Christopher DeLuca

Follow @chrisd on

You are not creative and then create something, you become creative by working on something, creativity is a byproduct of work.…

I feel like my previous post didn’t properly capture the grandeur of my Lock Screen.

A purple tinted rocky beach iOS Lock Screen.

I gave a short presentation on CSS Subgrid last night at the Astoria Tech Meetup. Lots of good conversations afterwards. Thanks to everyone who came out!

Grass Ass

Hello and welcome to this week’s column, the topic of which is grass. No, I don’t mean marijuana, but regular garden-variety grass (I still don’t mean marijuana). It’s the stuff we sit on, run on, and swim on (I’m looking at you land shark). It gives your dad something to care about besides football. It’s the perfect place to spread blankets for a picnic with the whole family, or spread legs for a picnic preferably without the whole family (this preference varies depending upon which side of the mason Dixon line you’re on). It provides vast open spaces of soft lush greenery, which we are told to keep off of by little yellow signs. It gives us a place to ponder the meaning of golf: top Freudian psychologists agree that it is the result of pent-up masochistic sexual tension, which manifests itself in extreme phallic aggression towards the testicles. It is pure unadulterated life rooted to the soil, selflessly preventing erosion. If humanity made first contact with life from another planet, doubtless our first question would be,

“Do you have grass where you come from?”

After a bit of somatic confusion about marijuana they would doubtlessly reply,

“Yes we do, and we love it!”

You could say that grass binds the galaxy together.

Why all the fuss over grass? Why bother talking about it if it will always be with us, right? Wrong. A worldwide crisis in grass in happening even as I write these words, a crisis so large that it can no longer be ignored. I am of course referring to the fact that much of the world’s grass is turning brown.

“Oh silly Stupid Guy,” you may say. “Grass always turns brown.”

Wrong again. Usually in Hempstead at this time of year the grass has been so frostbitten that it couldn’t even think about turning brown. Or perhaps I’m thinking of Siberia at any time of year. Regardless, big changes are happening to grass, which means they are happening to you too. The root reason (pun definitely intended) of these changes is global warming, the hit movie phenomena that has both viewers and critics raving (mad). True Fact: Roger Ebert now gives thumbs ups from the cockpit of a hypersonic rocket ship. He has it pointed at what he hopes is a distant grassy planet, but it’s probably just his wife.

Global warming is a serious issue as it is literally toasting our grass. If global warming continues at its current rate, we could well lose grass entirely, the universe’s most precious commodity. If our grass dies, what will hold our world together? Not only will countless millions of acres of land wash into the sea, but also your dad, stripped of his front lawn (no grass) and his football (no grass) may just have break down and start caring about your mom.

Now I’m not an investigative journalist or an environmental scientist, but I can only assume that Hofstra is directly responsible for global warming. I don’t see any solar panels on our acres of roof space, and certainly no grass planting program, just another Unispan that no one uses. From this shocking evidence alone I believe a prosecutor could easily convict Hofstra’s administration of heat crimes.

So what can you as a concerned citizen and student do in the face of such a disaster? Well for starters you could sprinkle grass seeds in President Rabinowitz’s underwear and stop paying tuition, and then go from there. Let us band together as one campus, one nation, one people, and save our grass. If we don’t do it, who will? Aliens? Yeah right, I hear they have a huge land shark problem.

I remember my roommates really loving this one, so I put it up as a good one in my memory, but man is this all over the place. Social commentary from a nineteen year old? Check. Cringy sex jokes? Check. Really long sentences? My God check. And who couldn’t get excited for the thirty year old at the time Land Shark reference? Indelible.

Don’t you love it when The Onion’s headlines are perennially appropriate?

Supreme Court Overturns ‘Right v. Wrong’. 🇺🇸

There’s always dudes air boxing at my local auto body shop.

NYC Pride Photos 2024

I watched the New York City pride parade yesterday, and got a few nice shots of celebration and joy. A great day. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

