Longform posts

: Media Diet: August 2024 🎵 Music Tango Mango—Can Look, I’m leading off with this because I did listen to classic high …
: All valid Drupal render array types I couldn’t find a browsable list of valid Drupal core values for #type fields in render …
: Media Diet: July 2024 Yes, August is almost over, but I haven’t collected my thoughts on July yet, so take my hand …
: Nile Rodgers wrote your favorite songs (The title is only clickbait-y if you don't like Disco, in which case, boooo) Many music industry …
: Letters To Doless I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: Change of Blood I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: Attack Of The Rabinutcions I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: Come back, Astoria This is part of a series on my nomadic life following my divorce. Aside from the introduction, they …
: A Masculine Aside I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: How Cool is Scientology? I wrote an essay about Scientology after visiting New York City while attending Hofstra University. …
: Sleep Writing I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: Media Diet: May–June 2024 I went another two months without writing a media diet! These posts are way too important to ignore …
: Grass Ass I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: NYC Pride Photos 2024 I watched the New York City pride parade yesterday, and got a few nice shots of celebration and joy. …
: LIR-Arg! I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: Silence-d no More I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a …
: Mythological Creatures Explained by Science Here's an unfinished freelance article I wrote for Cracked many years ago. It was never published, …
: Of Monsters and Scholars I wrote this story in college for a writing class. It's a fantasy piece, set in the world of the …
: The Death Hole I wrote this story in collage for no one. Very apparent I'm a young writer still clinging to my …
: Ocean's Blues Brothers Here's a silly sketch I'm pretty proud of. Mash up of Ocean's Eleven and music. INT. DINER - DAY …
: Home Grown and Garden Fed Another old story I figured I'd publish. It's pretty weird. There was something heavy in the air. It …
: Ranking the Filthy 15 Back in the 80s, Tipper Gore and other cultural conservatives went on a crusade against sex and …
: This blog is 15 years old today 🎂 Fifteen years. Holy crap. I had no grand plans when I started this blog, and it’s bonkers to …
: Media Diet: February–April 2024 It’s been a while since my last media diet post—three months, I was horrified to learn. …
: The Tremble I'm semi-regularly posting my old stories. Here's a serious flash-fiction piece I wrote in 2020. …
: My Personal Ghost Story A while ago, I was asked if I believed in ghosts. To illustrate, I told a story. Many years ago, I …
: Lifeblood under Sunset Park This is part of a series on my nomadic life following my divorce. Aside from the introduction, they …
: Backpack Home: Nine Months of Couch Surfing After the fallout from my divorce, I was not able to afford an apartment for almost the entirety of …
: Unexpected Trek I’ve been excavating old writings. This is the oldest one I’m willing to share at this …
: Media Diet - January 2024 My January has been monopolized by moving into an apartment and traveling to California for work and …
: Media diet - December 2023 It’s the last day of December, and this is my last opportunity to ramble about what I’ve …
: Year in books for 2023 I figured out how to post my year end book wrap up in micro.blog, evidence: this.
: Year in books for 2022 Yes that’s right, 2022. Using micro.blog to track my reading is great. It has a nice feature to …
: 🕹️🎨 What Are Paper Computer Games? When I was a kid I came up with something called Paper Computer Games, which are role-playing, …
: Media diet - November 2023 As December rolls in, I’ve been spending some time reflecting. There’s a lot on my mind, …
: A Fishy Suprise

I’ve decided to publish my old fiction on my blog. Here is one of them.

: Divorced nomad

After eight years of marriage and thirteen years together, my wife and I are getting divorced. I am, …

: Lita Ford, Question Mark?

In my notes, I found some fairly sparse thoughts on listening to Lita Ford’s solo career for …

: The Years of My Movie Watch List

I did a little analysis of my Letterboxd watch list, to see if there were any interesting patterns.

: The Alamo 100 Alamo Drafthouse put out a list of 100 movies they’d want on a desert island back in 2020. …
: Exporting Mastodon Posts to My Blog

Twitter’s public implosion has redoubled my interest in blogging, and I’ve been posting …

: Use Neovim as your man pager

You may know that you can open man pages in a Neovim buffer with :Man. However, you can also …

: Base CSS to Style a Novel

I’m working on a short novel, which got me thinking about typesetting (naturally). …

: DIY Neovim fzy search

There are plenty of fuzzy search solutions for Neovim, most notably Telescope, but sometimes you …

: Hand Drawn SVGs

I’ve been trying to find a good workflow for drawing vector artwork that has the spontaneity …

: Double Brett

I entered a erotica fiction contest for the popular comedy podcast Double Threat, and I was lucky …

: A Hallmark Channel AI Christmas

Another piece I wrote in collaboration with an A.I., this time, trying to create the most …

: Fixing GPG Yubikey integration on macOS Big Sur

I had some trouble after upgrading GPGTools to version 2020.2 on macOS Big Sur, where it would …

: Painfully Rendering a Simple Bar Chart with Nivo

I’ve been working on a graphing project for the Astoria Digital volunteer group in …

: PHP Boolean Casting Gotchas

I find PHP’s boolean casting rules strange and hard to remember. I know I’m not alone.

