feels like driving through the Italian riviera in a convertible. I’ve never done that, so I can’t possibly know, and yet I have never been more certain of something in my life. The early 60s vocal harmonies meets the late 60s psychedelic vamps meets solid riffs.

Choice Cut

Peter Gabriel (Melt)—Peter Gabriel

I visited my friends Jon and Brynn in Massachusetts with my new friend Jon Christian. While we packed records, Jon-the-first put on Peter Gabriel’s third self-titled solo album. Peter Gabriel’s first four albums are self titled, so eye-twitch fans give them nick names from the artwork; in this case, Melt. It’s a fantastic record. Eclectic, weird, surprisingly danceable prog, and the whole thing is catchy. Dig it.

Choice Cut

Electrified Brain—Municipal Waste

05 electrified brain.

Discovered this Virginia metal band from my roommate’s T-shirt: a two headed zombie crawling out of a Superfund swamp. Whip-crack, crunch-ass thrash. No song over three minutes. Blow it up.

Choice Cut

Big Time—Angel Olsen

06 big time.

I heard the title track on Aquarium Drunkard last year, and finally checked out the full album, from 2022. Wow, I’ve been sleeping on a major work here. Big Time is big emotions—cratered heartbreak, joyful infatuation, complex yearning, nuanced tenderness—wrapped in rock solid, mature songcraft. Angel’s voice has such range; the delicate quiet of a verse exploding into a belted gut rending chorus. Classic structure, timeless execution, modern sensibilities. Country music at it’s finest.

And! She has an EP from last year which I need to listen to. Maybe next month!

Choice Cut

Blind Melon—Blind Melon

07 blind melon.

Again while visited Jon and Brynn, Jon threw on Blind Melon, the band’s break out self titled debut from 1992. Everyone knows them as essentially a one hit wonder behind No Rain, but when Jon says a band is worth digging into, he’s usually right. And he is! The album is wall to wall solid jams, and the gone-too-soon Shannon Hoon’s vocals are seriously underrated.

Choice Cut

Tonnes of Home

What Now—Brittany Howard

08 what now.

This is one of those albums I feel I’ll be coming back to over and over, pulling something new each time. It’s so complex, yet accessible, rich and powerful. The exuberance Brittany Howard brings to every naked emotion on this album is stunning. I am having trouble defining the genres this work spans—Funk? Rock? Soul?—and that is a high compliment. Sonically diverse, yet a whole piece that hangs together. I can’t stop listening to it. I liked her first solo effort, Jaime, but I love this one. I ordered the vinyl. Check it out or miss out.

Choice Cut

What Now


Jesus, I barely read anything in three months. I read The Last Colony by John Scalzi, the last in the Old Man’s War trilogy. Fun, but the weakest in the series for me. I don’t think that was the only reason it took me so long to finish—lots of change and settling in to do—but it didn’t help. Still, I did enjoy it. Glad to be on to other books!


Neon Genesis Evangelion

09 neon genesis.

What a wild show. It’s just a ride you need to strap in for, not make sense of. Or, maybe there is a way to? There’s a lot of dense information flying at you a mile a minute, philosophical interrogations on the nature of self, unfortunate early 90s anime horniness, sad broken characters wading through a maelstrom of manufactured symbolism. Oh, and giant robots. I’ve been told it’s a big touch point in the trans community, and that certainly tracks with the themes of self discovery and mutability. Ultimately, I don’t know what I watched, but I enjoyed the experience.

30 Rock

I watched the show during its original run, and not since. It’s been really fun to revisit. The comedy mostly holds up, which is insane, and the characters are so great to revisit. Lots of, “Oh yeah, I kind of remember this!” moments. But of course, it’s all about who you watch it with.

Video Games

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

11 minish cap.

I’ve been slowly working my way through this one on my Miyoo Mini. I’ve played most of the Zelda games when they released, starting with A Link to the Past, but this one slipped by me at the time. It’s Capcom, not Nintendo, developed, and you can tell. The quality is still good, but doesn’t have quite the charm and design polish of a Nintendo release. Still, good for when I want to play a game but not have to think too hard or react too fast.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

The opposite of the Minish Cap experience, you do need to react fast. This game is so fun, so well designed, so great to look at, and so hard. But fair! When you die, you’re like, “Yep, that’s on me.” Well, that’s what a person who doesn’t spit expletives at the screen would say. Been playing off and on with my roommates. A+.


The Novice

13 the novice.

Describes the filmmaker. Ya burnt!

No, but seriously, this sucked.