People on a parade float are dressed in colorful costumes. One person on the left is wearing a flowing outfit with a headscarf, while another person in the middle is dressed in green with a large hat adorned with flowers and holding a watermelon prop. A third person on the right is wearing a pink and white dress and has their arms raised in celebration. The float has a sign that reads “Taiwan Pride in NYC.” The background shows a multi-story building with many windows.
A trans woman with long blond pony tail, dramatic eye liner, and bright yellow combat boots. She wears a fish net bikini, with breasts exposed, nipples covered with rainbow paint. She walks confidently. A person in the foreground holds up a flag with horizontal stripes of pink, purple, and blue, representing the bisexual pride flag. The scene is part of a parade, with other participants and colorful decorations visible in the background. Tall buildings surround the parade area, and the sky is partly cloudy. The atmosphere is festive and celebratory. A brown drag queen wears pink and blue fairy wings and corset, with matching hair and big black boots. She walks with purpose.
A bald brown man in traditional Somoan tattoos and garb waves with a big smile amidst other similarly dressed celebrants. A colorful float is part of a parade, adorned with people waving rainbow flags and holding signs. The float is decorated with vibrant illustrations and a banner reading “NYC Pride 2024.” The participants appear joyful, celebrating and interacting with the crowd. Tall buildings and lush green trees are visible in the background, under a cloudy sky. The scene captures the lively and inclusive spirit of the event. A decorated bus with rainbow colors and the words ‘The Unforgotten’ printed on it is featured in the image. The bus has purple, green, and gold garlands around the edges, and two individuals with obscured faces are standing in front of it. One individual is wearing a black top with a purple skirt and holding up a peace sign, while the other is wearing a black outfit with white polka dots and waving. The background shows high-rise buildings under an overcast sky. The scene appears festive, likely from a parade or celebration, related to LGBTQ+ pride.
A muscular white man wearing only a thong, a white cowboy hat, and roller skates rolls with a forlorn expression, eyes down. He carries a large peace pride flag. A group of individuals with obscured faces is standing behind a metal barrier at an outdoor event, possibly a parade. They are wearing colorful attire, including rainbow-colored accessories such as wigs, tutus, and flags. One individual in the center wears a yellow top and pink shorts while holding up their hands mid-cheer. A sign with the text ‘Home Grande!’ is visible in the lower left corner, accompanied by rainbow motifs suggesting the event is LGBTQ+ related.
A person in an elaborate rainbow colored dress and makeup waves a flag reading 'drag is not a crime'
A white drag queen in a fancy silver dress with big silver necklaces, standing tall and holding a pride flag. A long narrow photo of a blond man wearing sunglasses gesturing joyfully while sitting on top of a car. Bubbles envelope him and soar up to the sky, filling the frame. The frame extends up and up, showing trees, then buildings in the background, and finally a steel sky, all covered with bubbles. A black trans woman waving joyfully with mouth open and posing coyly. An older white man with a long white beard and a red baseball cap and white gloves and cargo shorts and a pride and joy t-shirt waves, smiling.
A black and white image of a pride float, many celebrating bodies. The new york city skyline stretches high above the revelers against a pure white sky. A spiral of confetti arcs up from the back of the float, framed in high contrast against the white sky. A Black trans lives matter flag is visible.
An white woman with primpted black hair wears a bright rainbow form fitting dress. She sits on the back of a car, arms raised mouth open in celebration. A woman wearing a rainbow flower hat hands out merch to eager onlookers. Two people in elaborate blue costumes and white masks do stilt walk dances.
A colorful float with an arc of rainbow colored balloons amidst LGBTQ+ mutli-ethnic celebrants. A pride float with palm fronds and pyramids. A man with sunglasses and a pink shirt arms raised yelling with joy is prominantly featured. A long wide shot of LGBTQ+ parade marching band. A group of LGBTQ+ dancers in mid performance. They radiate love and joy.


I’m using a new photo for phone wallpaper. I took this photo, and I like the filter Apple suggested a lot. I have no memory of which beach this was, or why I was there.

An iphone lock screen with a purple and organze tinted background wallpaper of a rocky beach.

TIL MLP. Instead of MVP, the Minimum Viable Product, it’s the Minimum Lovable Product. I like that.

I’ve beaten higher in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (around 10% complete). I forgot to mention that the ROM I’m playing is the Japanese version, which means I have to look up what items do by their icon. On the plus side, it does help me ignore the story. 🕹️

Butthole Sun by Fartgarden. Is that anything? 🎵

As I was walking home, a giant rat ran under my foot. I fully stepped on a rat, I heard it squeak, and it vanished into an ally all before I realized there was rodents about. Me and my roommate laughed in disbelief for the rest of the walk.

Conan O’Brien Must Go is so good.

I bought my first ever pair of chucks. I’m digging them a lot. 👟

A shot of my legs in jeans and blue converse on my feet.

Getting my ass whipped at Magic: The Gathering at friendly local draft. The game has changed a lot in twenty years (who’d have thought?). Lots of fun still.


Sitting on a New Jersey beach, which means it’s time once again for everyone’s favorite couple-spotting game: “Granddaughter or Mistress?”

From Eric Meyer.


Hey hey hey CSS Tricks is actually back!!

@geoff is going through updating the articles that need it and writing great new ones! Yessssssssss

Go check out @csstricks - find the new ones and scroll down past a few strange test posts to find lots of recent links to fabulous older articles that have been updated 🧡

Our apartment is in the sauce. 🌶️

Three bottles of hot sauce. Empress ghost pepper maqaw, and Melinda’s black truffle a d fire roasted garlic and habanero.