: Did not finish Eloquent Javascript I did not finish reading Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke. I really liked it though. I leave …
: Finished reading The AWK Programming Language

Finished reading: The AWK Programming Language by Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan & Peter J. …

: Actually Using the General Sibling Combinator

I’ve vaguely known about CSS’s general sibling combinator for a while, but I have never …

: AFI 100 Greatest Movies List The AFI 100 list, 2007 edition. I’ve been sporadically watching them along with the Unspooled …
: Introducing PCG: Or, How I''m Spending the Pandemic

A lot has changed in the world since I last posted.

I have been extremely lucky during this …

: Ergodox-EZ I use the unfortunately-named Ergodox-EZ ergonomic mechanical keyboard, with cherry brown MX …
: Finished reading Learning to Program in C

Finished reading: Learning to Program in C by Thomas Plum. It took me around six months. Below are …

: Web Based Game Text Box

Here’s a little web component I came up with to produce typewriter text, similar to old school …

: Catacomb Finished reading: Catacomb by Andrew Laurance. This book sucked. What a turd. Prose that somehow …
: Finished reading Javascript Design Patterns Finished reading: Javascript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani. It took me 133 days. Below are some …
: Zoovac's Dream Part 3

Too much A.I. generated story based on characters from Paper Computer Games: pcg.wikia.com.

: Zoovac's Dream Part 2

More A.I. generated story based on characters from Paper Computer Games: pcg.wikia.com.

: Zoovac''s Dream: Part 1

A.I. generated story based on characters from Paper Computer Games: pcg.wikia.com.

: Starry Mustard House A sepia tonned illustration of a western style house along a desert, with cactus and desert grass in the forground. It is AI generated.

I won’t lie: this is the darkest, horniest piece of A.I. assisted fiction I’ve ever …

: Detect This

I’ve been writing(ish?) stories via aidungeon.io, a ML algorithm trained on text adventure …

: Chris the Wizard

I’ve been writing(ish?) fiction via the fantastic aidungeon.io, which is a machine learning …

: Understanding your cat, astrologically

This is a piece I wrote for McSweeny’s that I didn’t think would get published, but …

: Didn't finish reading The Silent Clowns

Didn’t finish reading The Silent Clowns by Walter Kerr.

: Finished reading Be Cool Finished reading: Be Cool by Elmore Leonard. It took me 18 days. While the prose is energetic and …
: Finished reading The C Book

Finished reading: The C Book by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran, originally published by …

: My Facebook Ad Data

Today I downloaded all the data Facebook has on me, and started poking through it. Since it’s …

: Reading picks for week 3 of March, 2019

This is what I’ve been reading this past week.

: Reading picks for week 2 of March, 2019

This is what I’ve been reading this past week.

: Reading picks for week 1 of March, 2019

This is what I’ve been reading this past week.

: Reading picks for week 5 of February, 2019

These are some choice picks from what I’ve been reading for the past few weeks.

: Twelve Angry Rejections

“Just frame it like, ‘Let’s see how much I can fail.’”

: Don't commit that file!

I wrote a small git pre-commit hook to prevent committing certain files. There are more words to …

: The Pulp Tales of Gwendolyn Gween, P.I.

It’s like if Humphrey Bogart and Tina Fey had a baby.
—Stephen Spielberg

: Machine Learning Machine learning produced image of a woman combined with fruit

I took a week off from work to join a deep dive study group on machine learning. It was an …

: Pain and Pleasure

This is not meant to be a take down piece, and I realize I’m not providing any direct …

: Tome of Deadly Pranks

I had written a roundly rejected magic item for a Pathfinder RPG contest some years back, and just …

: My Talk at QueensJS I had the privilege of giving a talk at QueensJS last week. QueensJS is a wonderful JavaScript …
: Why I Started Buying Records

I started buying records a few months ago, and I’ve already compiled a large body of imagined …

: Healthcare

This new healthcare overhaul bill in the senate is already deeply unpopular, but for anyone still …

: Basic Premise I recently saw Titicut Follies, the 1969 documentary film about the harrowing conditions in a …
: Practical Internet Privacy

Welcome, Internet folks! If you’ve been following along, this is the final post in my three …

: Grammatical CSS Lists

The Situation

You have a list of items that you need to render with comma separation, and an …

: About me Hello! It’s me, Chris DeLuca, from the title of this website. I am a writer, software …
: Practical Internet Security

Welcome internet traveler, you’ve found your way to my guide on how to improve your online …

: Security vs Privacy on the Internet

Update: The next article in this series is now published.

