The grid of cards are aligned and responsive, but the card innards are not vertically aligned.
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Update: Rocco is sleepy, wants nap
Rocco the cat was seen yesterday snoring on the floor, after gorging himself on prescription wet food. Sources say…

Buildings: They Exist
New York City contains buildings, at least according to a new report by the Center for Urban Explanation. A spokeswoman for the project released a statement Tuesday, outlining their findings. "There are buildings here," she said, "and we have the data to prove it."

"No more nerd shit!" Screams your dad
Local father, yours, was seen yelling about geek culture this morning, while wearing boxers on the back patio, according to eye witness reports from your mom.

Local aging millennials keep doing improv 🤷
"I don't get it," said everyone.

7 Mind Blowing Tricks to Never Pay your Back Taxes
Taxes, everybody owes them, nobody pays them. Yet what if the IRS comes knocking for an audit? That's a sticky situation! With these useful organization tips, you'll be evading your taxes with the best of them.

Throwback Thursday uncovers dark secret
Local bald man Chris DeLuca, in shocking discovery, was revealed Saturday to have once had long hair, according to embarrassing reports from his childhood friends.

Roadkill restaurant attracts buzzards
A Texas restaurant specializing in grilling roadkill is regularly swarmed by carrion birds, a new study finds.

Cartoonist draws close up of scared, mustached face
In shocking news, a local cartoonist has draw a mustachioed man, with blood shot eyes and a terrified expression. Art critics around the world have weighed in, speculating on the intent of the piece. "I just can't believe it, honestly," said the ghost of Andy Warhol. "Will the art world ever be the same again?" His spectral form mused.

The Grand Canyon Pretty Cool, says Teen
A local teenager has professed that the Grand Canyon is good enough to look at. Youth obsessed parents breath sigh of relief, plan party.
Everything lines up.
<div class="grid">
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<div class="card"><!-- … --></div>
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.grid {
display: grid;
gap: 1em;
grid-template-columns: repeat(
minmax(min(350px, 100%), 1fr)
.card {
display: grid;
grid-template-rows: subgrid;
grid-row: span 4;
gap: 1em;

Update: Rocco is sleepy, wants nap
Rocco the cat was seen yesterday snoring on the floor, after gorging himself on prescription wet food. Sources say…

Buildings: They Exist
New York City contains buildings, at least according to a new report by the Center for Urban Explanation. A spokeswoman for the project released a statement Tuesday, outlining their findings. "There are buildings here," she said, "and we have the data to prove it."

"No more nerd shit!" Screams your dad
Local father, yours, was seen yelling about geek culture this morning, while wearing boxers on the back patio, according to eye witness reports from your mom.

Local aging millennials keep doing improv 🤷
"I don't get it," said everyone.

7 Mind Blowing Tricks to Never Pay your Back Taxes
Taxes, everybody owes them, nobody pays them. Yet what if the IRS comes knocking for an audit? That's a sticky situation! With these useful organization tips, you'll be evading your taxes with the best of them.

Throwback Thursday uncovers dark secret
Local bald man Chris DeLuca, in shocking discovery, was revealed Saturday to have once had long hair, according to embarrassing reports from his childhood friends.

Roadkill restaurant attracts buzzards
A Texas restaurant specializing in grilling roadkill is regularly swarmed by carrion birds, a new study finds.

Cartoonist draws close up of scared, mustached face
In shocking news, a local cartoonist has draw a mustachioed man, with blood shot eyes and a terrified expression. Art critics around the world have weighed in, speculating on the intent of the piece. "I just can't believe it, honestly," said the ghost of Andy Warhol. "Will the art world ever be the same again?" His spectral form mused.

The Grand Canyon Pretty Cool, says Teen
A local teenager has professed that the Grand Canyon is good enough to look at. Youth obsessed parents breath sigh of relief, plan party.