As we all know, The Breeders kick ass. 🎵

The copyright takedown problem has large negative impacts on your favorite artists, and hence you, and gets worse I think because it’s abstract and legal and that’s always a safe haven for big corporate.

First time really listening to the lyrics to Jack & Diane.

Suckin’ on a chili dog outside the Tastee Freez.
Diane’s sittin’ on Jackie’s lap, he’s got his hands between her knees.
Jackie say, “Hey Diane, lets run off behind a shady tree.
Dribble off those Bobby Brooks slacks and do what I please”

I don’t know what’s more gross about this sex proposition, the one sided …do what I please or getting handsy while sucking a chili dog. 🎵 🌭

The phrase “Cranberry Wizard” popped into my head. Fun band name, or urethra magician?


Over the long weekend I had the pleasure of visiting Sarah Lawrence College, an all around better school than Hofstra. Why, you may foolishly ask? Because they offer a seminar called “Lube It Up”, that’s why. Who doesn’t want to be a part of that? The only thing at Hofstra that comes close to being that slick is your local Dude-Guy’s hair, which is decidedly less appealing, especially in the current context.

However, this week’s column is not about Sarah Lawrence. Sure they have a beautiful campus, progressive classes, and a six-dollar buffet with everything from waffles you make yourself to real eggs, but what I really want to talk about is how I got there. Yes folks, I’m talking about the Long Island Railroad.

Everyone who goes to Hofstra has been on it, and if you haven’t there is a good chance you don’t go to New York City often, in which case you should stop being such a huge townie. But I digress. I don’t care what you do; your experience on the LIRR is always going to involve adventure. And by adventure I mean black holes of logic. Here’s how a typical LIRR riding day goes.

You’re all set to go, but for some reason you don’t have a ride (i.e. your car is in the shop, your roommate is away, and the cab is fifty dollars), so you take the blue beetle. After the pain in your ass subsides from being bounced two and a half feet in the air after every bump for twenty minutes, you quickly realize that you have to pee for much the same reason. So you waddle to the bathroom only to find that it’s closed after 1pm. Also, the train you were trying to catch departed five minutes ago, meaning you’ll have to wait almost an hour for the next one. For some reason, Hofstra decided it was in the best interest of their students to time the buses so that you always miss the train. So, squeezing your thighs and feeling like the victim of some elaborate Rabinowitzian conspiracy, you sit down to wait.

What happens in the time between when you sit down and when you get on the train largely depends on whether you’re in Minneola or Hempstead station. In these modern days, Hofstra is nice enough to send the blue beetle to Minneola. Nobody knows when, but if you’re lucky enough to stumble upon that magical time frame, you will doubtless spend your waiting period admiring the day, the people, and the surprising lack of chewing gum on the floor. If, however, you end up at Hempstead, not only will you wonder at the surprising amount of chewing gum on the floor, you will also see something weird. My first time at Hempstead station, I watched a full-grown man floss his teeth with his ticket for well over five minutes.

Finally you get on the train, and by this time you really have to pee. You sniff yourself after you sit at the window of a three-seater and no one sits next to you, then proceed to fall asleep. Later, you are invariably woken up by the automated stop announcer screaming, “Holis!” The auto announcer hates Holis, and every time he has to say it the fact just makes him angry. You can hear it in his voice. Holis must have done something awful to the auto announcer. I’d do an investigative report, but it’s probably some dirty Long Island Railroad secret and I’d end up getting whacked by the mob…come on pseudonym, protect me!

So anyway, you finally get off the train and rush to the public restroom in Penn Station. The stench is so overwhelming that it seems that of the thousands of people who use it daily, none of them hit the toilet, and so ends your odyssey. That is, until you have to come back.

Yet the Long Island Railroad needs our love, just like anything else. We need to care for it, nourish it, and push it on its way. Just a little something extra to make those wheels turn, to loosen those pumps, and to maybe make the auto announcer say a nice word or two about Holis. When you come right down to it, all the LIRR needs is a little lube.

Woof, I really loved run on sentences. Sounds like I was really stretching to find something to be pissed about. I had plenty of things, but I wasn’t touching the real stuff. “Rabinowitzian” is a reference to then Hofstra president Stuart Rabinowitz. The execution needs work, but I still like the concept of the “Holis” joke. The dude really does yell that stop and no others.

Today is my second anniversary working for Lullabot. Joining the team is still one of the best decisions I’ve made. 😴🤖

Too much light makes the baby go blind, but too many blinds makes the window go dark. Think about it.