She Came to Me

She came to me poster.

A good cast (Peter Dinkladge and Marisa Tomei as a romantic interest) plodding through a pretty forgettable love triangle centered on a depressed Dinkladge as a frustrated opera composer. Anne Hathaway melting down later in the movie was pretty fun though.

Twin Dragons

14 twin dragons.

Jackie Chan playing his own twin in a mistaken identity farce? Sounds great! I wish it was!

The Zone of Interest

15 zone interest.

This is an incredible film that I never want to see again. Even knowing the premise, it creeps up on, lulling you in, only hinting at the horrors. You watch the denial of the characters on screen, as you become invested in their domestic lives, then being jarred back to the truth with subtle prods. And that last scene. Wow. I’ll be thinking about this one for a while.

Knight of Fortune

16 knight of fortune.

This was by far the best live action Oscar nominated short. Of course Wes Anderson’s Roald Dahl adaptation won, and all the other’s where some form of student-film-level emotionally manipulative dreck, but Knight of Fortune was seriously good. Heartwarming, funny, believable characters you cared for in emotionally relatable situations. A perfect little slice of life, in a morgue.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

17 fire walk with me.

I had seen this once before, but this was my first time seeing it in the theater. You know what? It’s different on the big screen. Still weird as hell, and I can’t quite describe it, but I got more feeling out of it in a theater.

Gremlins 2: The New Batch

18 gremlins2.

This movie is a bonkers, gooey, self-satirizing romp. Money is all over the screen. All the puppeteering is amazing. What a good time.

Past Lives

19 past lives.

A beautiful slice of life, unafraid of realism, unburdened by immaturity. A tender story about distance and connecting over it, and how that changes with time.

Godzilla: Tokoyo S.O.S.

20 godzilla sos.

There’s two six inch fairy twins who tell people about Mothra, who sparkles. A triumph in rubber suit cinema.

Perfect Days

21 perfect days.

This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long while. A patient character study fascinated by nominal space and time. Kōji Yakusho’s performance is so compelling, so convincing, that you’re leaning forward in the quietest moments, pulling meaning from his every move. The movie has a lot to say about jobs. So many of us have jobs that we identify with our selfhood. The janitor character here is meticulous, and cares deeply about his job, but not for anyone other than himself. Words can’t describe. Go see it.

Drive-Away Dolls

22 drive dolls.

The Cohen Brothers are known for their dark comedies, films that move effortlessly between the most grim moment to the funniest. Before the brothers started doing their own films apart, I have rolled my eyes at anyone who suggested that the “grim” and “funny” parts were separated neatly into a single brother, as being too simplistic. That may well be too simplistic, but you wouldn’t know it from the first two movies they made. Joel Cohen’s Hamlet from 2021 was all dour seriousness, excising any levity present in the play, while this year’s lesbian road crime caper Drive-Away Dolls from Ethan Cohen is all cotton candy comedy; all movement, no substance. I enjoyed it, but all the Cohen brother’s signatures where there, minus the emotional impact, so I left feeling nothing.


23 gaslight.

My second watch of the film, seeing with friends this time. The origin of the term. It’s fantastic. Keeps you guessing. It isn’t Hitchcock.

Some Like It Hot

24 some like it hot.

I’ve seen this a bunch of times, and saw it again with friends. It’s a classic, and is on the AFI list. On this most recent viewing, there’s still a lot to like, mostly in the first third, but it can be hard to look past the dated/sexist attitudes on display.

Rory Scovel: Religion, Sex, and a Few Things in Between

25 rory scovel.

It’s a bit provocative, pretty dirty, and very funny. I don’t remember any bits now though.

Dune: Part Two

I thought it was very pretty to look at, but kind of cold character-wise, and I didn’t end up getting invested. I had seen Part One, and read the book as a teenager. The book I loved, Part One I felt similarly to Part Two. I saw this with my dad, and he said, “You know Chris, I enjoyed it, they did a great job, but you know it was long and with all the action I didn’t understand what was happening.” Wise words, dad.

Love Lies Bleeding

27 love lies bleeding.

Two lesbian crime movies in as many months? Incredible. This one is a whole A24 80s drug gym rat murder blast. Kristen Stewart at her best. See it with someone good.

Green Porno

28 green porno.

Isabella Rossellini’s collection of campy deadpan ecological shorts, each tackling a different animal’s sex life. Rossellini dresses in costume as each animal. You can’t turn away.


29 hardware.