Confused about what privacy versus …

: Who's on JavaScript?

If you like JavaScript this binding, and the comedy classic Who’s on First?, then is this the …

: Mac OS X Lord of the Rings calendar

A quick, fun tip for Mac and command line users who are fans of The Lord of the Rings;

: My artsy-fartsy css web experiment

The other day I had some time in between work and an improv show I was doing that night, so to pass …

: D&D 5th Edition First Impressions

I bought the new 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons players handbook. Having thought 4th edition was …

: Automating Jekyll Post Creation

Jekyll is a tool for static site generation, and it’s what powers Github pages, both of which …

: Finding shit in a new code base

When a developer moves to a new company, one of the biggest transitions is adapting to the new code …

: Second Birthday

Well this news is already more than two weeks old, but here it is nonetheless!

: Frog Dream

I would like to take this opportunity to transcribe a whacked out dream I had early this morning …

: Cutting all sorts of things (all of them good)

Well hello again folks!

Once again I have been a bad blogger and neglected this one for quite some …

: Good News!

Good news folks, my health has improved in the decade since my last post! Well, decade is a bit of …

: Jailbreak!

I’m out! Through cunning, misdirection, careful planning, bribes, an elaborate disguise kit, and the …

: Waiting

Well, I’ve been in the hospital for two and a half weeks, and my billirueben has been steadily going …

: I’m Leaving Facebook

Yep, I’m going to do it. Why?

: Big and Fat

Today is Wednesday May 26th, the fifth day of my latest stint in the hospital. I’ve been getting the …

: I’m Not Home!

Well I’m going back into the hospital!

: I'm Not Home! Well I’m going back into the hospital! Turns out the oral prednisone I was taking at home didn’t …
: I’m Home!

Finally, after a week of siting around in the hospital, and waiting around all day today, I was …

: Some Good News and Some Bad News

Hello everyone! Sorry that it has been so incredibly long since my last post, however in my defense, …

: Hypnotic Toast and tales

Before I get into the leukemia update portion of this post, I would like to announce the launch of …

: Catching up with transplant boy pt. 2

Well, it’s taken me a few days longer to come up with the second part of catching up with transplant …

: Catching up with transplant boy pt. 1

Welcome one and all, to another long overdue post! A lot has happened since I said I was going to …

: Getting a Transplant

I apologize for not posting for a while, but I’ve been busy, and busy equals news, so here it is: I …

: Transplants on the theoretical horizon

It certainly has been a while since my last post, and for all those fiending for new material, I …

: The Result of my Pirate Personality Test is…

The Bilge Rat

Hygiene is just that thing that happens to other pirates.

: Transfusions are spooky?

This past Thursday I went into the doctor’s office to get my weekly blood test; the numbers revealed …

: Male vs Female Brain

In response to my cousin Megan’s link to the BBC’s Male vs Female Brain Test, I have posted my …

: Embarassing Moments for Frogs

So remember that screenshot I posted of a cartoon I said I was going to finish in a week a month …

: Left vs Right Brain Test

I just took an online test to determine which side of the brain you favor, right or left. Here are …

: Gleevec’s out

Good news!

I got the first half of my test results back this Tuesday (the bone marrow test), and …

: Drum subbing

Good news! I have unearthed a video of me playing with one of my favorite bands of all time, The …

: A Change of Meds

The warmest of hellos! Some of you may have heard about my experiences last night, but for those who …

: Insurance dun dun duuun!

Big news! Finally, this blog ties into current political events, a major goal of mine for at least …

: Bleeding and other things

Hello folks! So a more formal update is in order, I believe.

: The Big Day! …kind of

Well folks, the big day has come and gone (please refer to my last post), and it turns out to have …

: Tomorrow’s a big day

Welcome back to a brand new post, after a much begrudged absence (at least I assume it was …

: ASCII Star Wars

Folks, I have stumbled upon something so nerdy, so impressive, and so potentially useless that I had …

: The Latest from the Greatest

Salutations from the hinterlands! Well, the New Jersey suburbs, really. I apologize for the lag in …

: Bone Marrow Update

Hey, it’s everybody’s favorite subject, bone marrow! I already told all the grisly bits in The Story …

: Get a Job

Well hello folks, just a short post this time.

It’s happened. I feel practically myself again. I’m …

: The Story So Far part 2

Welcome back to part 2 of the Leukemia story! After this I’ll write about something else, I promise.

: The Story So Far part 1

Well, here it is, the only marginally abridged version of The Leukemia Story. Now, since I’ve …