An unsuccessful post apocalyptic Sci-Fi movie with some odd pacing and some truly troubling side characters, the robot design and animation is pretty great.

Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness

30 truth or dare.

Masterpiece. One of the movies I’ve seen the most. A perfect comedy. I see you Elijah Wood.

Speed Racer

Speed racer ver5 xlg.

Pure joy. This movie looks like nothing else. Still ahead of it’s time, this thing is candy that sticks to your ribs. Watchable forever. What are you doing if you haven’t seen this?

We Grown Now

31 we grown now.

Won a lottery for a free screening. I couldn’t get anyone to go with me, and that was for the best. A story about two young friends growing up Cabrini Green, and the struggles around racism they face. The script didn’t come together for me, the central game and metaphor of jumping in particular feeling like it had nowhere to live in the story (the game also makes no sense? It’s built up as the biggest recess cred-builder, and all it is is jumping onto a mattress. I buy that as a kids game, but one where someone is a legend at it? Or where the mom trots out the cliche of stopping all that jumping nonsense? I digress). As far as Cabrini Green films go, Candyman did it better.

Friday The 13th Part 2

32 friday 13 2.

I decided to watch all the Friday the 13th movies. They’re trash, they’re sexist, why even bother, I hear you say. Well, yes. I won’t argue any of that. And yet, I feel culturally compelled to understand this time in horror, this specific run of year after year sequels, this New Jersey killer. Also, my roommate Ivy has the collected Blu Ray box set. Part 2 was fun! Comfortingly trope filled, the teens were, for the most part, legitimately likeable, which is, I’m told, the only time that happens in this franchise.

Friday The 13th Part 3

33 friday 13 3.

We almost had the technology to watch this in 3D; we had the 3D Blu Ray, we had the 3D TV, but not the 3D Blu Ray player. Sad times. But, all those times the movie took a break to show shots where a Yo-Yo or a shovel handle pokes at the screen were still funny in 2D. The introduction of the hockey mask. It’s shot in California instead of New Jersey, and you can really tell. The theme song is, once again, incredible. Why does everyone go into the damn barn?

Civil War

34 civil war.

Intense movie, great performances, really effecting, predictable but whatever. A movie about journalism, and the effects it has on journalists, and if that matters and is worth the cost.

Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter

Friday the 13th The Final Chapter poster.

Worth the price of admission for Crispin Glover’s dance alone. Tom Savini came back for this one, so the gore effects are good. Corey Feldman runs around. Some cool shots of bursting through glass. Hilarious ending freeze frame.

I’m missing Godzilla Minus One Minus Color, but then again dogs permenantly suffer from the reverse so I think I’m doing okay. 🍿

🍿 My year in film stats, via Letterboxd. Do I stand behind all my star ratings? No. Will I revise them? Absolutely not. Most interesting takeaway? Only a quarter of the 93 movies I watched were released in 2023.

I went to a Die Hard watch party the other night with mostly folks I didn’t Know in Houston. One person out of maybe twelve hadn’t seen it. Very fun time. 🍿

I saw No Hard Feelings last night. Fun, formulaic, funny moments, and as always Jennifer Lawrence is endlessly charming. 🍿

My friend Jon gifted me the classics. 🍿

The Years of My Movie Watch List

I did a little analysis of my Letterboxd watch list, to see if there were any interesting patterns.

Since the data export only includes the date I added it to the list, the title of the movie, and the year the film was made (and a URL back to Letterboxd), I figured I’d see how many movies I’d added to my watch list by year.

My top five years of movies by amount, somewhat unsurprisingly, lean recent. I hear about a new movie coming out that looks good, I put it on my watch list. Seems logical, and the rule holds. With one notable exception.

Amount Year
20 2022
20 2021
15 2020
12 2012
12 1987

What was happening in 1987? What was so compelling about the year after my birth that drew me to add twelve movies from that year? I needed answers, so I pulled the list of movies on my watch list from 1987. This could do nothing but illuminate.

  1. Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2
  2. Wings of Desire
  3. Where Is The Friend’s House?
  4. Empire of the Sun
  5. Fatal Attraction
  6. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
  7. Straight to Hell
  8. Bad Taste
  9. The Stepfather
  10. Near Dark
  11. The Untouchables
  12. Full Metal Jacket

Now I’m even more in the dark. Looking at this list, none of them are jumping out as must see. To be frank, if you asked me what Wings of Desire or Where Is The Friend’s House are, I’d say I’d never heard of them. I don’t know what that says about me that I would know what Straight to Hell or Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2 were, but that’s the subject of a different analysis.

I just learned that I’ve seen 17 Cate Blanchett movies, which is 18% of the amount of films she’s made. I don’t know what to do with that, but there it is. 🍿

I saw Cocaine Bear last week in theaters, and it was joyous, grind-house, B-movie fun. I see so many reviews miss the point: it’s not Citizen Kane, it’s Citizen Toxie. 🍿

The Alamo 100

Alamo Drafthouse put out a list of 100 movies they’d want on a desert island back in 2020. Sourced from all their creative directors across the country.

I thought it was an interesting place to find new movies, and was tracking my watches privately. Why private? Who knows. Now it’s public. You’re welcome.

Edit Last updated April 6th 2024.

Movies I haven’t seen

  1. Apocalypse Now
  2. Beaches of Agnes
  3. Big
  4. Black Lizard
  5. Bottle Rocket
  6. Carnival of Souls
  7. Daisies
  8. Danger: Diabolik
  9. Dirty Harry
  10. Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The
  11. Hausu
  12. Johnny Guitar
  13. Jules and Jim
  14. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains
  15. Leon: The Professional
  16. Napoleon
  17. Night To Dismember, A
  18. Ninotchka
  19. Notorious
  20. Pride & Prejudice
  21. Sixteen Candles
  22. Sons Of The Desert
  23. Step Up 2: The Streets
  24. Streets of Fire
  25. Succubus
  26. Testament of Dr. Mabuse
  27. Vampires, Les
  28. Woman Is A Woman, A aka Une Femme Est Une Femme

Movies I’ve already seen

These are movies on the list that I’ve personally seen at least once.

  1. 10 Things I Hate About You
  2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  3. 400 Blows, The
  4. Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The
  5. Alien
  6. Apartment, The
  7. Back to the Future
  8. Best Years of Our Lives, The
  9. Big Trouble in Little China
  10. Blade Runner
  11. Brazil
  12. Cabinet of Doctor Caligari, The
  13. Casablanca
  14. City Lights
  15. Christmas Story, A
  16. Clockwork Orange, A
  17. Clueless
  18. Dark Knight, The
  19. Dazed and Confused
  20. Delicatessen
  21. Double Indemnity
  22. Dr. Strangelove
  23. Duck Soup
  24. E.T. – The Extra-Terrestrial
  25. Ed Wood
  26. Empire Strikes Back, The
  27. Escape From New York
  28. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  29. Evil Dead 2
  30. Fantastic Mr. Fox, The
  31. For A Few Dollars More
  32. General, The
  33. Ghostbusters
  34. Godfather II, The
  35. Godfather, The
  36. Gold Rush, The
  37. Goonies, The
  38. Hannah And Her Sisters
  39. Home Alone
  40. Joe vs the Volcano
  41. Lord of the Rings, The
  42. Love Actually
  43. Mean Girls
  44. Modern Times
  45. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  46. Night of the Hunter, The
  47. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
  48. Pee Wee’s Big Adventure
  49. Plan 9 From Outer Space
  50. Playtime
  51. Princess Bride, The
  52. Pulp Fiction
  53. Raging Bull
  54. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  55. Raising Arizona
  56. Road Warrior, The
  57. Robocop
  58. Royal Tennenbaums, The
  59. Rushmore
  60. Singin’ in the Rain
  61. Some Like it Hot
  62. Star Wars: A New Hope
  63. Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The
  64. Tommy Boy
  65. UHF
  66. Uncle Buck
  67. Vertigo
  68. Waiting for Guffman
  69. Warriors, The
  70. Wayne’s World
  71. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  72. You’ve Got Mail

I watched Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles last night. It’s so aggressively naturalistic, I had to sink in, but I found paying attention throughout well worth it. 🍿

Watched David Cronenberg’s The Brood from 1979. I wanted to like it more. Someday.

I watched The Curse of Frankenstein (1957). Interesting twist on the Frankenstein legend, but I thought this one was less focused and entertaining than the other hammer horrors I’ve seen. Still, an engaging performance from Peter Cushing.

Just saw The Best Years of Our Lives, which I recommend. Like many movies prior to around 1970, it features a lot of cheery, well-mannered alcoholism. You can get it public domain on

I just saw The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie on Amazon Prime. I’d like to like it more.

Saw Jojo Rabbit, and it’s fantastic. Hilarious, touching, poignant, hilarious. That’s 3 for 3 for Taika Waititi. Do yourself a favor and go see it.

🍿 I saw #DolomiteIsMyName this weekend and I really enjoyed it. Eddie Murphy is great in it, but can we all agree that Wesley Snipes is a complete assassin? Super fun performance.

🍿 I just saw Spartacus for the first time. Amazing to think that the same director is responsible for Spartacus, 2001, Dr Strangelove, Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, and Cheaper by the Dozen 2.

Original posts:

I just saw North by Northwest for the first time. We watched most of the movie two nights ago, then finished it the next day, making the ending even more abrupt. 🍿

Syndicated to:

🍿 I saw On The Waterfront for the first time the other day. Spoiler alert: it’s good. Also, set in Hoboken! Still, I was surprised how much of the plot revolved around re-routed PATH trains.

Syndicated to:

Basic Premise

Still-frame from Titicut Follies showing an inmate arguing with his doctor.

I recently saw Titicut Follies, the 1969 documentary film about the harrowing conditions in a Massachusetts prison for the criminally insane. The movie was banned by the state of Massachusetts until it was deemed unconstitutional in the late 80s.

One of the subjects is a man who has been transferred from a regular prison to this mental facility. He is very clearly sane, and argues logically in his own defense. His explanations are never taken seriously.

At a hearing of some kind, after the man has once again logically laid out that he is not crazy, the officials talk amongst themselves.

“It’s classic paranoid delusions,” says a nurse, “If you accept his basic premise, everything else he says is quite logical. Of course, his basic premise is incorrect.”

All I could keep thinking was that context largely shapes perception; the man was in the nut house, hence he must be nuts.

Hauntingly, he kept repeating, “You’re harming me.”

That got me thinking about how many other times we completely reject each other’s reality because we “reject their basic premise.” I’m not arguing for subjective reality, but I think a lot of what is happening politically is the result of ignoring basic premises. We don’t have different points of view, in America; we have different planets.

Babadook with Laurie

Babadook book

I recently saw Babadook (No spoilers), a fantastic horror movie that was not only scary, but had a compelling, thought provoking, and grounded story to back up the supernatural.

I know lots of people haven’t heard of it, because it’s a smaller Australian production, and others balk at the title, but seriously, if you haven’t seen it, you really owe it to yourself to check it out.

I had the pleasure of seeing the movie in theaters, with my friends Andy and Dave, and my fiancé, Laurie, who is the perfect audience member.

Let me explain: Laurie cannot hide her emotions, especially during movies, and even more so during horror movies. She screams at every fright, laughs at every joke, and gasps at every reveal, often loudly.

We went to a later showning at the IFC center in New York, and the rest of the audience was pretty tame, in that laid back, expert movie-goer sheek attitude where everyone sits quietly and absorbs the film.

Babadook park scene

The theater was almost full, and as the movie started, along with some creepy music over the first titles, Laurie was already gripping my arm. As the movie continued, and tension built, she kept muttering terrified curses under(ish) her breath, along with advice for the characters, such as, “Don’t do it”.

As things got weirder, Laurie couldn’t contain herself anymore. She started shouting, “Why!” at the screen. It wasn’t as much a question, as a challenge. She was wedged halfway down in her seat before she started screaming. Something startling or terrible would happen in the movie, and Laurie would punctuate it with one of her sharp, gutteral screams. She even screamed at a non-scary moment, when one of the characters said something mean.

However, the tour de force came three quarters of the way through the movie, at arguably the scariest scene. The events in the theater played out in such cinematic cliché, that if the screen and the theater had swapped realities, ours would get a bad review.

Babadook screaming scene

Laurie was holding a half-eaten jumbo bucket of popcorn, and the second that scary scene hit, she threw the bucket up over her shoulder, dumping huge amounts of popcorn on me, her own head, and the people behind us.

It’s scary enough to watch the movie, it’s even scarier to be hit with an avalanch of popcorn.

I couldn’t help laughing as I picked kernals from the inside of my collar. Laurie hadn’t noticed. When I got up after the movie, I saw a pile of popcorn in front of the people behind us (as well as the actual people behind us; they looked miffed).

There’s something incredibly satisfying about breaking through all the cynicism and irony we’ve all built up (especially in a place like New York), and bask in the glory of strong, public, and unfettered emotion. Even if that emotion is terror.

In short, I highly recommend Babadook.

At the museum of the moving image waiting to see 2001: A Space Odyssey in 70mm!

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At the museum of the moving image waiting to see 2001 in 70mm!

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If anyone wants to check if they have a pee fetish, go see Dance of Reality. #movie #imagestuckinhead #somanyquestions

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